Moon in Aries, Then Taurus – Crackle & Practicality

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lBeginning on Friday May 23, 2014, the Moon vibrates in energetic Fire sign Aries for most of the weekend. As always with Aries, ruled by “warrior planet” Mars, make sure you have something physical to do. All this sign’s energy can make it a fun time, but just reign in any aggressive urges, think before you act. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a bulldozer, but by all means, take advantage of the action.

The mood will change on Sunday afternoon as the lunar orb shifts into solid, steady, Earth sign Taurus through Monday. Thoughts can turn to security – financial and physical. Keep re evaluating how you spend and save your money. Even though, beauty loving, food loving, “loving” Venus ruled Taurus can be attached to ideas and be resistant to change, try to be flexible. Obstinacy may limit new ideas and opportunities.

Have a safe Memorial Day – take time to remember.


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