Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!

Astrology: Romance & Business-Venus in Capricorn * A Good Fit?

Last week, February3rd/4th, the lovely planet Venus, (ruler of Libra and Taurus) gracefully floated into the 10th sign of the Zodiac – Capricorn.  This Earth sign is noted for its affinity to business – ambition, authority, practicality- ruled by boundary maven planet, Saturn.

Where does loving, romantic, social, creative Venus fit into all this? I don’t know. But, when I let my imagination run, I can envision high finance maneuvers done with a gentle nudge rather than an aggressive corporate hammer.  If your workplace has been akin to a battlefield lately, the planet of love could bring harmony, a willingness to listen to another point of view.  No doubt, greed will still be “good”, but maybe there will be more sharing, a generosity of spirit. Nice possibility?

However, don’t expect miracles, this will only last for a few weeks because on March 1, Venus transits into adventurous Aquarius.  (Hmmm, Venus into the rebellious Air sign? –  interesting, but, that’s a whole other story.)

Astrology: Weekend Moon – “Bull” on 1/14, ”Twins” on 1/15 & 1/16

IDK (“I don’t know” in texting speech :)) what you’ve got planned for this Friday January 14th, but with a Taurus Moon you could start your weekend stubborn and determined. The Taurus Bull is always a good way to get things done.

This 2nd sign of the Zodiac, ruled by lovely Venus, also loves the sensual, so romance, good food are not bad to add to the agenda.

Saturday and Sunday will be run by Gemini’s duality – multi tasking, talking, writing. Ruled by fleet footed  Mercury, this Air sign can be a little flighty and distracted, so think before you speak or push “send” on that email or text.  Be social, juggle those inevitable communications, flit around, have fun.

Regardless of whatever you get into – have a terrific weekend!

Astrology: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune* Moving Planets- Busy November!

Mars, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter are busy changing signs, changing direction -from Retrograde (backwards) to Direct (forwards) – and thereby changing planet relationships/connections in our Astrology charts. As always, changing lanes just means paying attention. Never a dull…!

*Communications planet Mercury moved into Sagittarius on 11/8 (Mars is already there). We should notice a sharpening of thought, a quickness of new ideas, an alertness to new opportunities. Take advantage of the possibility of the adventure factor in both thought and deed.

*Imaginative planet Neptune went Direct in Aquarius 11/6.  Compassion, giving of self, sensitivity, creativity are traits of this slow moving planet but we must be clear to always distinguish illusion from real. Feelings, reaching out to others – admirable, but, don’t be taken in. And, face what ever it is, escapism will just delay goals.

*Lucky planet Jupiter goes Direct on 11/18 in Pisces. Jupiter lives up to its size, it is the largest of our planets and generates “large” thinking. Bigger is better, optimism blossoms, abundance is a “why not”. Expansion, movement for stalled projects will be noticed, especially as Jupiter reaches  full of energy Aries in late January 2011. This can be fun, watch extravagance.

*Romance/ Finance planet Venus goes Direct in its own sign of Libra on 11/18. Relationships, contracts, money decisions were reviewed hopefully during the Retrograde period and now we are ready to take action on any decisions made. (Finally, marriages are good to go!)

*Warrior planet Mars, already in Sagittarius since 10/27 – gives energy along with the sharpness of Mercury to this already active, bright sign. Adventure, risk taking, cleverness, discussions – can be fun times while getting things done. Watch what you say – be kind.

All the above will affect us differently, how strongly we are influenced depends on the individual chart. As always, it’s all good.

Astrology: Here Comes The Libra Sun 9/22/10

The Libra Sun arrives on Wednesday 9/22/10 (11:09 PM EDT / 8:09PM PDT) – bringer of the Autumnal Equinox, master/mistress of partnerships, lover of beautiful things, charmer connecting and fostering relationships, ruled by the lovely Venus. The Scale is this Air sign’s symbol. (BTW: All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals)

Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, Libra will still cast a glow.  It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. There will be cooperation! (Great time to ask for a raise? build a group of volunteers?)

With the influence of Venus, the good things in life – music, delicious food, beauty are used to warm and lift the spirits. My thought/ suggestion for anything Libran is always:  meet some fun folks for lunch!

Seeking harmony, the Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions.  This is not a failing or  a weakness – seeking justice can be hard, determined work – however, using the Pros/Cons list method can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice.

Libra – Gemstone: Adventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets

Astrology: Moving Planets- Mars, Venus, Mercury *Yay!

Since I think of planets as energy sparkers, I like to pay attention to where and when they move from sign to sign. (They also move from House to House in the Astrology chart.) As they transit, they form different aspects to current planet placements and also to the planet positions of a birth chart.  New influences are created and old ones changed.


For those who have felt the effects of Mercury’s Retrograde movement in Virgo, let us all sing a chorus of Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released”. On 9/12, the planet of communication, transportation, electrical gadgets, etc. stopped moving backward. It goes direct now and will get back to Libra, where all this started back in August, on 10/4.  Plans, events, appointments, meetings will now get a move on.  Hopefully, you have used this time to rethink and regroup so that you can hit the ground running! (I love that expression:0)

Mars and Venus in Scorpio * Together:

On 9/14, Mars the planet of passion and heat joins Venus, our planet of love, and will stay in the secretive, sexy, smoldering sign of Scorpio until 10/27.  Let the “speed dating” games begin. Romance and attraction should perk up considerably. All thoughts/deeds may not turn to “Love”, but, there will certainly be thoughts of pairings/get togethers/ connections, random or otherwise. (BTW – Mars in Scorpio is a great time for achievement of all goals.  Passion and focus in abundance can set us up for accomplishment.)

Mars,  this sign’s “traditional” ruler (modernists consider it to be Pluto), gets  ramped up with the emotional, intense Scorpio energy. Venus, gentle, beauty loving and affectionate, might not be completely comfortable in this hyper passionate sign, however, there should be some steam non-the-less. (Think of Marlon yelling “Stella!!!” – something like that.)

BUT- there always is one – Venus, ruler of both Libra and Taurus, starts its Retrograde motion on 10/8. This backward trek can dull the power of its natural traits. After it backs into its happy sign of Libra on 11/8, Venus will go “Direct” on 11/19.  Full power will be on. (Rethink your wedding date plans??)

Btw: “Stella” reference – Tennessee Williams “Streetcar Named Desire” with Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh, Kim Hunter

Astrology:Friday the 13th, But Still a Libra Moon Weekend!

On Friday 8/13, the Moon is in the balanced Air sign of Libra. Those 2 Yin/Yang planets, Venus and Mars, are also visiting this sign of partnerships. Couples of all kinds (business? romantic?) should be cloaked in a spirit of cooperation – a “can’t we all just get along?”  sort of spirit.

With this 7th sign of the Zodiac, the urge to beautify and socialize, enhanced by its ruler Venus, will be present and the warrior planet Mars will add energy and sizzle – nice.

On Saturday evening the Moon will move into intense, moody Scorpio. You will “feel” things. Emotions can run deep. No patience for the superficial.

BTW: I have found that Friday the 13th is usually lucky for me. (I don’t think it had to do with it being a payday or anything?) Regardless of where you’re at, have a great weekend, take advantage and use whatever good forces you can. (The Moon jumps into joyous, jubilant Sagittarius by Tuesday.)

Astrology: Full Moon In Libra – Smile, Redecorate!

There was a full Moon in Libra on 3/29/10. The Moon will remain in this sign until Wednesday 5:18am PDT/ 8:13am EDT, so we will continue to feel the effects of this sign’s “put yourself on people” energy.  Smile and be social.  No werewolf worries!

Libra Moons can make us cooperative, social, charming and there may be an urge to beautify. This is a good time to buy something pretty, redecorate something (home or self) or ask important questions – a raise? 🙂 Saturn, planet of boundaries and responsibility, is also in Libra now and will do its best to curb any excess tendencies.

Venus (planet of love & relationships), ruler of both Taurus and Libra, is very comfy when the Moon is in one of its signs – go out and be with people.

FYI : As always, a Full or 3rd quarter Moon denotes the start of the “waning” Moon phase (the Sun & Moon are opposite each other) – use this time to clear out old things, or even ways of thinking, to make space for  the ‘New” coming in.

Astrology: Moving Planets – Lots of Activity in Taurus!

The sign of Taurus will be hosting 2 high powered planets- Venus and Mercury- for several weeks at the end of March/beginning of April, 2010. Planet transits vary in length adding energy to a sign and can impact the individual wherever it falls in their chart. Taurus is a very dependable, practical sign that respects money, hates debt, loves beauty and comfort.  To paraphrase a line from my favorite musical “Westside Story” – “Who knows…Somethin’s coming and it’s gonna be great”.

Venus rules the sign of Taurus and glides in on Wednesday March 31 until April 25, 2010.  Often referred to as the planet of love, Venus is all about relationships and is very comfortable in this sign. Think peace, love, good food and budget talks with a significant other?  (Or, a close family member.)

Mercury, the usually speedy communications planet, moves into Taurus on April 2 until June 10, 2010. During this time frame, the planet will slow its pace and go retrograde on 4/18 – it will stop going backward and go direct again on 5/11/10.  Earthy, grounded Taurus will bring weight to the quick, “chatty Kathy” Mercury. Use this time to think things through – to change your mind if need be.

BTW:  Taurus rules the 2nd House in the Astrology chart – It is the House of possessions, money (what we do with it/how we feel about it), what we think is “valuable”.