Ready For A Virgo New Moon Weekend?

On August 30, 2019, the Sun and the Moon are both in Virgo. When the luminaries are in the same Zodiac sign, the Moon is in its “New” phase. A New Moon is a great time to start something – big or small. Since it is ruled by communication planet Mercury, analytical Virgo’s written and verbal skills enhance our interactions.

The practical Earth sign will be even more powerful as 3 planets join the Sun & Moon. All will have their influences over Virgo concerns of work, health & service:

~ Mars 8/18 – 10/4 * Brave, energetic

~ Venus 8/21 – 9/15 * Down to earth romance

~ Mercury 8/29 – 9/14 * Quick & clever

Also, take advantage of Virgo’s natural “I’ll handle it” approach to take a look at fitness and nutrition. Are there things to be improved – diet, exercise? Don’t spend too much time being critical of yourself. New plans, new ideas – take care of needed changes now.

*Virgo New Moon:  8/30/19 6:37 AM EDT / 3:37 AM PDT




Weekend Virgo New Moon!

On Saturday and Sunday, both the New Moon and the Sun are in efficient, down to earth Virgo, (health, work and service). We experience a double dose of the responsible, practical, detail oriented 6th sign of the Zodiac – use it to organize and de-clutter both mind and surroundings. Astro New Moon Crescent

Like all “New” Lunar phases, the next 2 weeks are a great time for beginnings. Take advantage of Virgo’s natural “I’ll handle it” approach to take a look at health and nutrition. Are there things to be improved – diet, exercise? Don’t spend too much time being critical of yourself. Take care of needed changes now.

Virgo New Moon: 9/12/15  11:42 PM PDT *  9/13/15   2:41 AM EDT




Astrology: Vibrant Leo Moon Flows into Calm Virgo New Moon

This weekend will be one of mixed energies – a theatrical Fire Sign Leo Moon on Friday and Saturday transits into grounded, practical Virgo territory on Sunday.  Don’t be overwhelmed with the drama, largesse, some showing off and lots of regal generosity of spirit while in the throes of a Leo Moon. It will settle down. 

As of the 23rd, the Sun is in Virgo and this Sunday’s New Moon, 8/28, will be in the same Earth sign. Like all “New” Moon phases, the next 2 weeks that follow will be a great time for initiating, beginning, creating, etc. With this Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac, most of the “starting something” will do with work, health and service.

BTW – Mercury is Retrograde, in Leo, until Friday afternoon 8/26 – The planet’s motion will stop and go Direct.  As it goes forward, it will reach Virgo on 9/9. If you can wait until then for all your new adventures, the universe will be in full throttle support. Virgo’s organization, pragmatism, work ethic will pop with all the oomph of the usual New Moon energy.  Don’t spend too much time being critical and you can really get something done! (Focus on what matters to you.)

Have the awesome weekend you deserve!