Astrology: Weekend Moon – Capricorn, Then Aquarius, Variety!

Early Friday April 22 gives us a business focused, responsible Capricorn Moon. The urge to be in charge, the urge to get things accomplished, the urge to work hard – all with the deliberate movement of this Earth sign.

An Aquarius Moon on Sunday ends the weekend on an unpredictable, but upbeat note. This Air sign is into group activities, volunteering, service to and/or organizing others. Contribution is always a good thing – gives a great start to the week ahead.

If you can, use the energy of the Zodiac sign the Moon is visiting on a particular  day:

Saturn ruled Earthy Capricorn – Authority, ambition, organized

Uranus ruled Airy Aquarius – Friendly, innovative, comfortable in groups with a cause

Regardless, deliver your best self as always, have a super weekend!

BTW- Mercury finally goes Direct on 4/23. This forward motion for the communication planet, after the 3 week Retrograde situation, may show up with solutions for stalled projects, the unlocking of writer’s blocks, a miraculous self repair for computers, smart phones, etc? Ah, life is smooth again! (Well, as much as it can be)

Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!

Astrology:Sun Into Aries – Spring is Here! 3/20/11

Spring has sprung! On March 20, 2011 the Sun moved into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – fiery Aries (7:21PM Eastern / 4:21PM Pacific). The Sun has transited all 12 signs and is starting the cycle anew.  On this day, we also celebrate the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here with new chances to bloom!

This Fire sign’s impulsive, physical high energy can be used to springboard those ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. With the lucky planet Jupiter transiting Aries until June 4, 2011, the universe will support you. Just don’t go into a “bigger is better” thing (which is a favorite Jupiter approach to life). Moderation, which is often a struggle for risk taking Aries, would work well now.  With unpredictable, non conformist Uranus also visiting – sitting for 7 more years – wildness can result. (Remember, Aries is ruled by the warrior planet Mars)

Mercury is in Aries too until May 15, 2011.  Communication may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates?  Since the planet will be Retrograde 3/30 – 4/23, re think/ review any temptation for verbal assaults, even if you’re right. No need to wound.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

*Aries = Gemstone: Garnet / Power Color: Red, fiery colors (of course)

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology. (Cupcakes will be served!)

Astrology: Sun into Dreamy Pisces February 18, 2011

On Friday 2/18, the 12th sign of the Zodiac got its turn to be in the Sun. Solar energy entered the Water sign Pisces –  creative, intuitive, emotional – at 7:25PM Eastern/4:25PM Pacific making the next few weeks a good time to innovate… something.

Imagination and feelings, Piscean characteristics, are heightened –  great for anyone associated with the arts. Ideas for new music, new dance, new writing might push to the surface faster than usual. The unconscious is very important with this Neptune ruled sign. Pay attention to your dreams as you stay grounded and stay connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or try to escape. Be steady, be productive.

Spread that Pisces compassion and kindness among family and friends. Don’t be surprised that sympathy/empathy  are readily on tap – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.

And to make it even more fun,  planets transiting a sign add additional energy to the mix:  Mercury may sharpen Pisces communication during its visit 2/22 to 3/10, watch Mars volatility 2/23 to 4/2 and remain stable with unpredictable Uranus -which ends its long stay on 3/12 (since 2003).  All 3 planets in Pisces plus the Sun is a powerful presence.  Make the most of it.

As always those most affected have the Sun or Ascendant in Pisces and for the rest of us, it depends on where Pisces appears in the birth chart.

*Pisces = Gemstone: Amethyst / Power color: Purple

Astrology: A New Moon in Aquarius 2/2/11

Wednesday February 2, gives us a friendly, unconventional Aquarius New Moon (9:31PM East / 6:31PM Pacific). For a Moon to be considered “New”, both Sun and Moon are in the same sign, adding power and possibilities to this lunar phase along with intensifying the sign’s traits.

Power and possibilities for this Uranus ruled Air sign usually involves something to do with groups, something revolutionary- or both. Regardless, it will speak to Aquarian independence and love of the different.

A walk on the wild side (with lots of friends?) Remember, moderation works.

Astrology: Sun into Adventurous Aquarius 1/20/11

On Thursday, January 20, the Sun group hugs its way into adventure loving, independent, “outside the box” Aquarius (5:19AM Eastern / 2:19AM Pacific). Some get confused since the symbol for the 11th sign of the Zodiac is the “Water Bearer”, but this is definitely an Air sign ruled by unpredictable, unconventional, change loving Uranus. Communication is key.

Aquarians tend to be more intellectual than emotional, with a concern for others that is authentic and matter of fact. A stubborn, people oriented sign, it is about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me”.  They care, they are involved and can be pretty determined to find resolutions to issues that touch them. Regardless of your birthday, we can all tap into those vibrations as the Sun intensifies this sign’s traits.

Taking risks, being on the edge, or ledge, is often part of their way of being in the world – sounds intense, but it’s done with humor. Aquarians are great to have around – which makes great sense.  If you’re going to spend time enrolling people into saving the world with you, you might as well have fun doing it.

The action packed, high energy planet Mars entered Aquarius on January 15, 2011.  As it transits this group focused sign, take advantage of all that power – volunteer, organize a community, find a cause, leave some place better than you found it. Enjoy the interaction.

*Aquarius = Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye / Power color: Ultramarine blue

Astrology: Unpredictable Aquarius Moon This Weekend, 10/15/10

The Friday morning October 15th Moon gives us an opportunity to let go of convention, do some “out of the box” thinking, focus on the welfare of others and be a little rebellious.

Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of three “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus and Scorpio) and is ruled by the unpredictable planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, sudden changes of direction, etc. Relax, go with the flow. Give more attention to another Aquarian trait which is contributing to the universe in some way.  Groups, other people and their causes are a natural concern.

Prepare for the unexpected. Not a bad way to spend a weekend- be spontaneous, share yourself. Enjoy!

FYI :  Moon will shift Sunday night into imaginative Pisces- art, music, creativity – but keep it real.

Astrology: Moving Planets – Jupiter into Aries June 5, 2010

Jupiter, ruler of the fun loving, philosophical Sagittarius, changes Sun signs on Saturday June 5.

Well, well, well, we are in for some fireworks for the next few months!  Jupiter, the Lucky planet, wants and is ready for “more” of anything (think excess). Aries is the 1st sign of the Zodiac and “first” is what it wants to be in everything. With Mars as ruler, this Fire sign’s energy is based on aggression, impulse and “let’s start something, NOW!”.  With big Jupiter egging it all on, restraint may be a challenge.

And, let’s not forget that revolutionary Uranus, (electric, unpredictable, considered by some the higher octave of Mercury) popped into Aries on May 27, 2010. The addition of Jupiter will just make life even more interesting.

Jupiter (big plans), Uranus (expect the unexpected) in Aries (volatility) can lead to all kinds of achievement – inventions, scientific breakthroughs- and the urge to be in charge/take control.

Depending upon where Aries is placed in your chart, you might feel that you’re being given a hot foot, or you keep hearing a voice in your head yelling “get up!’, “get up!’. Pay attention.

BTW: Uranus, an outer planet, is usually associated with “groups” rather than the individual, will do a back and forth movement in 2010 – it goes retrograde back into Pisces in August and forward again into Aries in December, where it will remain until 2018.

Jupiter stays in Aries for about 1 year.