Here Comes Summer! – Sun into Cancer 6/21/14

Yes, the “livin’ is easy” as we greet the Summer Solstice, Saturday June 21, 2014. Besides being the longest day of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign is emotional, moody, nurturing, concerned with home and family. I think Cancers make good actors – all those deep, vibrating feelings can be released by playing out their secret selves on stage. We will all be under this sign’s sensitive and caring influences until July 22, 2014.

astrology_chartwheel 2Your own personal Sun sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of some of Cancer’s influences by paying attention to your instincts or thoughts you can’t put into words. Don’t let the antennas wilt. Heightened awareness can provide useful information about people, places, things. At those times when dark moods prevail, don’t overeat while trying to make it better. That type of fix is always just temporary. Your frame of mind will change soon enough.

And, of course enjoy the homey, comfy company of family and friends with backyard or neighborhood pot luck events. Loving and feeding them ice cream is all part of the program. Fun stuff!


* June 21, 2014: Sun in 1st degree of Cancer, Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere – 3:51AM PDT / 6:51 AM EDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

(The year is already half over – what are you going to do with what’s left?)

BTW: For Moon children (those w/ Cancer Sun or anyone w/ Cancer prominent in their birth charts – rising sign, Moon sign, etc), Jupiter, the planet of luck, big ideas, big dreams and abundance will be transiting your sign until July16, 2014. Keep your eyes open for opportunities that come your way. Make sure they’re authentic (the Brooklyn Bridge has already been sold many times) and enjoy the good times.


Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!