Astrology: Weekend Full Moon in Aquarius * Radical Change?

The revolution may be televised, or not – but there will certainly be unusual, unconventional activity this weekend as we encounter a Full Moon in freedom loving, group focused Aquarius on Saturday 8/13/11. A stubborn, cause infused sign, it’s all about “We/Us” rather than “I/Me”.  Before jumping to the front lines, pause and reflect – is the issue real for you, or is the response automatic / knee jerk.  

With a Full Moon, the influence of Aquarian traits can intensify. Uranus, this independent Air sign’s planet ruler, loves change, hates constrictions and thrives on spontaneity, which can be exciting but precarious. Thinking works. You can still volunteer, organize, make a difference, do the “No Justice, No Peace” chant without falling off the edge. (Put that Molotov – whether it be verbal or actual –  back in the basement.)

FYI:  Moon will shift Sunday morning into imaginative, sensitive Pisces- create something. A positive way to contribute.      

Share yourself. Have a super weekend!

(At “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects.)