Astrology: Sun Into Cancer 6/21 – We have Solstice!

Our Summer Solstice, Tuesday June 21, 2011, coincides with the Sun’s swim into the Water sign of Cancer.  This Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac will nurture us thru the longest day of the year. Cancers can be emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but– they will always take care. Family, real or created, is the primary focus. (Crustacean shell with marshmallow interior.) Just be careful about going overboard with comfort eating and/or needing to be needed. Know what is best for you – with both food and people.

Those of us with  a different Sun sign, can still take advantage of the reigning Lunar Cancer influences by paying attention to instincts or any feelings that can’t be put into words. Don’t let the antennas wilt with the heat. Heightened awareness can provide useful information. And, of course enjoy the homey, comfy company of family and friends. Loving them and feeding them ice cream is all part of the program. Fun stuff!

Summer Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere, 1st degrees of Cancer, 1:17PM Eastern/ 10:17AM Pacific, heralds a time of beach chairs, espadrilles and lemonade (or just sweating in the city). The year is half over – what are you going to do with what’s left?

*Cancer: Gemstone – Emerald / Power colors- silver, pale gray

Astrology: Weekend Mixed Messages – Moon in Libra, Then Scorpio

The Friday June 10th Libra Moon starts the weekend off on an artistic, relationship focused, harmony loving note. (Persuade someone to your side? Find a compromise?) This Air sign fosters good feelings, people activities, beauty and creativity. Smile and enjoy it.

On Saturday evening, the Moon will move into intense, moody Scorpio (8:33PM Eastern/ 5:33PM Pacific).  Lasting until Monday, this Water sign will have us “feel” things. Emotions can be dramatic and intense. No patience for the superficial – “real” conversations, drill down explorations, one-on-one connections are demanded. Okay. Going deep has its advantages.

Make the most of the entire weekend.  Squeeze the best out of each Moon placement, regardless of the changes in mood.

It’s all good.

Astrology: A Nurturing, Royal Weekend – Moon in Cancer & Leo 6/3/11

Early on Friday June 3rd, the Moon floats into Cancer  – the Water sign it rules. There will be sensitivity and emotion, but also the possibility of good home cooking. (Not a bad mix.) Downplay any moodiness and let Cancer’s kind, mothering instincts invite those you are fond of to share the healthy and tasty things in the fridge. All this sharingness will last until late Saturday night.

Just in time for Sunday brunch, the Moon takes a regal bow in Fire sign Leo (always a time for theatrics and fun). This sign is ruled by the Sun, so dress up. Take advantage of all those golden “royal” feelings and show off a little.  Be noticed, attention will be paid. You deserve it. Spread around the other Leo good stuff  too, like generosity and creativity – have a good time.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Moon into Cancer 6/3/11 – 4:36AM Eastern/ 1:36AM Pacific

Moon into Leo 6/5/11 – 11:03AM Eastern / 8:03AM Pacific

Astrology: Moon in Capricorn & Aquarius – A People Weekend!

The Earthy Capricorn Moon is perfect for wrapping up business projects on Friday and Saturday. You’ll be in a responsible, take charge mode so that tasks get done, work gets delegated. Ruled by serious planet Saturn, use the ambitious, capable energy of this 10th sign of the Zodiac well.

The rhythm changes on Saturday evening, May 21, 10:32Pm Eastern / 7:32Pm Pacific, with the moon’s slide into the caring, group focused, unpredictable, Uranus ruled, Air sign of Aquarius. Volunteer, organize a community, find a cause, share yourself. You can still do some good and have fun.

BTW: On the same day, the Sun bounces into another Air sign, Mercury ruled Gemini. Expect the weekend to be a bit peppier than the previous few days.  Call, tweet, chat up your friends – communication is everything.

Have a marvelous weekend!

Astrology: Powerful Full Moon in Scorpio 5/17/11

Life will be a bit more intense with the Moon in Scorpio and when this luminary is at its “Full” phase in this determined, emotional Water sign, power and passion can go off the charts. The Scorpio Full Moon arrives on Tuesday May 17, 7:09AM Eastern/ 4:09 AM Pacific. Be gentle or you could really rock someone’s world – intentionally or not. (Dial back on some of the drama?)

Scorpio pushes us to focus on money matters that may involve others. Are there any financial issues that need to be cleared or settled– taxes, business ventures? During a Full Moon, gauge what has been accomplished so far and move to finalize, complete tasks in the next few weeks. (Sort of a ”what have I done?” and “what’s next”.)

BTW: about 6 hours later, the Moon shifts and we get to enjoy the upbeat , positive Sagittarius Lunar influence until Thursday May 19, however,  the “Full Moon” energy remains. Use it.

Astrology: Weekend Moon in Familycentric Cancer 5/6/11

This can be a weekend of emotional mood swings, creativity and/or feeding loved ones as the Moon glides its way into the nurturing Water sign of Cancer on Friday night, May 6, 10:32 PM Eastern / 7:32PM Pacific.

Remaining until Sunday, the Moon, Cancer’s ruler, may also give us some feelings of sensitivity  and vulnerability. Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “looking after others” driven energy.  Decide to make family, friends, and yourself comfortable and happy. You’ll enjoy it.

Have a fulfilling weekend!

(Re: “Familycentric”. Yes, I know. No such word – I made it up.)