Weekend Moon – Cooking Cancer, Then Lighthearted Leo!

Friday afternoon, March 30, 2012, the Moon is in its own sign of nurturing, sensitive Cancer until early morning Sunday when a limelight seeking, colorful Leo Moon graces us with its fun until Tuesday. A Moon ruled Water sign and a Sun ruled Fire sign can make for an interesting weekend. Variety rules!

Cancer wants us to not only phone home but to stay there as well. It’s all about home and family – being safe and comfy. (Try a new cupcake recipe? Set up new behavior protocol for the kids?)

An energy change happens on Sunday when the Moon struts into upbeat, drama loving Leo. There are feelings of confidence, a generosity of spirit – that whole regal thing. Enjoy it.

Different Moon sign traits and influences – but co existence is possible.

Create a super weekend for yourself!


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