Let’s Talk! Chatty Gemini Moon All Weekend

A Gemini Moon, beginning on Friday, August 10, 2012, will have us searching for people to hear us, listen to us, or read us this weekend. Lovely Venus just moved out of this 3rd sign of the Zodiac into Cancer and the natural chatty, twittering energy of communication maven Gemini may sharpen and bite a little more than it had been since April 2012 when the loving, charming planet began its transit, so watch your tone. A snippy Twitter or FB post can grow legs and follow you around for a few days. (You’ll have to spend time next week deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing, deleting & apologizing…)

The urge to exchange ideas and deep thoughts, or just gossip, will be strong. Have fun, spread knowledge, teach something, learn something, enjoy the youthful energy that is particularly Gemini. 

Have a glorious weekend!