Sun Into Lively, Lovely Libra 9/23/15 * Fall is Here!

The Sun waltzes into Air sign Libra on Wednesday September 23, 2015 along with the Autumn Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere). Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising, the 7th sign of the Zodiac will still cast a glow. There will be cooperation, genial negotiations and the urge to seek balance in both business and personal relationships. Good things in life are sought after due to the influences of lovely planet ruler Venus – romance, music, delicious food, beauty, graciousness and hospitality. With Mercury transiting Libra until 11/2/15, it should make for even more clever and charming conversation for this very social sign. (Remember, the Communication planet is “Retrograde” until 10/9/15, keep confusion to a minimum by making tweets, emails, texts, etc as clear as possible.)

astrology_chartwheel 2The Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions. However, seeking harmony by trying to be “fair” can sometimes lead to appearing indecisive. Or, using the “Pros/Cons” list method for making decisions can just drag the selection process out. Be aware that important, needed action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice. Don’t hesitate to show your spine when needed (some may be surprised when the Libra inner tensile strength is revealed), you’ll still be loved!

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon where it appears in your chart, but the Solar orb in Libra does set a mood to benefit us all. Edges can be smoothed and softened of potentially contentious interactions. My suggestion for anything Libran is always: meet fun folks somewhere beautiful for brunch and or cocktails. Enjoy!

*Libra Sun / Fall Equinox * 9/23/15 – 4:21 AM Eastern / 1:21 AM Pacific

Gemstone: Aventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets * Body Part: Kidneys

(BTW: The Scale is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals.)



Sun Into Sensual, Security Minded Taurus!

astrology_chartwheel 2On Monday April 20, 2015, the Sun moves into stubborn and determined Taurus. It has the Bull as its Astrology symbol, however, since it is ruled by the lovely, romantic planet Venus, this sign has several other dimensions. It can be stuck and immovable, but also, a sensual lover of beauty, good food and luxury. While appreciating all the comforts, the second sign of the Zodiac also wants us to be safe and secure.

Regardless of our actual Sun sign, for the next few weeks we can all tap into those Taurean traits of strength and endurance so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the Aries Sun. Watch out for a tendency to be overcautious – don’t miss an opportunity out of fear. Security is attractive, especially in this financial climate, but, sometimes we have to take a second look to see the advantage.

With a Taurus Sun, loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet meals, while getting a lecture on avoiding financial pot holes – nice mix.

*Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Soft rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

** Sun into Taurus, 4/20/15 –  5:42 AM Eastern / 2:42 AM Pacific

***As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stable influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Earth sign appears in the birth chart.

Lovely, Lively Libra Moon This Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lSaturday’s Libra Moon, February 7, 2015, could be the start of a weekend full of relationship possibilities – personal or business. The 7th sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by the romantic, beautifying planet Venus. With the “scale of justice” as its Astrology symbol, no surprise that cooperation and harmony are important. (Persuade someone over to your point-of-view? Find a compromise?)

Air sign Libra also fosters artistic expression, creativity, wanting to be with people and just generally expecting, and accepting, good times.

Be charming, be social – make it a beautiful weekend!



Aquarius Sun 1/20/15 – Freedom & Revolution Rules!

The symbol for the 11th sign of the Zodiac is the “Water Bearer”, astrology_chartwheel 2it may be confusing, but Aquarius is definitely an Air sign ruled by the unpredictable, unconventional, undeniably radical planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, the resentment of all “ties that bind”, a love of sudden changes of direction and thinking “outside of the box”. What a way to start the New Year!

Aquarius has a stubborn streak. It is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio. While the urge to stand ground and refuse to follow along are all present, give attention to another trait which is the desire to contribute to the universe in some way. Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern for Aquarius. (It is about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me.) There is determination to resolve issues that are deemed important. Regardless of your birthday, we can all tap into those vibrations as the Sun intensifies this sign’s influences.

And, just to add some additional spice, there will be planets transiting the 11th sign: Mercury will add its cleverness and communication / networking expertise until March 12, 2015 (just remember that it will go into Retrograde motion on 1/21/15. Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your team.) Venus’ visit, until January 27, 2015, can add a calm and a sweetness to fiery rhetoric, solidifying relationships in the midst of revolutionary zeal. If you’re intent upon enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

Sun into Aquarius: January 20, 2015 = 4:44 AM EST / 1:44 AM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Ankles



Winter Solstice / Capricorn Sun – Together Again on 12/21/14!

The Capricorn Sun on Sunday December 21, 2014, is the official start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and is the shortest day of the year. This Earth sign, ruled by stern Saturn, believes in duty, responsibility, and loves being in charge. Regardless of our actual birth date, we may all feel the influences of the ambitious 10th sign of the Zodiac and get a thrill directing traffic and telling people what to do. Fun for the boss, but maybe not so much for the employee? Remember to be careful with how you treat others, you can be authoritative with honey, rather than vinegar.

astrology_chartwheel 2After all the excitement and activities of the holidays, there is no need to have an energy let down. As the year’s end approaches, it’s the perfect time to look at what we’ve accomplished in 2014. With Capricorn‘s affinity for work and organization, we can keep busy, accomplished and sensible. Plan what’s next for 2015, tune up career moves, set up a networking campaign, determine whatever needs to be shaped up and do it. Make something happen. Just don’t get so bogged down that you become rigid and/or cautious. Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

And just to make it all the more interesting, there are Planets transiting Capricorn during this time:

*Venus (Love, beauty, money) 12/11/14 – 1/3/15 – relaxing of “all or nothing” attitudes for getting ahead. Focus on financial gains?

*Mercury (Communication, travel, tech) 12/17/14 – 1/4/15– Reading/writing can become more serious. Maintain sense of humor. Reign in sharp, hurtful exchanges. Listen.

*Pluto (Rebirth, transformation) has been in Capricorn since 2008 – deep feelings, changes in career direction?, revelations, regeneration (until 2023)

**Capricorn Sun = December 21, 2014…6:03 PM EST / 3:03 PM PST

Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, grays * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per WikiPedia)



Optimistic, Energetic, Sagacious Sag Sun, 11/22/14

That lucky old Sun bounces into Sagittarius on Saturday November 22, 2014. Ruled by “more is always best” planet Jupiter, this time of year is about livin’ large, taking chances, everything is great, the million dollar deal is done, “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. All of this can can be full of adventure and great fun, but aim for “controlled” excess if things seem to be going over the top.

astrology_chartwheel 2Adding to festivities are transiting planets Mercury and Venus:

Venus (11/16 – 12/10/14) = the planet of love, beauty and grace. The effects of Venus’s pleasure principle can be enhanced and intensified while in Sagittarius. Social networking, flirting, charming encounters are all possible now.

Mercury (11/28 – 12/17/14) = Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing knowledge. Teach class, take a class, finally write something that you’ve been thinking about forever. However, watch language as you share YOUR views, no need for the snark or the snippy. Long bouts of verbal testiness is not attractive and can really smother a party.

A Sagittarius Sun wants us to be happy, to be with people, to revel in the abundance of the season. Be an “of course” for abundance, reach for the good things, learn something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also wise and can see truth that others don’t) but, just be aware of the edges.

Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Ascendant and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage and benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag fun.

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the Centaur – half man/ half horse, usually with a wine pouch. Perfect – just in time for a holiday gathering. Spread cheer!

*Sagittarius – November 22, 2014 4:38 AM EST / 1:38AM PST

*Gem stone: sodalite, * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

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Glowing Full Moon in Earthy Taurus 11/6/14

Astro Moon FullFeeling beautiful, stubborn and material? It might be the vibrations of the Taurus Full Moon on Thursday November 6, 2014. This is a fixed, finance focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus. Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. Indulge the sensual side, while monitoring investments. Share chocolate covered strawberries with the left hand, while tallying the checkbook with the right. It’s possible!

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. With the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. What do you value most? What do you need to do to have those things in your life, always?

*Taurus Full Moon: November 6, 2014 5:25 PM EST / 2:23 PM PST

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The Heat is On – Sun Into Scorpio 10/23/2014!

It may be a cool, brisk Fall day, but on October 23, 2014, the Scorpio Sun brings heat and sizzle. Potent, powerful, persistent, passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual. I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign if the Zodiac, so I’ve decided that it isn’t an either / or decision. The depth and strength of this Water sign can handle all descriptions. “Watch out, hot plates coming through”. (Sorry, heard that once in a diner. It fits.)

astrology_chartwheel 2Where does Scorpio, ruled by power and transformation planet Pluto, appear in your chart”, Sun sign, Ascendant, Moon? Regardless of the House placement, the 8th sign of the Zodiac brings intensity and deep feeling to us all. Many times when confronted with an issue, there will only be either a yes or a no response – compromise is out of the question. “Maybe” will not be acceptable. It is black or white with no shades of grey. Especially now with Saturn, planet of discipline, perseverance, and boundaries, visiting until December 23, 2014, feelings of responsibility, the demand for real life, well defined positions, along with some hard edged decisions will be amped. Superficial skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do.

Note that deep and fierce stuff can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotionality occasionally goes unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” may not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react. We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and focus. But also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

BTW: Lovely, romantic Venus visits Scorpio from 10/24 thru 11/17/14. The transit should enhance sensuality, add lushness and perhaps soften seduction. And, because it is transiting this intense sign, actions and revelations will be serious – about what you value and especially how you value yourself.  The scope of the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red * Body Part: Reproductive system

*Sun into Scorpio: 10/23/14 – 4:57AM Pacific / 7:57 AM Eastern

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Taurus & Gemini – Together for the Weekend!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lStarting with September 12, 2014, the weekend is a mixed bag of possibilities. It can be a loving, luxurious Friday and Saturday or it can be a stubborn, determined 2 days. An earthy, Taurus Moon, ruled by Venus speaks to life’s beauty but its fixed nature also taps into the obstinate “bull” in us. Hmmmm, which way to go?

Change of pace on Sunday, the Moon sends us into the fast talking, multi tasking, change loving world of Gemini. Duality is the key word– yes, we can often do 2 things at once, but no, it doesn’t go well all the time. Be versatile, but focused – it can work.

Have a great and varied weekend!

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Sun in Competent, Practical, Responsible Virgo!

Put the Leo drama and sequins aside. Earth sign Virgo gets a chance at the Sun – Friday 8/22 9:46 PM PDT and Saturday 8/23 12:46 AM EDT. Whether it is your birth sign or not, we will feel the effects of this hardworking, service oriented 6th sign of the Zodiac until 9/22/14. Organize, make plans, plot progress, unravel confusion. Also, implement a good health/exercise regimen. Feeling better helps you work better. It’s all in the details!

astrology_chartwheel 2Being conscientious doesn’t necessarily mean “dull”. Quick witted Mercury, Virgo planet ruler, has been visiting since 8/16/14 (thru 9/1/14) making us sharper and faster at work. Be aware that judgmental, although clever, words may be seen as “nitpicky” and cause bruised feelings. However, lovely Venus will transit from 9/6 to 9/30/14 and can soften some of those critical, over analytical edges.

Do Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, be a contribution.

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

**Virgo Sun: 8/22 PDT 9:46PM / 8/23 EDT 12:46AM

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