Moon in Aries, Then Taurus – Crackle & Practicality

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lBeginning on Friday May 23, 2014, the Moon vibrates in energetic Fire sign Aries for most of the weekend. As always with Aries, ruled by “warrior planet” Mars, make sure you have something physical to do. All this sign’s energy can make it a fun time, but just reign in any aggressive urges, think before you act. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they are in the presence of a bulldozer, but by all means, take advantage of the action.

The mood will change on Sunday afternoon as the lunar orb shifts into solid, steady, Earth sign Taurus through Monday. Thoughts can turn to security – financial and physical. Keep re evaluating how you spend and save your money. Even though, beauty loving, food loving, “loving” Venus ruled Taurus can be attached to ideas and be resistant to change, try to be flexible. Obstinacy may limit new ideas and opportunities.

Have a safe Memorial Day – take time to remember.


Saturday & Sunday Moon In Cancer

Astro New Moon CrescentMay 3 and 4, 2014 could be a weekend of emotional mood swings, creativity and/or over the top hospitality as the Moon settles into the nurturing Water sign it rules = Cancer. We may experience feelings of sensitivity and vulnerability, but don’t use it as an excuse to indulge in some emotional over eating.

Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Unleash the inner artist and you can always cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy. Decide to make family, friends, and yourself comfortable and happy. You’ll enjoy it.

Have a fulfilling weekend!

Feisty Aries Moon Weekend!

Beginning on Saturday morning April 26, 2014, extra oomph and extra buzz are just some of the possibilities as a result of the Aries Moon. Got something to do, something to start, something to face???Tap into this Fire sign’s high energy. Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Moderate the combustion – that whole “catching more flies with honey” thing. Go with the hammer in the velvet glove approach. Personally, I think super things can happen while the Lunar orb is in Mars ruled Aries, as long as feet stay on the ground. Erratic Uranus is transiting and unexpected things can happen. Keep cockiness to a minimum. (Is that even possible with Aries? Well, try.)

Atmosphere calms as the Moon moves into practical Taurus on Monday morning, just in time for beginning of the week duties.

No matter what you do, seize the opportunity and have a fun weekend!


Weekend Moon: Gemini & Cancer!

Astro New Moon CrescentStart your weekend early on Friday March 7, 2014. A Mercury ruled Gemini Moon can make us chatty and social. We will be compelled to communicate – some way, somehow, it can be fun for us and/or just busy – or both. With dual faceted Air sign Gemini, variety rules. 

In time for Sunday brunch, the Lunar orb moves into the Water sign it rules – Cancer. Be prepared to dial it back a bit. The 4th sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, often moody and emotional, is about protecting and nurturing. Making sure friends, family and strays are well fed. (It might be calming after all the Gemini twitting, emailing and FBing.)

Have a wonderful weekend!


New Moon in Pisces This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentPisces intuition and creativity powers up, in a gentle way, with the New Moon on Friday evening 2/28/14 EST and Saturday morning 3/1/14 PST. The Sun is also in this sensitive Water sign and when both luminaries are together, the Moon phase is “New”. This type of Lunar energy is good for starts and beginnings of any kind. So, take the time to plug into your spirituality and inner conversations. Listen, take notes and make use of this dreamy, imaginative time. Go deep. Create something new!

The moon will change signs, into snap/crackle/pop Fire sign Aries, early on Sunday, but the “New” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter. Activity, impulse, and passion might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

*New Moon – 11:59PM 2/28 Eastern – 2:59AM 3/1 Pacific


Weekend Moon In Gemini – Fun Times!

Astro New Moon CrescentA Gemini Moon, beginning on Friday, February 7, 2014, will have us looking for folks to chat with, tweet with, or just to keep company with. (Yes, I know, don’t end sentences with a preposition – rules are made to be broken.) We will probably have a lot to say!

But, let’s not get too loose and “clever”. Communication planet Mercury rules Gemini (and Virgo) and is now going retrograde until 2/28/14. When it treks backward in the sky, it can often lead to interaction breakdowns, misunderstandings, etc. A snippy Twitter or FB post can grow legs and follow you around for a few days. (You’ll have to spend time next week deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing…)

The urge to exchange ideas and deep thoughts, or just gossip, will be strong. Have fun, spread knowledge, teach something, learn something, enjoy the youthful energy that is particularly Gemini. 

Have a glorious weekend!


Moon for the Holidays!

Most of us will have an early weekend start due to the Holiday. Below is a heads up about where the Lunar orb will be and what influences we may experience as we celebrate: Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

Thanksgiving / Hanukkah (begins Wednesday at sundown)  Moon is in relationship central Libra, so whether you will celebrate either/or (both?), this Venus ruled Air sign is perfect for social gatherings, sharing abundance, setting a beautiful table.

Weekend:  Beginning Friday evening the Moon will be in determined, focused, take no prisoners Scorpio (it’s ruled by Pluto). This can be great for scoping out sales or just corralling a significant other into a secret rendezvous. Regardless, Scorpio’s passion and Water sign emotions can be put to good use.

Enjoy your Holiday!


Weekend Aquarius Moon 11/8/13

Astro New Moon CrescentUse Friday and Saturday’s Aquarius Moon and take advantage of the rebellious, independent urges that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. The aloof and intellectual 11th sign of the Zodiac is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Sunday night, the Moon moves into sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is often dreamy and imaginative. Keep grounded.

Have a great weekend!

Aquarius Moon This Weekend – Think “Unexpected”

Astro New Moon CrescentIf preparing for the unexpected makes you nervous, just think of the fun you can have. Beginning Saturday, 10/12/13, the Aquarius Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Air sign Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern. Not a bad way to spend a weekend – be spontaneous, share yourself.


Where Will The Moon Be This Weekend?

Astro New Moon CrescentThe Moon’s Zodiac sign position can set the mood or energy for the day and when the Lunar orb is in its “New” phase, the sign’s traits can intensify. It happens each month when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. So consider the Airy Libra Moon on Friday October 4, 2013 a great time for beginnings, a great time to start something new, a great time to be original – relationships, artistic endeavors. The universe will support innovation for the next 10 days or so until the Moon is “Full” – which begins a period of finishing up, completing projects, etc.

Early Sunday morning, the Moon will slide into serious, secretive, stubborn, Scorpio – intense. As always, this Water sign will have us “feel” things. Emotions can be dramatic and overwhelming. Be aware of the tendency to be easily wounded – keep breathing. While the Moon is in the 8th sign, we may have little patience for the superficial – “real” conversations, one-on-one connections are demanded, drilling down to reveal the hidden is not unusual. (Going deep has its advantages.)

We can be flexible, go with the flow – we can have a great weekend!