Lovely, Lively Libra Moon This Weekend!

Saturday & Sunday, March 3/4, 2018, the Moon will charm and class us up while in the lovely and amiable 7th sign of the Zodiac. This relationship focused (both business & personal), Air sign, ruled by elegant, romantic, beautifying Venus, seeks balance, harmony and cooperation while urging us to express our artistic talent, share ourselves with people and just generally expect and accept good times.

If a Libra Moon helps us tune out / tone down any negative, angry voices out there (or in our heads), terrific.

Have a great weekend!



Virgo Moon Weekend – Details, Details, Details!

On Saturday and Sunday, 11 & 12 November 2017, the Moon will be in Virgo the 6th sign of the Zodiac. There is a mood shift from the playful, sunny, “I” oriented “look at me” Leo Moon of the last few days into this health and service oriented Earth sign. It may not be spotlights, sequins and glitter, but, we can have fun while being practical and organized. Make the most of it.

Virgo can make us analyze everything, focus on the small stuff and pay attention to the details. (This might be an irritant to others, but things will get done – correctly!) Good time to write those “to do” lists, re caulk the bath tub, alphabetize and categorize your recipe assortment, volunteer.

Have a super, productive weekend!



“Look At Me” Leo Moon This Weekend!

On Saturday and Sunday, 9/16 & 9/17, we are treated to a Fiery Leo Moon and all that it involves. The 5th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the Sun so a natural drift toward theatrics, melodrama and ”Lion’s Pride” regal could push thru. (Great for actors!) We can enjoy being  active, upbeat, creative and generous, which can make for a really good time.

Have a sparkling weekend!



1st Day Of Spring – Sun Into Aries 3/20/17!

On Monday March 20, 2017, not only do we get to welcome the youthfulness of Spring, we also get to celebrate the Sun’s transit into Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac.

Fire sign Aries is active, aggressive and adventurous. In the past 12 months, the Sun has transited all 12 Zodiac signs and at 1 degree of Aries, the cycle starts anew and so can we. We should keep our eyes open for opportunities on the horizon.

Ruled by the warrior planet Mars, the influences of Aries’ high energy can be used to springboard ideas and projects that have been percolating all winter. However, with unpredictable, non conformist planet Uranus visiting until 2019, recklessness, with the often resulting scattered energies can result in waste – time, energy, money. Pay attention to those urges to just “act” (act out or act up). Action with purpose and focus, rather than just because we’re bored. Risk vs reckless – don’t be careless.

Adding potential snap and crackle to interactions is clever, Communication planet Mercury visiting Aries until 4/01/17. Writing, speaking, tweeting may have more quickness, bite and sarcasm then usual. No need to hurt anyone’s feelings. No one needs to go down in relationship flames.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty vibes somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox –  3/20/17  6:29 AM EDT / 3:29 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Head / Face

FYI – In celebration of the ancient art of Astrology, March 20th is designated as “International Astrology Day”. Cake & Champagne for all!


Weekend Highlight – Virgo Full Moon!

The Virgo Full Moon energy on Sunday March 12, 2017 inclines us to take care of ourselves and our work. Ruled by clever Mercury, this responsible, hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, self-improvement, handling the details and getting things done. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”.

A Full Moon phase is a great time to move towards finalizing whatever project or diet regimen you may have been planning. The universe will support you in being healthy and contributing. Its influences will last for several days even when the Astrology sign changes to Libra.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 12, 2017 – 10:54 AM EDT /7:54 AM PDT 

(the Moon, Virgo is opposite and reflecting the Sun, Pisces = “Full Moon”.)

HEADS UP – Daylight Savings Time begins at 2AM 3/12 – Set clocks one hour ahead (Spring Forward!)




Chance To Shine – Vibrant Leo Full Moon 2/10/17

A dramatic, fun, open and generous Leo Moon on Friday February 10, 2017 sets the tone for any potential weekend festivities.  Exciting “look at me” melodrama is always possible with the fiery 5th sign of the Zodiac and since the Lunar orb is also in its “Full” phase, lit by its opposite Sun in Aquarius, fireworks are possible. So take that spotlight if you want it, wear some regal purple, be royally magnanimous to your subjects (friends and family) and have a great time.

Leo wants us to be active, upbeat and regally charming as we use the Full Moon energy to wrap things up and bring projects to completion. This will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into the next sign of practical Virgo.

Enjoy the weekend!

Leo Full Moon: February 10, 2017 – 7:33 PM EST / 4:33 PM PST



Aquarius Moon This Weekend – Think “Unexpected”

Astro New Moon CrescentIf preparing for the unexpected makes you nervous, just think of the fun you can have. Beginning Saturday, 12/3/16, the Aquarius Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Air sign Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern. Not a bad way to spend a weekend – be spontaneous, share yourself !


Charm Filled Weekend – Libra Moon!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOn the 1st weekend of September 2016, 9/3 & 9/4, the Moon will charm and class us up while in lovely Libra, the 7th sign of the Zodiac. This Air sign, ruled by elegant, romantic, beautifying Venus, is relationship focused – business and romantic. Amiable Libra seeks balance, harmony and cooperation while urging us to express our artistic talent, share ourselves with people and just generally expect and accept good times.

This can be lovely weekend. Enjoy!



Full Moon in Upbeat Sagittarius This Weekend


Astro Full Moon 6On Saturday May 21, 2016, the Sagittarius Moon is fully lit by the Sun in its opposite sign of Gemini – very dramatic, but nothing to fear. (No fangs or hairy knuckles.) The entire weekend will be under the benevolent influence of the wise, but perky and energetic 9th sign of the Zodiac. Ruled by lucky, expansive Jupiter, expect a lean towards adventure, an “of course good things can happen” outlook and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. A “Full” phase is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of plans started at the time of the New Moon back on 5/6/16.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, at “Full” phase the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, we could feel its effects for about another2 weeks.

*Sagittarius Full Moon: May 21, 2016 – 5:14 PM EDT / 2:14 PM PDT


Weekend Moon in Virgo – Be Productive, Be Useful!

Saturday and Sunday, 15 & 16th of August, 2015, the Moon will be in Virgo the 6th sign of the Zodiac. There is a mood shift from the playful, sunny, “I” oriented Leo Moon of the last few days into the health and service oriented Earth sign. Well, it won’t be sequins and glitter, but, we can be practical and organized. Make the most of it.

Astro New Moon CrescentYou may notice an inclination to analyze, to focus on the small stuff, no matter how tiny. (This might be an irritant to others, but things will get done – correctly!) So, write those “to do” lists, re caulk the bath tub, be industrious. Your mind will be sharp and no detail will be missed. Just try not to be too fussy or critical – after all it is the weekend.