Friday and Saturday, it will be in charming Libra. Sunday afternoon, thru Tuesday, we’ve got intense Scorpio. Air sign Libra and Water sign Scorpio are very different in their influences on us, however, squeeze the positive out of each, even though the “tone” of the day will change. Variety can be a good thing.
Social, agreeable, partnership focused Libra. The 7th sign of the Zodiac fosters not only beauty and creativity, due to the influence of its planet ruler Venus, but also seeks a natural balance in the universe – harmony with people and harmony in the home.
Intense, emotional Scorpio will demand that you connect with others on a deep level. Ruled by powerful Pluto, this 8th sign’s focus and determination can lead to uncovering mysteries, peeling back layers – revelations?! However, be self aware – if your speech or actions turn into drama for drama’s sake – ease up. Take a breath.
Make your weekend charming and relevant. (It really is up to us.)