Virgo Season – Down to Earth Living!

The Virgo Sun started spreading its influence on Saturday August 22, 2020 regardless of Astrological sign. The 6th sign of the Zodiac makes us a little more grounded, practical, efficient and responsible. This Earth sign (of health, hard work and service) also lets us know that it really is all about the details, details, details. But don’t think being conscientious has to mean “dull”. With quick witted Mercury as its planet ruler, Virgo’s cleverness can liven up situations when you least expect it. If you want to work better/ want better work, put together the little building blocks needed to create something substantial. Now is a great time to get it done (whatever “it” is).

Virgo insists attention be paid, but, being over critical and picky, “sweating the small stuff”, “not seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements and organizing messes. Friends, family & co-workers may resent relentless corrections no matter how “helpful” or how good the intention. Don’t get on their nerves  😉

Instead, do evolved Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, create a plan for better safety, diet & fitness, be a contribution, take care.

~ Sun Into Virgo: 8/22/20  – 11:45 AM EDT * 8:45 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

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