Nurture & Royalty – Cancer & Leo This Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOn Friday September 27, 2013, the Moon is happy in the Water sign it rules –Cancer, the 4th sign of the Zodiac. There will be sensitivity and emotion, but also the possibility of good home cooking. (Not a bad combo, as long as you don’t over eat because of all the sensitivity and emotion.) Don’t let moodiness get in the way and let Cancer’s kind, mothering instincts invite those you are fond of to share the healthy and tasty things on the stove.

Early Sunday morning, the Moon takes a regal bow in Fire sign Leo (always a time for some fun and drama). Leo is ruled by the Sun, so dress up for the occasion. Take advantage of all those golden “royal” feelings and show off a little – attention will be paid. Spread around the other sunny good stuff too, like generosity and creativity – enjoy.

Have a super weekend!


Moon in Sensual Taurus For The Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lAfter the fierce and feisty Aries Moon on Thursday and Friday, we calm down when the Lunar orb moves into earthy, solid, Venus ruled Taurus on Saturday 9/21/20 remaining until early Monday. It’s about sensuality, life’s beauty and pleasures, but since the second sign of the Zodiac is a “fixed” sign, it also brings forth the obstinate bull in us.

Is there such a thing as inflexible love?  Nobody wants to lose, give up/ give in, change direction. “Stickin-to-your-guns” works – until it doesn’t. Pay attention and accept when being stubborn stops getting the results wanted. Relax and luxuriate in great food, great people and great atmoshere as much as you can during this final weekend of Summer.

Have a delightful weekend!


Friday the 13th & Moon Mixed Energy Weekend

Astro New Moon CrescentMoon in Capricorn on Friday, September 13, 2013 – Moon in Aquarius early on Sunday morning, September 15, 2013 -hmmmm. Work hard, go over the budget, be in charge on Friday/Saturday. Attend a community fund raiser, corral volunteers for a neighborhood project and / or go out to picket on Sunday?

Whichever you decide to do, use the energy of the particular sign the Moon is visiting on that day.

Earthy Capricorn: Authority, status, financial security

Airy Aquarius: Friendly, innovative, comfortable in groups with a cause

In any case, use your best stuff as always and have fun with it. Enjoy the weekend!

Re: Friday the 13th – I avoid those freaky Friday conversations. Can’t really jump on the “Triskaidekaphobia” bandwagon, Friday the 13ths are usually lucky days for me, so that’s what I’ll anticipate!


Cancer & Leo Moon Weekend- Comfort and Joy!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lCall home – Friday Morning, 8/30/13, the Moon moves into its own sign again of Cancer. Its a Water sign and we’re drawn to hearth and home or anywhere we are hanging our hat this weekend. The Moon makes us sensitive and emotional, but don’t rule out the often soothing merits of a good meal. Downplay any moodiness and let Cancer’s kind, nurturing way of being show up.

BTW: Energy change on Sunday afternoon when the Moon struts into the regal, upbeat, attention getting Fire sign of Leo. (Have fun with this. Wear something Gold.)

Have a great weekend!


Take Charge Capricorn Moon!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lFriday evening, August 16,2013 begins a serious, organized, focused weekend experience while under the influence of the Capricorn Moon. It will last until Sunday evening. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), see the Moon transit as an opportunity to show your stuff. Use the authoritarian energy associated with this 10th sign of the Zodiac to accomplish, complete and be the boss.

Being ambitious is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled. Assign tasks, give directions, move with confidence and purpose. Don’t forget to say “thank you”.  

Have a powerful weekend!



Moon in Lovely Libra 8/10/13

Astro New Moon CrescentThe Moon will be in the balanced, genial Air sign of Libra on Saturday and Sunday. The 7th sign of the Zodiac, ruled by lovely, romantic planet Venus, urges us to create, beautify, socialize, and surround ourselves with pretty things.

Partnership and relationship focused, both business and romantic, charming Libra seeks harmony with others and harmony within the home. These are good things! Others can feel good around you. Get with people, spread cheer – invite a few folks to Sunday brunch (and / or cocktails)? 

Have a sweet weekend!

Cancer Moon Weekend: Friends, Family, Food!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lThe Moon is content this Saturday and Sunday as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Water sign Cancer sets us up to enjoy the comforts of home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace and a good meal can be so soothing for everyone.

The Cancer Moon is all about emotions, therefore sensitivity and vulnerability are heightened. Don’t go looking for hurt feelings – yours or anyone else’s. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat). Share your leftovers.

Have a lovely weekend!


Virgo & Libra Moon Weekend – Variety!

Take the opportunity on Friday and Saturday and use the Virgo Moon to get all practical, responsible, “detailish” and stuff. It may sound a little flat and unexciting but it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as preparation for the early morning arrival of the Libra Moon on Sunday July 14, 2013.  We can lose a bit of the pragmatism and reward ourselves with lots of charming conversation, partnership cooperation and sparkling social interactions– maybe a party? Astro New Moon Crescent

If you heed the call of the responsible, efficient Earth sign Virgo reminding us of the importance of health, nutrition, work and take care of your chores – it could lead to a guilt free end of the weekend. Air sign Libra, ruled by Venus, is about good food, pretty things and lovely people. Not bad. Socialize.

Have a sensible and delicious weekend!



Virgo Moon Weekend – Details, Details, Details!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lMoon change:  we go from the sunny, “I” oriented Leo of the last few days into the dutiful, service, work oriented Earth sign Virgo on Friday June 14, 2013. Well, it may not be party time, but, we will be useful and focused.

You may notice an inclination to critically zone in on details, no matter how small – which might be an irritant to others, but things will get done! So, write those “to do” lists for next week, re caulk the bath tub- work hard, be industrious, be picky. But, remember to relax a little and delegate whatever you can, it’s still the weekend – enjoy it!


Weekend Moon: Sweet Pisces – Explosive Aries

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOn Friday May 31, 2013, the Moon is in the emotional water sign of Pisces until Saturday evening. Dreamy, fuzzy, sensitive – focus may be difficult. Don’t take on the troubles of the world. Good news for artists – great time for creativity and imagination.

The Moon slips into fiery “let’s get physical” Aries late on Saturday and remains until Monday. There will probably be lots of activity, lots of energy – make no rash moves, watch the temper, be nice and have fun!