Full Taurus Blue Moon This Weekend ~ On Halloween!

The Moon enters Taurus on Friday afternoon – just in time for the weekend – and it reaches its 2nd “Full“ stage (or “Blue Moon”) for the month on Saturday 10/31, Halloween. Perfect!

This is a rare occurrence. There’s usually only one Full Moon per month. (The earlier October Full Moon was in Aries on the 1st) When there is a 2nd, it’s referred to as a “Blue Moon” – as in “once in a…”.  

Taurus is the 2nd sign of the Zodiac. It is a stable, stubborn (its symbol is the Bull), security focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, loving planet Venus. Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. (We can stay calm while being tenacious.)

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. Use grounded Taurus’ influence to complete any financial dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. Indulge the sensual side while monitoring investments. Chocolate covered strawberries while tallying the checkbook? It’s possible.

Happy Halloween!

As mentioned in the 10/2 post, surprises may still be on the way. Continue to hold on and ground yourself. Have some candy corn, dress up for a Zoom haunting. Be creative.

*Taurus Full Moon: 10/31/20 ~ 10:49 AM EDT / 7:49 AM PDT

**Reminder: Sunday 11/1/20 ~ Standard Time begins 2 AM (“Fall back”)

Lush Life * Taurus Full Moon 11/3 & 11/4/17

Craving luxury, being frugal, feeling stubborn?  We may experience all that and more with a Full Moon in Taurus. The 2nd sign of the Zodiac is a fixed (its symbol is the Bull), finance focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, loving planet Venus. Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. Indulge the sensual side while monitoring investments. Share chocolate covered strawberries with a significant other while tallying the checkbook at the same time. It’s possible!

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. With the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete any financial dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. What do you value most? Who do you need to be – to do what you want and have what you desire?

*Taurus Full Moon 2017 : Nov. 3 = 10:23 PM PDT /  Nov. 4  = 1:23 AM EDT

**Reminder: Standard Time begins Sunday 2 AM, 11/5/17 = “Fall back”



Glowing Full Moon in Earthy Taurus 11/6/14

Astro Moon FullFeeling beautiful, stubborn and material? It might be the vibrations of the Taurus Full Moon on Thursday November 6, 2014. This is a fixed, finance focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus. Whatever vibes are out there can all be put to good use. Indulge the sensual side, while monitoring investments. Share chocolate covered strawberries with the left hand, while tallying the checkbook with the right. It’s possible!

As always with a “Full” Moon, it’s a good time to finish what you’ve started. With the grounded Taurus influence, it makes sense to complete any money dealings and/or improvements to surroundings – beauty, comfort and safety. What do you value most? What do you need to do to have those things in your life, always?

*Taurus Full Moon: November 6, 2014 5:25 PM EST / 2:23 PM PST

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