“Bull” Works! Sun into Taurus 4/19/21

The Sun moves into tenacious, talented & tasteful Taurus on Monday April 19, 2021. The second sign of the Zodiac has the stubborn Bull as its Zodiac symbolfor a good reason. Often unwavering in beliefs, there may be a tendency to hold on even after others have dropped the tug rope. Just remember to “let go” when obstinacy no longer works.

However, Taurus is ruled by the lovely, romantic planet Venus. This Earth sign has several other traits. It can be practical and grounded, but it’s also a lover of beauty, good food and financial acuity. Loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet restaurants, while getting a lecture on avoiding economic pot holes – nice mix.

~ Planet ruler Venus visits Taurus 4/14 – 5/10.  Beautification of self / surroundings and gourmet concerns may be intensified

~ Clever, communication planet Mercury transits Taurus from 4/20 – until 5/5.  Interactions are steadied and grounded. Discussions about security and safety are brought forward.

~ Also, Uranus, planet of unexpected change and rejection of the status quo has been in Taurus since March 2019 and will remain until 2026. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden shifts in how finances are handled, how sensuality is expressed, how food is approached, and how “luxury” is interpreted. “Change” is the operative word.

Taurus:  *Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Soft rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

* Sun into Taurus, Mon 4/19/21 – 4:33 PM EDT / 1:33 PM PDT

**As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stabilizing influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where this Earth sign appears in the birth chart.

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A Weekend of Charm ~ Libra Moon!

A lovely, lively Libra Moon on April 24 & 25 will charm and class us up. While the Lunar orb is in the 7th sign of the Zodiac, it is all about relationships (both business & personal).

This amiable Air sign, ruled by elegant, romantic, beautifying Venus, seeks balance. With the “scale of justice” as the Astrology symbol, it’s no surprise that cooperation and harmony are important.

However, be aware of the curse of indecisiveness when weighing all sides of a situation when seeking “balance”.

Even with the weight of current events, creative Libra still fosters imagination & artistic expression. Share your charm & originality. Be with people this weekend.

Stay Safe. Stay Sane.


Cheerful, Energetic, Spontaneous Sagittarius Sun, 11/21/20!

This has been a rocky year (climbing the “rough side of the mountain” for many). We can use a “pick-me-up”, a little bit of “upbeatness”. Gratefully, the Sun prances** into adventurous, optimistic, Fire sign Sagittarius on Saturday, November 21, 2020. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, being “hopeful” doesn’t seem quite so far out there.

And, to add to the energy, these planets are transiting Sagittarius:

~ Mercury *  12/2/20 – 12/21/20  * Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing Sag’s knowledge and wisdom

~ Venus* 12/16/20 – 1/8/21 * Caring relationships, beauty and wealth/value. Revel in the warmth and spread it around.

Everything may seem possible while the Sun is in Sagittarius, everything is “huge”- ideas, actions, themes, etc. Be confident, think “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, and enjoy the abundance of the season. But, remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” you want to jump on are not so sure. Be aware of the edges – bravado can send you too far. It can be expensive and/or embarrassing. Have a good time – but, don’t overdo.

~*~* Happy Thanksgiving! And yes, we can be thankful ~*~*

~ Sagittarius Sun – November 21, 2020 * 3:40 PM EST / 12:40 PM PST ~

*Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

BTW- Regardless of your actual birthday, take advantage of any positive vibrations from whatever the current Sun transit.

**Re: “prances” – One of the symbols for Sagittarius is the Centaur with the bow and arrow and wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for the holidays.



Full Taurus Blue Moon This Weekend ~ On Halloween!

The Moon enters Taurus on Friday afternoon – just in time for the weekend – and it reaches its 2nd “Full“ stage (or “Blue Moon”) for the month on Saturday 10/31, Halloween. Perfect!

This is a rare occurrence. There’s usually only one Full Moon per month. (The earlier October Full Moon was in Aries on the 1st) When there is a 2nd, it’s referred to as a “Blue Moon” – as in “once in a…”.  

Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac. It is a stable, stubborn (its symbol is the Bull), security focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, loving planet Venus. Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. (We can stay calm while being tenacious.)

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. Use grounded Taurus’ influence to complete any financial dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. Indulge the sensual side while monitoring investments. Chocolate covered strawberries while tallying the checkbook? It’s possible.

Happy Halloween!

As mentioned in the 10/2 post, surprises may still be on the way. Continue to hold on and ground yourself. Have some candy corn, dress up for a Zoom haunting. Be creative.

*Taurus Full Moon: 10/31/20 ~ 10:49 AM EDT / 7:49 AM PDT

**Reminder: Sunday 11/1/20 ~ Standard Time begins 2 AM (“Fall back”)

Solid & Stubborn And / Or Lush & Luxurious – Taurus Moon Weekend!

Hmmmm. ”October Surprises”?

Let’s use this 1st weekend of October 2020 to steady ourselves, stay alert & stay grounded while the Moon is in earthy, security focused Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac.

However, unpredictable planet Uranus is transiting Taurus at this time – expect the unexpected. Remain flexible. There are reasons why the Bull is the symbol for Taurus. Pay attention and notice when being obstinate no longer gets the results wanted or prevents noticing the changes around you.

Last, but not least, Taurus is ruled by the sensual planet Venus – opportunities for romance, beauty and pleasurable pursuits. 😎

Make it the best weekend that you can. Be safe. Stay well.



Libra Sun ~Autumn Equinox! 9/22/20

On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, the Sun entered charming Libra. As the Sun begins its visit to the 7th sign of the Zodiac, it is the 1st day of “Fall” or the “Autumn Equinox” (in the Northern Hemisphere) – equal day / equal night. Libra is all about relationships, family, friends, marriages, and business partners, etc. Cooperation, negotiations and seeking balance will be in the forefront for the next few weeks.

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon whether it is your birth sign or your Ascendant (Rising sign) and where it appears in your chart. Regardless, the Libra Sun can set a mood to benefit us all. Good things in life are sought after due to the influences of lovely planet ruler Venus – romance, music, delicious food, beautiful things, graciousness and hospitality. Edges can be smoothed and softened on potentially contentious situations.

Often when seeking fairness and harmony, the Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions. However, using the “Pros/Cons” list method can just string the decision process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice.

My suggestion for anything regarding social Libra is always: meet fun folks somewhere beautiful for brunch and / or cocktails (even at a distance). Enjoy being with others!

~ Libra Sun * Autumn Equinox 9/22/20 ~ 9:31 AM EDT /6:31 AM PDT

~ Gemstone: Aventurine * Power Colors: Blues & Violets * Body Part: Kidneys

FYI:  The Scale (signifying balance) is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals.

Next: Scorpio Sun -10/22/20

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~ We Are In Gemini Season ~

Wednesday May 20, 2020, the Sun entered the 3rd sign of the Zodiac – Gemini, sign of the twins. Ruled by the communications planet Mercury, this Air sign has a reputation for cleverness, flexibility, adaptability and love of change. Lighthearted, “younger than springtime”, a Gemini will not look/act their age for most of their lives. (Not childish, but youthfully engaging.) BTW * I’m a Gemini Septuagenarian, so I loved writing this.

Transiting planets to be aware of:

~ Venus spreads charm and beauty during a Gemini visit from 4/4/20 – 8/7/20. It can bring out our social best and gentle some of that Gemini verbal sharpness.

The love planet will also be Retrograde from 5/13 to 6/25, which only happens every 2 years. Think twice about jumping into romantic liaisons – don’t marry someone you just adore on Zoom – after meeting them during a “social distancing” date on twitter. Also, try to curb overboard spending.

~ Information maven Mercury transits Gemini from 5/12/20 – 5/29/20 highlighting writing, reading, conversation, a “let’s do something / lets learn something” type of energy we will all experience.

 (FYI: Mercury will be Retrograde in Cancer from June 18 – July 12)

There may be urges, regardless of birth sign, to learn something new, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much/gossip too much, wish to be in two places at once (that “twin”, Castor & Pollux thing) which can be a good time, but also exhausting. Rather than feeling overwhelmed or scattered, hit the pause button occasionally, re focus, complete tasks that need to be finished, then go on to the next. Half done is half accomplished.

~*~ June 7th – Prince’s Birthday (Also Cybel, my niece)

Gemini Sun:  May 20, 2020 – 9:49 AM EDT / 6:49 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands

~ Deepak Chopra said: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”. 

(Since most of us (?) are not touching strangers to greet, congratulate, and / or give comfort, etc, at this time, it is perfect for a chatty Gemini Sun Transit)


Tasteful, Talented, Tenacious Taurus Sun!

The Sun moved into sensual, steady, strong, security focused Taurus on Sunday April 19, 2020. The second sign of the Zodiac has the Bull as its symbol. Perfect!

It is ruled by the lovely, romantic planet Venus, giving Earth sign Taurus several other dimensions. It can be practical and dependable, but it’s also a lover of beauty, good food and luxury. Loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet restaurants, while getting a lecture on avoiding financial pot holes – nice mix.

As always, just to make life a bit more interesting, there will be planet transits:

Communication planet Mercury in Taurus from 4/28 to 5/12/20 ~ Verbal / written interaction steadies, is more down to earth and direct. Mercury’s quick cleverness may be slowed down and softened, but also focused. No nonsense. Commitments, promises, contracts will expect to be honored!

Also, Uranus, planet of unexpected change and rejection of the status quo has been in Taurus since March 2019 and will remain until 2026. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden shifts in how money is gotten and handled, how sensuality is expressed, how food is cooked and consumed, and how “luxury” is considered. “Change” is the operative word.

For the next few weeks, regardless of Sun sign, we can all tap into Taurus traits of responsibility, strength and endurance. The “Bull” is Taurus’ symbol for a reason – stubborn, unwavering, holding on after others have dropped the tug rope, etc. Just remember to “let go” when obstinacy no longer works. Don’t miss an opportunity due to an unwillingness to move and / or shift. Security is attractive, especially in this climate, but, sometimes we have to take a second look, before the “no”.

~ Taurus *Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Soft rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

* Sun into Taurus – 10:45 AM EDT / 7:45 AM PDT

**As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stable influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Earth sign appears in the birth chart.

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Aquarius Sun ~ Freedom, Revolution & Surprise!, 1/20/20

The Sun entered unpredictable, independent Aquarius on Monday January 20, 2020. Ruled by Uranus, planet of unexpected events and outrageous happenings, the 11th sign of the Zodiac is about originality, inventiveness and changes of direction.

Intellectual Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of 4 “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio and Leo). Ignoring opposition and the word “don’t”, there is a lean to gather, along with friends, neighborhood groups, etc. , at  a rally, an organized march and / or form a protest for any issues deemed to be righteous. Regardless of Sun Sign, we may all feel the need to join our rebellion of choice. Just remember that the “Revolution” will be televised, tweeted and instagramed.

And, there are Planet transits:

Venus (harmony). 12/20/19 – 1/14/20 ~ can bring an upbeat tone and cheeriness to fiery rhetoric, solidifying relationships in the midst of revolutionary zeal

Mercury (Communication). 1/17 – 2/4/20 ~ adds cleverness and networking expertise. Temper any tendencies towards sarcasm and sharpness. (Sugar better than vinegar) Be clear in speech and written word when rallying your comrades.

Taking risks, being on the edge, or ledge – sounds intense, but it can be done with humor. If you’re going to spend time enrolling people into saving the world, you might as well have fun doing it.

~ Aquarius Sun: January 20, 2020 = 9:55 AM EST / 6:55 AM PST

* Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Legs

BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol for Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is an Air sign!

~ * ~



Optimistic, Energetic, Enthusiastic Sagittarius Sun

The Sun pranced into cheery Sagittarius on Friday November 22, 2019. Ruled by exuberant Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, we are more upbeat and everything seems possible, everything is “huge”- ideas, actions, themes. Enjoy it! But, remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to appreciate the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not.

And to add to the fun, the planets below will be transiting Sagittarius:

Venus 11/2 – 11/26 * The Love planet lends beauty, tact, sweetness and charm.

Jupiter since Nov. 2018 – 12/2/19 * Sag’s planet ruler transits the 9th sign of the Zodiac encouraging us to risk and “go BIG or go home”. Rather than go over the top, set limits. (BTW, Jupiter visits each Zodiac sign for about 52 weeks every 12 years)

Mercury 12/9 – 12/29 * Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing Sag’s knowledge and wisdom

A Sagittarius Sun wants us to be happy, to be with people, to revel in the abundance of the season. Certainly be an “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new, but, just be aware of getting close to the edges. If you must go “Kwazy” at least aim for controlled excess.

~ Sagittarius Sun – November 22, 2019 * 10 AM EST / 7 AM PST ~

*Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

BTW- Regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage of the vibrations of whatever sign the Sun is transiting.

The symbol for Sagittarius is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch. (Perfect, just in time for the holidays)
