Sagittarius Full Moon Holiday Weekend

The Moon moves into the 9th sign of the Zodiac – let’s have an adventure Sagittarius – on Friday afternoon and becomes “Full” in the evening. This is a good thing – we can have fun as we prepare for the holiday weekend. During a Full Moon, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Moon is fully lit by the Sun (in the opposite sign Gemini). Lovely, dramatic, but nothing to fear .

Astro Moon FullA “Full” phase, is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon.  With fiery Sagittarius, we have energy, a sense that “of course good things can happen” and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. (The Moon will continue to wane, decrease in size, until we see the Moon in its “crescent” view.)

On Saturday afternoon 5/26, the Moon will slip into the next sign, Capricorn, and remain there until Monday.  You might notice a definite attitude/ atmosphere change. The 10th sign of the Zodiac has a duty, responsibility, authoritarian focus.  Maybe not many laughs, but things will get done

Enjoy the holiday!

Weekend Scorpio Moon – Passion and Mystery!

From Friday morning, 3/1/13,  until Sunday afternoon, the Moon will take residence again in the emotional Water sign of Scorpio. The 8th sign of the Zodiac often impels us to dig deeper, to peel back layers – secrets and mysteries will not  be safe. Superficial chat will not satisfy.  Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Regardless of what is discovered, don’t take it too personally. Don’t waste too much time with an “it’s all about me” scenario. You may want to do something else a bit more constructive.  Use Scorpio’s sizzling power and fierce focus for whatever you decide is  delicious and positive.

Have an awesome weekend!


Solid & Stubborn Taurus Moon Weekend

Astro New Moon CrescentA couple of weeks ago, we experienced the first Taurus Moon weekend of the year and hopefully we all enjoyed its lovely Venus influenced sensual vibe. This time, beginning early on Friday February 15, 2013, we get the same loving earthiness along with some Taurean “fixed” traits. (There are reasons why a Bull is the symbol for this 2nd sign of the Zodiac.)

Holding fast, “stickin-to-your-guns” works – until it doesn’t. Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. Can we listen and compromise when necessary, rather than put a stake in the ground just to wind up stuck in needing to be right? Be alert and notice when being obstinate no longer gets the results wanted. Think about it.

Have a super weekend!


New Moon in Aquarius – Marches, Speeches, Barricades!

There is a friendly, unconventional Aquarius New Moon occurring on Saturday February 9, 2013. Power and possibilities for this Uranus ruled Air sign usually involves something to do with gathering with others, belonging / creating movements to defeat the status quo, something revolutionary. Whatever the weekend activities, it will probably speak to Aquarian independence and love of the different.  Astro New Moon Crescent

For a Moon to be considered “New”, both Sun and Moon are in the same sign, thereby intensifying the sign’s traits. A walk on the wild side (with lots of friends) may prove irresistible. Just remember, all revolts are not equal or righteous, especially when participants are required to pay up front. Moderation works.

Have a great weekend. Make it count!


Love & Luxe: Libra Moon Weekend

The Moon will be in the charming, genial Air sign of Libra on Saturday and Sunday, November 10th and 11th. It’s all about relationships. Couples of all kinds (business? romantic?) should be cloaked in a spirit of cooperation and finding balance – a “can’t we all just get along?” sort of spirit.

The 7th sign of the Zodiac, ruled by lovely, romantic planet Venus, urges us to create, beautify, socialize, seek out pretty things, partake of good food. Think harmony and general deliciousness. All the components to make a great weekend possible.




Cancer Moon – A Welcoming Weekend!

The Moon is content this Saturday and Sunday as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Even though moody, Water sign Cancer gets us ready for family, food and home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone.

The Cancer Moon is all about emotions, therefore sensitivity and vulnerability are heightened. Don’t go looking for hurt feelings – yours or anyone else’s. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat). Spread joy – share those left over Halloween fun size Snickers and Candy Corn.

Have a lovely weekend!


You Are In Charge – Capricorn Moon Weekend!

Friday evening, October 19, 2012, begins a serious, organized, focused weekend experience while under the influence of a Capricorn Moon. It will last until Sunday evening. Ruled by Saturn,the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), see the Moon transit as an opportunity to show your stuff. Use the authoritarian energy associated with this 10th sign of the Zodiac to accomplish, complete and be the boss.

Being ambitious is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled. Assign tasks, give directions, move with confidence and purpose. Don’t forget to say “thank you”.  

Have a powerful weekend!


Saturday, Sunday Sag Moon = Good Times!

A Sagittarius Moon from early Saturday until Sunday afternoon will have us getting out and about, seeing people, being optimistic. An enthusiastic “We can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this good natured, Jupiter ruled Fire sign. Pay attention to any urges for travel and adventure – they can add up to a fun weekend.  

However, no matter how great the scheme sounds, awesomeness isn’t guaranteed, you still must stay grounded enough to do the research, get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side. Take advantage, take a chance – just don’t get too cocky. Pay attention to the details.

Have an upbeat, up tempo weekend!