Leo Full Moon Sets the Stage 1/23/16!

Astro Moon FullSaturday’s Full Moon, January 23, 2016, will be in dramatic, Fire sign Leo – no better way to heat up, perk up a winter weekend! A “Full” phase intensifies the traits of the sign it is visiting and with Sun ruled Leo, (its Zodiac symbol is the glorious Lion, King of the jungle) we feel generous, creative and get the urge to flame and sparkle while flitting across the world stage. (“Look at me!”).

So step into the spotlight, wear some regal purple, be royally magnanimous to your subjects (friends and family) and have a great time. Also, use the Full Moon’s energy to finish projects begun at the time of the last New Moon (1/9/16). Its considered a fortunate time to take care of loose ends and it will last for about 10 days even as the Moon moves into efficient Virgo on Monday.

  • Leo Full Moon: January 23. 2016 – 8:46PM EST / 5:46PM PST


Virgo Moon Weekend 11/18/11– About Those Details…

From Friday afternoon, November 18, until Sunday afternoon, we are under the influence of the earthy, discriminating, detail oriented, practical Virgo Moon. Ruled by analytical Mercury, you may notice an inclination to critically focus on details, no matter how small – which might be an irritant to others, but things will get done! (Remember to delegate.) Just watch what you say and how you say it. No need to sear anyone with your critiques.

There are increased feelings of responsibility, duty and service. Catalogue the CD collection, clean closets , write those “to do” lists for next week, re caulk the bath tub, volunteer – work hard, be industrious, offer assistance.

Generally considered a mild mannered sign, Virgo will be spiced up for the next 6 months as the warrior planet Mars settles in for a visit and stir things up. Be picky if you must, but it is the weekend – have some fun.  
