I’ve been retired 6 months and I’m holding fine. As mentioned in my 3 month update, I’m enjoying my new status, but, I ‘m now beginning to get strange mail. How did they get my name? How did they know I’m going to be 65?
I will be 65 soon and Social Security of course is aware of my Medicare eligibility and they send enrollment information a few months in advance, but what other list am I on?? – How do these companies know how old I am?
My mail box is stuffed with brochures that say in bold print – “Important”, “Urgent”:
“It’s Medicare Time- Part A, Part B and Part C. “
“It’s Insurance Time – Long Term, Term Life, supplemental. “
“It’s time to reassess your savings/non savings”
“It’s time to sell the house and go urban”
Baby Boomerism is an industry all its own. How to buy/how to save. Where to move/where not to move. The best cities for those on limited income. The best companies to work for if you’re over 50. Job tips for older workers, etc.
There are also tons of emails – When did I request an “Orbit Power Wheel chair”?
Someone is getting rich off these “retirement issues“and it probably isn’t a retiree. (I have no doubt that it is a 20 or 30 something taking advantage of the middle age explosion – books/websites/money planners, etc.)
However, this old geezerette has kept her faculties and will wade thru it all and make the best choices possible and delete/tear up the useless stuff.
Life is good. Medicare rocks!