The planets continue to move! On January 25/26, 2011, Saturn, which has been in the Air sign Libra off and on since January 2010, will stop and appear to go backwards in the sky until June 12, 2011. Retrograde periods, regardless of the planet, invites “re” activities – re consideration, re evaluation, etc. With Saturn, it is all about boundaries, “life lessons”, discipline, and responsibility. You can use the time to review the usual Libra themes, partnerships, relationships, social networks – are they strong, are they real? Does anything need extra work or just a little tweaking? There may be tension as you now take the time to notice what works/what doesn’t.
Those born with their Sun or Rising signs in Libra or have experienced a recent 30/60 year Saturn Return in this sign(the planet returns to the same place in your chart as at the time of birth every 30 years) may notice the effects. (For others, it will depend upon where the planet appears in your chart.)
The planet will stop again on June 12, 2011, reverse to Direct and remain in this Venus ruled sign until early 2012. Discovered in 1610 by Galileo, as I’ve written before, I think of Saturn sometimes as the Castor Oil of the planet world. Ancient Astrologers considered it a malefic, but recently, a more positive spin, such as a bringer of reality bites, etc. , has been attributed to it–like medicine that tastes awful, but does you good, eventually. (Ugh)
Librans will still do the charming, social thing, but perhaps will cut out ways of being, or people, that no longer contribute to their well being. (Is that cutting the wheat from the chaff or something?)