Mo’ Drama, Mo’ Drama – Upbeat, Dramatic Leo Moon This Weekend!

Got any fingernails left? Give a good, strong eye-roll to anyone who says “it doesn’t matter if I vote or not” “my vote won’t make a difference”. SMH*

However – the Moon is in attention loving Leo on Saturday & Sunday, 11/7 & 11/8. The Sun ruled Fire sign, the 5th sign of the Zodiac, wants to treat us to a busy, creative time complete with spotlights, sequins and sizzle.

So, give a performance, have fun with any melodrama that might ensue. Drama doesn’t always have to be a hissy fit, but Leo’s love of being upfront may not always be “fun”. There might be some pushing and shoving as too many folks try to sparkle at the same time, but it won’t be boring.

With Mercury no longer Retrograde, we can use the kind & generous Leo energy to get things done, while showing up and showing off. Stay grounded, stay sane, stay well and stay safe while twirling in the spotlight.

* SMH = “Shaking my head”

~ Pray for peace in Ethiopia – potential Civil War there.

