Feisty Aries Moon Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lSaturday and Sunday will have us guided by the energetic influences of an Aries Moon. Aries is a Fire sign, ruled by the warrior planet Mars and when the Moon transits this 1st sign of the Zodiac, we feel braver, more physical, more “up for anything”. Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be a really good time.

It’s great for energy and action – you won’t want to sit around for too long. Take advantage of all this need for movement and do something exciting and different. But keep cool, make no rash moves, curb any “in your face”, “won’t back down” urges. Be nice.

Have a great weekend!


Weekend Scorpio Moon – Passion and Mystery!

From Friday morning, 3/1/13,  until Sunday afternoon, the Moon will take residence again in the emotional Water sign of Scorpio. The 8th sign of the Zodiac often impels us to dig deeper, to peel back layers – secrets and mysteries will not  be safe. Superficial chat will not satisfy.  Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Regardless of what is discovered, don’t take it too personally. Don’t waste too much time with an “it’s all about me” scenario. You may want to do something else a bit more constructive.  Use Scorpio’s sizzling power and fierce focus for whatever you decide is  delicious and positive.

Have an awesome weekend!


Full Moon in Practical Virgo – Be Healthy!

Astro Moon FullMonday, February 25, 2013 with all its Virgo Full Moon energy inclines us to take care of ourselves and our business. The hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, handling the details and getting things done. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”.

A Full Moon is a great time to finalize whatever vitamin or diet regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you in being healthy and whole. The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes.

*Full Moon in Earth sign Virgo 2/25/13: 3:26 PM EST / 12:26 PM PST


Solid & Stubborn Taurus Moon Weekend

Astro New Moon CrescentA couple of weeks ago, we experienced the first Taurus Moon weekend of the year and hopefully we all enjoyed its lovely Venus influenced sensual vibe. This time, beginning early on Friday February 15, 2013, we get the same loving earthiness along with some Taurean “fixed” traits. (There are reasons why a Bull is the symbol for this 2nd sign of the Zodiac.)

Holding fast, “stickin-to-your-guns” works – until it doesn’t. Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. Can we listen and compromise when necessary, rather than put a stake in the ground just to wind up stuck in needing to be right? Be alert and notice when being obstinate no longer gets the results wanted. Think about it.

Have a super weekend!


Lights! Camera! Action! – Full Moon in Leo!

A dramatic, fun, open and generous Leo Moon sets the tone for any weekend festivities, whether they be planned or unplanned. Exciting “look at me” melodrama is always possible with the fiery 5th sign of the Zodiac and since the Lunar orb is also in its “Full” phase, lit by its opposite Sun in Aquarius, fireworks are possible. Strive for calm. Turn down that theatrical flame a little, try to sparkle in moderation on Saturday and Sunday, if that’s even possible.  Astro Moon Full

Leo wants us to be active, upbeat and regally magnanimous as we use the Full Moon to wrap things up and bring projects to completion. This fortunate time will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into the next sign of practical Virgo.

Enjoy the weekend!


Full Moon Leo January 26, 2013:  11.38PM EST / 8:38PM PST

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Sun into Scorpio – Intense!

Potent, powerful, persistent, passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual. (I sort of exhausted all my S’s and P’s) I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign if the Zodiac. I’ve decided that it isn’t an either / or, the depth and strength of this Water sign can handle all descriptions. The Sun will heat and be heated by its Scorpio transit beginning on Monday October 22, 2012.

Where does Scorpio, ruled by power and transformation planet Pluto, appear in your chart”, Sun sign, Ascendant, Moon? Regardless of the House placement, a Scorpio Sun brings intensity and deep feeling to us all. Many times when confronted with an issue, there will only be an either yes or no response – no compromise. “Maybe” will not be acceptable. It is black or white with no shades of grey. Especially now with Saturn, planet of discipline, perseverance, and boundaries, visiting until December 2014, the demand for real life, well defined positions, along with some hard edged decisions will be amped. Superficial skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do.

Note that deep and fierce stuff can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotionality occasionally goes unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” may not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react. We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and focus. But also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. 

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red * Body Part: Reproductive system 

Scorpio: 10/22/12  8:14PM Eastern / 5:14PM Pacific  


New Moon in Lovely Libra – Start it Up!

Another New Moon phase happens early on Monday October 15, 2012. This month, the Lunar orb is “New” in Air sign Libra. When the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign, there is support for innovation, fresh starts, a great time for beginnings. 

Libra’s social traits are intensified and “New” can mean new friends, relationships, partners, contracts, ideas.Find a new BFF, risk a blind date, speed network during a business card exchange party? Pick one. Regardless of what you choose, there will be interaction – it’s up to you just how much charm and cooperation will be spread around This dynamic energy lasts about 10 days and as the Moon transits the other signs, different areas of life will be primed for a “start-up”. Go for it!

FYI – Sun has been in Libra, 7th sign of the Zodiac, since 9/22/12.

Sun into Libra – Charm Rules!

Fall is officially here and along with the Autumn Equinox, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun waltzed into Libra on Saturday September 22, 2012. Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, the 7th sign of the Zodiac will still cast a glow. It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. There will be cooperation, genial negotiations and the urge to seek balance in both business and personal relationships. Good things in life are highlighted due to the influences of lovely planet ruler Venus – romance, music, delicious food, beauty, graciousness and hospitality. This can be a fun time.

Communication planet Mercury will be visiting Libra until October 5, 2012, it should make for clever, interesting dinner conversation. Saturn, planet of restrictions and just general “grownup-ness” has been transiting Libra for about 2 years. It leaves the Air sign on October 6, 2012. Any feelings of limitations due to the task master’s presence should dissipate. The plus side is you’ll be left with any results that focused, hardworking Saturn has left you. (Was decision making faster than usual?)

Seeking harmony, the Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making up your mind. However, using the Pros/Cons list method can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice.

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon where it appears in your chart, but we still feel its influences.

Libra – Gemstone: Aventurine * Power colors: Blue and Violet * Body part: Kidneys

BTW:  The Scale is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals. (Interpret that however you wish.)

FYI: Libra Sun * Autumn Equinox  9/22/12 – 10:49AM Eastern / 7:49AM Pacific

Love, Luxe, Laughter – Leo New Moon

“New” Moon in Leo on Friday – both the Sun and the Moon are in the generous, colorful sign of Leo. With the Sun as ruler, this Fire sign is all about joyous confidence. New Moons are best for creativity and beginnings.  

Use the flirty, creative vibrations natural to Leo and start a project, enroll a special someone in your life, do an awesome presentation – charm and fortune are in abundance. Depending on where Leo falls in your chart,  it may take some effort, but the “possibilities are endless” as they say. Prepare, plot, plan – go for it.

FYI: New Moon 11:54AM Eastern/ 8:54AM Pacific Friday August 17, 2012…then Virgo Moon in the evening, spotlight on health and work.

This initiating energy lasts for approx 10 days, even as the Lunar orb changes Zodiac signs. The Moon sign can just highlight what part of your life may be most in focus.


Let’s Talk! Chatty Gemini Moon All Weekend

A Gemini Moon, beginning on Friday, August 10, 2012, will have us searching for people to hear us, listen to us, or read us this weekend. Lovely Venus just moved out of this 3rd sign of the Zodiac into Cancer and the natural chatty, twittering energy of communication maven Gemini may sharpen and bite a little more than it had been since April 2012 when the loving, charming planet began its transit, so watch your tone. A snippy Twitter or FB post can grow legs and follow you around for a few days. (You’ll have to spend time next week deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing…)

The urge to exchange ideas and deep thoughts, or just gossip, will be strong. Have fun, spread knowledge, teach something, learn something, enjoy the youthful energy that is particularly Gemini. 

Have a glorious weekend!