The Moon is ”New” in Sensual Scorpio, 11/13/12

Always good advice to “hold on” when the luminary is in emotional, sensitive, Water sign Scorpio. Especially when a “New” Moon phase and a Solar Eclipse occur in the same sign – power and passion can go off the charts.

Tuesday will be great for beginnings, initiating plans. The 8th sign of the Zodiac gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. This can be deep, this can be serious. Seize the opportunity and go after what you want.  


Scorpio New Moon & Solar Eclipse: November 13, 5:08 PM EST / 2:08 PM PST


Cancer Moon – A Welcoming Weekend!

The Moon is content this Saturday and Sunday as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Even though moody, Water sign Cancer gets us ready for family, food and home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone.

The Cancer Moon is all about emotions, therefore sensitivity and vulnerability are heightened. Don’t go looking for hurt feelings – yours or anyone else’s. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat). Spread joy – share those left over Halloween fun size Snickers and Candy Corn.

Have a lovely weekend!


Great Weekend = Gemini Moon, Cancer Moon

Start the weekend on Friday September 7th and experience 2 days of a variety loving Gemini Moon. Ruled by the planet Mercury, we will be compelled to communicate – some way, somehow. This versatile Air sign may mean leisurely networking, or active socializing, it can be fun for us and/or just busy – or both. With dual faceted Gemini, the need for flexibility rules. 

In time for Sunday brunch, the Lunar orb moves into it’s sign ruler – watery Cancer. Be prepared to dial it back a bit. The 4th sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, often moody and emotional,  is about protecting and nurturing. (It might be calming after all the Gemini twitting, emailing, voice mailing and FBing of the previous few days 🙂 )



Full Blue Moon in Pisces This Weekend

The “Full” phase of the Moon intensifies the characteristics of the Astrology sign it’s in. When the Moon is Full in Watery Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, expect: emotion, creativity, hazy reality. Friday August 31, 2012, is the 2nd Full Moon for this month. A rare occurrence, it only happens every 2 years or so – it’s referred to as “Blue”. (You know that expression – “once in a blue Moon”.)

However, back to Pisces – stay focused, be discerning. If things seem a little vague, you may want to delay any decision making or signing of documents. Your imagination will be stoked, therefore, this can be a great time for the arts. Use the heightened sensitivity to enjoy beautiful things. Spread some Pisces kindness among family and friends. Smile at nice looking strangers. (This is where that “discerning” thing comes in handy)

Aggressive, Fiery, Aries Moon for Sunday and Monday’s Labor Day. Be active, be curious, be lively, but stay out of mischief.

Have a marvelous Holiday!


FYI: Previous Full Moon was August 1, in Aquarius


Another Imaginative Pisces Weekend!

On Friday morning August 3, 2012, the moon gentles its way into vulnerable, sensitive, creative, often mystical Pisces. A Water sign, ruled by impressionable Neptune, the Pisces Moon may have you looking for an escape to another world by any means handy, but stay grounded, stay in body. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any sad stories or promises too good to be true.

Sunday afternoon, we are thrust into the next Moon sign – “in your face”, high energy, high octane, fiery Aries for 2 days. Stand up for yourself, but be nice. Temper the Aries vinegar with some leftover Pisces honey.

Have a lovely weekend!


New Moon in Comfy Cancer Midweek

When both luminaries, Sun and Moon, are in the same sign, the Moon is designated as “New”.  Since the Moon rules nurturing, Water sign Cancer, the energy is in full caring, hovering, power mode. Don’t be surprised if you have urges to cook, fluff pillows, press cold damp cloths on heated brows. People can still be made “comfy” during hot, humid weather.

As always when the Moon is “New”, being inventive and creative is highlighted. So, be that with those that you are taking care of and feeding – new recipes to fill tummies without heaviness? new ways to keep friends and family hydrated and cool?  (Invent a slushy flavor combination! )

New Moon in Cancer:  9:24PM July 18th Eastern / 12:24AM July 19th Pacific


Summertime…Sun into Cancer 6/20/12

Yes, the “livin’ is easy” as we enjoy the Summer Solstice, Wednesday June 20, 2012. Besides being the longest day of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign is emotional, sensitive, concerned with family, a powerful nurturer.  And, if they love you, they will feed you. We will all be under this sign’s caring influences for the next 4 weeks. Nice.

I think Cancers make good actors – all that deep, vibrating emotion and sensitivity can be released by playing out their secret selves on stage. However, feel what you feel, pay attention to your instincts, but, if you feel a little blue, don’t overeat while trying to make things better. The mood will change soon enough. As Moon and Cancer energy reigns, take advantage of all that “homey” energy, enjoy the love.


*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray *Body Part – Breasts



Summer Solstice June 20, 2012 – 1st degree of Cancer, 7:09PM Eastern/ 4:09PM Pacific: a time for beach chairs, flip flops and lemonade – keep cool.


Weekend Moon Moods – Variety!

With Friday’s Aquarius Moon, June 8, 2012, use the rebellious, independent feelings that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. This 11th sign of the Zodiac, though aloof and intellectual, is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Saturday and Sunday, the Moon will be in sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is dreamy and imaginative. People will tend to be more caring, compassionate and creative.

This can be a diverse, yet productive weekend!


Weekend Moon: Radical Aquarius, Then Dreamy Pisces

The unpredictable, rebellious, group focused Aquarius Moon on Friday May 11, 2012 might give us some surprises. If that makes you nervous this weekend, think of all the fun you might have. Just avoid the “off-the-wall” stuff and think thru any extreme plans that might cross your mind. 

Early Sunday, we will experience a more warm and fuzzy feeling with the arrival of the Pisces Moon. This water sign is dreamy, sensitive and imaginative, so be sure to hold on to reality. However, this might be a great time to get creative. (Try to remember and write down any ideas that float to the surface while dreaming.)

Have a great weekend!


Scorpio Full Moon – Go Passionate, Go Deep!

Beginning Friday evening, we will be under the influence of a powerful, determined Scorpio Moon. Things get even more intense this weekend as the Lunar orb goes into its “Full” phase on Saturday night, May 5, 2012.  The 8th sign of the Zodiac is a sensual, sensitive Water sign and the force of the Full Moon can distill all of its passion into a cauldron of “feelings”. Tuck in all exposed nerves. Pause before responding to slights or barbs, (real or imaginary). The comment or action that brought you to either anger or tears may not have been as snarky as imagined. Instead, use that Scorpio sizzle and passion to rock someone’s world in a delightful way. 

Scorpio pushes us to focus on money matters that may involve others. Are there any financial issues that need to be cleared or settled– taxes, business ventures? During a Full Moon, gauge what has been accomplished so far and move to finalize, complete tasks in the next few weeks. (Sort of a”what have I done?” and “what’s next”.)

Happy Cinco De Mayo!