Weekend of Charm & Sizzle – Libra / Scorpio Moon Transits!

Smile seductively this weekend as Friday afternoon April 6, 2012, heralds the Full Moon in lovely Libra, the relationship focused, Venus ruled 7th sign of the Zodiac, to be followed by seriously scorching Scorpio on Saturday and Sunday. Charisma and heat – the possibilities are endless. 

Libra can make us more cooperative, social and elegant with an urge to beautify –people, places, things. We want to tune out/tone down any negative, angry voices in the universe or in our heads and get along- charm and beauty are always good antidotes.

The Moon will slide into powerful, intense Scorpio on Saturday morning. Filled with sensuality and emotion, this Pluto ruled sign can be a force that won’t be denied. Be aware of a tendency to be easily wounded – hold the grudge for 5 minutes max, then move on. Channel some of Libra’s graciousness and balance to smooth out any person to person explosions. Moderation works.

BTW: Mercury finally stopped its Retrograde motion on 4/4 and will pick up forward speed throughout the weekend. If you’ve been feeling restrained, not fully expressed, you will now want to sing a few choruses of the Bob Dylan classic “I Shall Be Released” as life gets its flow back.

Have a wonderful weekend!


The Moon: Full in Virgo, Weekend in Libra & Scorpio – Wow!

Thursday, March 8, 2012 has Virgo Full Moon “handle it” energy. With health minded, practical earthy Virgo, the universe will support you as you complete and finalize whatever vitamin/diet and exercise regimen you may have been thinking about or planning. The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even after the Moon sign changes. Get it done.

Late that same evening, there will be a shift to Air sign Libra for Friday and Saturday. This Moon makes us gracious, charming and sociable – but, you don’t have to agree with everything that’s presented to you. Stand your ground if you must.

Finally, the arrival of a Scorpio Moon on Saturday overnight closes out the weekend. This intense, emotional Water sign will demand that you drill down and connect with others on a deep level. Superficial just won’t make it. Be self aware – if your speech or actions turn into drama for drama’s sake – ease up. Hit the melodrama pause button.

Whatever you do, have a terrific, accomplishing  weekend!

***But wait! Don’t forget Sunday March 11, 2012 at 2:am begins Daylight Savings Time – turn clocks ahead 1 hour. (That whole “Spring forward/ Fall back” thing)


Weekend Moon: Libra Charm, Scorpio Focus

The Moon will do a social dance into the gracious Air sign Libra early Friday afternoon February 10, 2012.  The weekend will be all about partnerships/ relationships because the 7th sign of the Zodiac fosters not only beauty and creativity, due to the influence of its planet ruler Venus, but also seeks a natural balance in the universe – harmony with people and harmony in the home. There is a lot to be said for using beautiful things and peaceful surroundings to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes. Charm is NOT a weakness.

By Sunday afternoon the mood changes as the Moon slides into serious, sensual, secretive, stubborn, Scorpio (I ran out of “s”s). Ruled by powerful Pluto, this Water sign’s focus and determination can lead to uncovering mysteries, peeling back layers, etc. Deep.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Astrology: Great Weekend – Passionate Scorpio and Peppy Sagittarius

What a combo! All day Friday September 2, the Moon is solidly in the middle of Scorpio drama, intensity and determination. A Scorpio Moon can render us focused, fierce and fearless. You may want to ratchet down some of the accompanying emotion and moodiness to save room for tapping into the natural seductive energy of this Water sign. Use it to get what or who you want.

Saturday afternoon September 3 through Monday, is all about Sagittarius. When the Moon bounces into this Fire sign, we tend to be upbeat, friendly risk takers.  It’s all good, everything is possible, a “yes” attitude. Fun Sagittarian energy – do something, be something, learn something – and enjoy it!

Have a marvelous Labor Day weekend – do something special for you and yours. 


Astrology: Weekend Mixed Messages – Moon in Libra, Then Scorpio

The Friday June 10th Libra Moon starts the weekend off on an artistic, relationship focused, harmony loving note. (Persuade someone to your side? Find a compromise?) This Air sign fosters good feelings, people activities, beauty and creativity. Smile and enjoy it.

On Saturday evening, the Moon will move into intense, moody Scorpio (8:33PM Eastern/ 5:33PM Pacific).  Lasting until Monday, this Water sign will have us “feel” things. Emotions can be dramatic and intense. No patience for the superficial – “real” conversations, drill down explorations, one-on-one connections are demanded. Okay. Going deep has its advantages.

Make the most of the entire weekend.  Squeeze the best out of each Moon placement, regardless of the changes in mood.

It’s all good.

Astrology: Moon in Libra 5/13/11 * Charm Rules the Weekend!

Friday the 13th – What me worry?? Nope – no triskaidekaphobia” here! It will be a beautiful day filled with charm and beauty. Especially once the Lunar orb arrives in the social, partnership focused Air sign of Libra. This Venus ruled sign urges us to cooperate, find balance, seek out pretty things, partake of good food – just harmony and general deliciousness. Moon in Libra 11:56AM Eastern/ 8:56AM Pacific, May 13.

The mood turns serious and intense with a Scorpio Moon on Sunday May 15, 12:32 PM Eastern/ 9:32AM Pacific. Emotions run deep. No time for the superficial.  You can dig and get to the bottom of any mysteries that are troubling you.

Regardless of what you’re up to, have a great weekend, as always, take advantage and use whatever good forces you can.

BTW: I have found that Friday the 13th is usually lucky for me. I don’t think it had to do with it being a payday or anything?  I expect good things to happen! (Hope I don’t sound too “pollyanna-ish”)

FYI: triskaidekaphobia – fear of the number 13


Astrology: Another Weekend, Another Virgo/Libra Split!

The Moon in Virgo on Friday June 18th just might add oomph to the influences being felt from this Mercury ruled sign.  Since Mars and Saturn are already lined up in the steady, efficient, “let’s get real” Earth sign, an addition of Moon energy gives an uptick to Virgo concerns on health, nutrition, work. (Are there things that need to be looked at/worked on? Take care of it now.)

Early Saturday morning, June 19th, we go into partnership loving, luxury loving, understanding-both-sides- now loving Libra!  I think Libra weekends just ooze charm, cooperation, social interactions– a party?

Have a great weekend! (On Monday we’ll get back to serious with the Scorpio Moon)

Astrology: Sag Moon – Good Times!

Perk up! The Moon has moved out of brooding, intense Scorpio and into optimistic, upbeat Sagittarius.  We always feel a lift in spirits after this transition. Thoughts turn to travel and adventure – fun.  But, go easy on the chocolate bunny treats.

(We’ll get back to business on Sunday evening with the Moon shift into responsible, Capricorn.)

Happy Easter!