Astrology: Powerful New Moon This Weekend 12/3/10!

Friday December 3rd begins with the Moon in sensitive, passionate Scorpio.  The usual themes for this intense Water sign apply.  Deep feelings, determined and focused action can all be part of the Scorpio Moon transit.

However, you will notice a mood shift as the Moon enters Sagittarius on Saturday and culminates in the Fire sign’s New Moon phase on Sunday. Abundance, fun, largest is best, far reaching ideas, etc. are all part of this Jupiter ruled Zodiac sign.

Launch, create, kick-off, manifest – the New Moon is a great time to start something, especially with the optimistic, good luck Sag vibe.  Of course success isn’t guaranteed, you still gotta do the work, but the universe and lunar energy will support you – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, its all in the details.

Have a big, productive weekend!

FYI = The Moon is “New” when its in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/22/10).  Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Monday afternoon), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days.

Astrology: Scorpio New Moon for the Weekend 11/5/10

On Friday November 5th, the Scorpio New Moon arrived at 9:52 PM Pacific Time and 12:52AM  Eastern Time on Saturday November 6th . Scorpio weekend vibes are intense since both the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. (That’s what makes the Moon “New”)

“New” is great for beginnings, initiating plans. “New” in Water sign Scorpio gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. This is serious.  Take advantage, go for the goal – just remember to smile sometimes.

Early morning on Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon changes the mood for us. A bit more upbeat, a bit more optimistic, a bit more adventurous – you may want to do something different with that extra hour gained when Standard Time arrives?

*Remember that when Daylight Savings Time ends, we “Fall Back” an hour Sunday 11/7 at 2AM.

Astrology: Unpredictable Aquarius Moon This Weekend, 10/15/10

The Friday morning October 15th Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern.

Prepare for the unexpected. Not a bad way to spend a weekend- be spontaneous, share yourself. Enjoy!

FYI :  Moon will shift Sunday night into imaginative Pisces- art, music, creativity – but keep it real.

Astrology: The Weekend Moon – Variety of Moods!

As you know, the Moon changes Astrology signs every 2 to 2 1/2 days. If you don’t like the Lunar energy one day, wait a few days for a possible change.  This weekend is no different.

All day Friday October 1st, (actually it moves in early on Thursday), the Moon is in its own homey, nurturing sign of Cancer. Expect “feelings” – sensitivity, vulnerability.

Saturday afternoon thru Sunday, the Moon will be in the upbeat, “Me” sign of Leo.  This Fire sign generates confidence, generosity of spirit – that whole regal thing. Enjoy it. Friends and family can just bask in the golden glow of each other – fun.

As always, have a super weekend. Cherish the time.

Astrology: Weekend! Moon in Aries,Then Taurus

On Friday 9/24 we feel the effects of the active, aggressive Aries Moon. As always, there are planetary happenings, depending upon the individual chart, that might make this sign’s warrior sentiments more intense – keep a lid on your temper. Leave the flamethrower in the closet. (Kind of hard to walk back that type of conflagration no matter how many times you say “sorry, my bad”.)

On Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, the pace changes as the Moon moves into security minded, comfort loving Taurus.  Celebrate Fall / Indian Summer.  This new season is a good time to go over finances and watch the leaves change color.  Taurus – find the beauty, while watching your cash. Makes sense to me.

Have a great weekend!

Astrology: Moon in Cancer and Leo This Weekend

Expect a mix of home and drama for this weekend. On Friday 9/3, the Moon is happy and comfortable in the sign it rules – emotional, familycentric Cancer and on Sunday morning, we feel the fun influences of “look at me!”  Leo as the Moon does a grand procession into that regal sign. (Wear something Gold.)

Be affectionate, be generous – you know you want to.  Nurture and entertain the people you love. Share yourself.