Scorpio Season!

On Monday, October 23, 2023 the Sun strutted into stubborn, secretive and sensual Scorpio – the heat wen up a notch! The passionate 8th sign of the Zodiac can infuse us with determination and focus to get projects done, snare that love interest or drill down through any mysteries that need to be solved. Sensitive and emotional – there will be drama and there will be depth.

Note that “deep” and “fierce” can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotions occasionally go unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” will not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give a chance to think, rather than just react.

With Water sign Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us regardless of birth date.

Clever Communication planet Mercury has a Scorpio transit from 10/22 to 11/25/23. The demand for the “real”, in any interaction – conversation, texting etc, goes up a few notches. And just to add to the intensity, Mars will visit Scorpio from 10/13 to 11/11/23.

A lot can be accomplished during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. Remember that even while being serious and authentic, laughter can still be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – it can dissipate as the mood changes.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/23/23 ~ 12:21 PM EDT– 9:21 AM PDT

Yes, The Sun moves into Scorpio on the “ 23rd”, different from other signs with Sun transits beginning on the 20th, 21st or 22nd of the month.The Earth’s rotation actually determines the start dates of a sign – not the Sun. The dates can vary by as much as 2 days depending on when a leap year occurs.

As the world turns, the Sun appears to flow from one Zodiac sign to another. Since the Earth wobbles, it takes slightly more than 365 days — actually 365 + 1/4 days. Because of this, our calendars must be adjusted to compensate for this difference.



Scorpio Season – Go Deep, Or Go Home!


On Sunday, October 23, 2022, the Sun sashayed into powerful, and often fierce, Scorpio. Wind down and focus to get projects accomplished, snare that love interest and reveal any mysteries that need to be solved. (Think “determination”.) With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us regardless of birth date. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – they may dissipate as the mood changes.

Due to the characteristic sensitivity of this Water sign, the 8th sign of the Zodiac’s power will not be served distant and cold – there will be drama, there will be depth, the time is ripe for full out emotions. Stubborn, secretive, serious, sensual – these adjectives all fit Scorpio to a T (or in this case, to an “S”). The Sun will heat and be heated.

There are Transits! (Planets visit signs over the year which I think adds spice)

Venus, 10/24 to 11/17/22 – Love Planet Venus, always associated with beauty, love, charm, etc. may soften Scorpio’s approach while searching for deep connections and passion. As always, the impact depends on where Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

Mercury, 10/30 to 11/18/22– the Communication planet can easily turn interactions up a notch. Pay attention and be as clear as possible regardless of how deep the vat of emotion.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

** Scorpio Sun 10/23/22 ~ 6:36 AM EDT– 3:36 AM PDT

*** Wondering why the Scorpio Sun is the 23rd of the month this year and not the 19th, 20th, 21st or 22nd like most other signs?

The Earth’s rotation actually determines the start dates of a sign – not the Sun. The dates can vary by as much as 2 days depending on when a leap year occurs.

As the world turns, the Sun appears to flow from one Zodiac sign to another. Since the Earth wobbles, it takes slightly more than 365 days — actually 365 + 1/4 days. Because of this, our calendars must be adjusted to compensate for this difference.

Next up – Upbeat Sagittarius 11/22/22 !


Get Ready For The Passionate, Intense Scorpio Sun! 10/22 ~ 10/23/21

Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive and sensual. I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious Scorpio, 8th sign if the Zodiac. I’ve decided that it isn’t an either / or situation – all may apply to this water sign at some time or other. The Sun will heat and be heated by this fixed sign beginning on Friday October 22 PDT and on Saturday October 23, 2021 EDT.

Note that “deep” and “fierce” can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotions occasionally go unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” will not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep for all of us.

A lot can be accomplished during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. Remember that even while being serious and authentic, laughter can still be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – it can dissipate as the mood changes.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/22/21 ~ 9:51 PM PDT – 10/23/21 ~ 12:51 AM EDT ~*~

Next – Upbeat Sagittarius!


Sizzling, Secretive, Seductive, Sensual, Scorpio Sun! (Yeah, I’m showing off)

On Thursday October 22, 2020 the Sun slipped into Scorpio – the heat is on! Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate (still showing off 😉 ), the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac can infuse us with determination and focus to get projects done, snare that love interest or drill down through any mysteries that need to be solved. Sensitive and emotional – there will be drama and there will be depth.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us regardless of birth date,

Clever Mercury has a long Scorpio transit which began on 9/28/20. It will go Retrograde on 10/13, (interactions can turn out differently than expected and may be more demanding than usual) and backup into Libra, where it will stop and move forward on 11/3 into Scorpio again on 11/10. It will reach the next sign, Sagittarius on 12/2/20.

We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power. But, also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

As always, the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/22/20 ~ 7 PM EDT– 4 PM PDT ~*~



Scorpio Sun 10/23/19 – Feelings, Emotions!

Scorpio season is upon us, the weather might be cooling down, but a Scorpio Sun brings heat and sizzle on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive and sensual – I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us.

Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Scorpio from 10/3 – 12/9/19.  Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt whenever possible. (Adding to the possible drama: Mercury will be Retrograde in Scorpio from 10/31/ to 11/20/19)

Lovely, romantic Venus visits serious Scorpio from 10/9 – 11/2/2019, adding beauty and lushness to this sign’s natural sensitivity. Also, thoughts may lean toward what you value and especially how you value yourself. Pay attention.

As always, the impact of planet placements depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and determination. But, also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/23/19 ~ 1:20 PM EDT– 10:20 AM PDT

Go Deep, Or Go Home – Scorpio Sun 10/23/18

It may be Autumn, but on Tuesday, October 23, the stubborn, secretive, sensual, sizzling Scorpio Sun brings the heat. Regardless of our birth date, the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac can infuse us with determination and focus to get projects done, snare that love interest or drill down through any mysteries that need to be solved. Sensitive and emotional – there will be drama and there will be depth. Skimming the surface of a project, a problem or a relationship just won’t do!

Besides the Sun, there are now three planets, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, transiting Water sign Scorpio which could make life even more interesting:

Mercury, the communication planet, transits from 10/10 – 10/31/18 – interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual.

Lovely, romantic Venus visits Scorpio from 9/9 until 1/17/19, adding beauty and lushness to this intense sign’s ways of seduction. Included is a Retrograde period back into Libra on 11/2 and a return to Scorpio on 12/3 until 1/17/19.

Cheerful, “everything is better when it’s bigger”, good luck planet Jupiter has had a long stay in Scorpio from 10/11/17 – 11/7/18, spreading some optimism and light.

We can accomplish a lot using Scorpio’s power and fierceness- it’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation) – but also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.

As always, the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

** Scorpio Sun 10/23/18 = 7:23 AM EDT– 4:23 AM PDT



Scintillating Scorpio Sun 10/22 & 10/23/17!

Stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual – these adjectives all fit Scorpio, the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac. The Sun will heat and be heated by this Water sign beginning on Sunday October 22 (PDT) and Monday October 23, 2017 (EDT). There will be intensity, determination and smoldering feelings. (Romantic entanglements can be taken to sizzling heights.) Powerful days may be ahead for all.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial won’t work. A lot can be accomplished during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. Remember that even while being deep and authentic, laughter can still be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.

Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Scorpio from 10/17 – 11/5/17.  Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and as clear as possible regardless of how deep the vat of sensitivity. Paint inside the lines to avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt.

Lovely, romantic Venus visits Scorpio from 11/7 – 12/1/2017, adding beauty and lushness to this intense sign’s seduction. Again, the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart

Cheerful, “everything is better when it’s bigger”, Good Luck planet Jupiter has a long stay in Scorpio from 10/11/17 – 11/8/18. Could add upbeat, good feelings, (instead of 1/2 empty, the wine glass is 1/2 full) but, don’t let big emotions overwhelm you.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

** Scorpio Sun: 10:27 PM PDT 10/22/17 – 1:27 AM EDT 10/23/17



“Watch Out, Hot Plate Coming Thru” * Scorpio Sun 10/22/16!

astrology_chartwheel 2On Saturday, October 22, 2016, the Scorpio Sun will want to infuse us with passion and focus to get projects accomplished, snare that love interest and drill down thru any mysteries that need to be solved. (Think “determination”) Due to the characteristic sensitivity and emotionality of this Water sign, Scorpio’s power will not be served distant and cold – there will be drama, there will be depth, the time is ripe for revelation. Stubborn, secretive, serious, sensual, sizzling – these adjectives all fit Scorpio to a T (or in this case, to an “S”).

Where does intense Scorpio, its traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), appear in your chart – Sun sign, Ascendant, Moon? Regardless of the House placement, the 8th sign of the Zodiac can uncover deeper feelings for us all. Superficial skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. When confronted with an issue, there will only be an apparent yes or a no response – compromise is out of the question. Unlike under a Libra Sun, where decision making can be tortuous, it is black or white with Scorpio, no shades of grey. “Maybe” is not acceptable.

Mercury, the Communication planet, will be transiting Scorpio from 10/24 – 11/13/16. Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and as clear as possible regardless of how deep the vat of emotion. Paint inside the lines to avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt feelings. You may get all wrapped up in reacting or acting out and then discover that the “overwhelm” does not quite match the situation. Pausing doesn’t lessen importance, but it can be used as a time out to bring things into perspective and to lighten the atmosphere.  

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

*Sun into Scorpio: 10/22/16 – 7:46 PM Eastern / 4:46 AM Pacific

(Sorry, about the “Hot plate” reference. Heard that in a diner. It sorta fit)


Scintillating Scorpio Sun, 10/23/15!

astrology_chartwheel 2Stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual – these adjectives all fit Scorpio, the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac. The depth and strength of this Water sign can handle all descriptions. The Sun will heat and be heated by this sign beginning on Friday October 23, 2015. There will be intensity, smoldering feelings and be aware that any romantic entanglements can be taken to sizzling heights. OKAY!

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), any superficial skimming of the surface just won’t do. Put off any thoughts of interaction “lite” for another time. Although, being too passionate and emotional may cause us to get wrapped up in life’s drama and then we discover that the resulting “overwhelm” does not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button when dealing with friends and loved ones to give us a chance to assess what’s going on, rather than just react (over react?).

With its power and intense focus, we can accomplish a lot during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. However, remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere. Find an authentic way of being that can lift the mood when necessary.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

*Sun into Scorpio: 10/23/15 – 1:47 PM Pacific / 10:47 AM Eastern


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The Heat is On – Sun Into Scorpio 10/23/2014!

It may be a cool, brisk Fall day, but on October 23, 2014, the Scorpio Sun brings heat and sizzle. Potent, powerful, persistent, passionate OR, stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual. I couldn’t decide on which group of adjectives to use for the mysterious 8th sign if the Zodiac, so I’ve decided that it isn’t an either / or decision. The depth and strength of this Water sign can handle all descriptions. “Watch out, hot plates coming through”. (Sorry, heard that once in a diner. It fits.)

astrology_chartwheel 2Where does Scorpio, ruled by power and transformation planet Pluto, appear in your chart”, Sun sign, Ascendant, Moon? Regardless of the House placement, the 8th sign of the Zodiac brings intensity and deep feeling to us all. Many times when confronted with an issue, there will only be either a yes or a no response – compromise is out of the question. “Maybe” will not be acceptable. It is black or white with no shades of grey. Especially now with Saturn, planet of discipline, perseverance, and boundaries, visiting until December 23, 2014, feelings of responsibility, the demand for real life, well defined positions, along with some hard edged decisions will be amped. Superficial skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do.

Note that deep and fierce stuff can lead to all sorts of “feelings” that you may not be prepared to confront. So, don’t be surprised if emotionality occasionally goes unchecked. Often, the resulting “overwhelm” may not quite match the situation. There is nothing wrong with using an internal pause button to give us a chance to think, rather than just react. We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power and focus. But also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

BTW: Lovely, romantic Venus visits Scorpio from 10/24 thru 11/17/14. The transit should enhance sensuality, add lushness and perhaps soften seduction. And, because it is transiting this intense sign, actions and revelations will be serious – about what you value and especially how you value yourself.  The scope of the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red * Body Part: Reproductive system

*Sun into Scorpio: 10/23/14 – 4:57AM Pacific / 7:57 AM Eastern

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