~ Sensitivity, Creativity, Feelings! Pisces Sun 2/18/24 ~

The Sun floats into the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac – imaginative, impressionable, intuitive Pisces on Sunday, February 18, 2024. Feelings are heightened. Pisces is a sensitive Water sign and if too much emotion sends you off course, focus on the task at hand to stay grounded and connected to reality. Keying in to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Stay steady and productive. Tap into all that compassion and kindness that Pisces is known for and spread it around. Sympathy and empathy abounds, but take off the rose colored glasses – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed. This may affect all of us regardless of astrology sign.

Mystical Neptune, Pisces’ Planet ruler, will transit until January 2026 (happens about every 165 years). It’s been visiting since February 2011. It has a reputation for clouding the waters, fading boundaries and fostering escapism. But, all those things that make life unsettled can also enhance imagination and creativity.

Innovations in music, dance, and theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual. The subconscious can be a treasure trove of ideas now. Keep paper and pencil handy, jot down your dreams.

Saturn, planet of boundaries, transits Pisces from March 2023 until February 2026. With fluid, watery Pisces, disciplined Saturn can be used to add steadiness and focus.

~ Sun in Pisces – February 18, 2024:  11:13 PM EST / 8:13 PM PST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet


Side By Side! The Winter Solstice & The Capricorn Sun

On Thursday December 21, 2023, Winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere – the “Winter Solstice”, the shortest day of the year. Always in tandem is the careful, capable & career centered Capricorn Sun. Although Earth sign Capricorn is very different from the previous sign, upbeat Sagittarius, spirits don’t have to deflate after all of the joyous seasonal happenings you created.

The 10th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by stern Saturn. It can keep us busy networking, organizing, tuning up career and financial situations and being in charge. Directing traffic is fun. Being “Top Dog” is not a trial or burden. Just don’t get so bogged down with ambition & responsibilities that you become rigid or cautious. Fun can still be had!

~Pluto, planet of power & transformation, will continue transiting Capricorn.  It  has been adding its energy since 2008 (moves into Aquarius on 1/21/24). It can foster deep feelings along with possible changes in career direction, upheaval, & renewal / regeneration.

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2023 – 10:27PM EST / 7:27PM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

*How you experience transiting planet power depends on where Capricorn appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

Wishing For Peace and the very Best of the season for all of us

Happy New Year! 

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)

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Aquarius Sun ~ Expect The Unexpected 1/20/23!

The Sun rallies into intellectual, team focused, Air sign Aquarius on Friday January 20, 2023. The 11th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by the unpredictable, unconventional, undeniably radical planet Uranus. It’s all about independence, freedom, a love of sudden changes and thinking “outside of the box”. Expect the unexpected.

Saturn, planet of discipline, restrictions & boundaries has been transiting Aquarius since 2020. (It will move into Pisces on March 7, 2023.) Free spirit Aquarius may experience restlessness because of feeling limited.

Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of 4 “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio and Leo). Ignoring opposition and the word “don’t”, there is a lean to gather, along with friends, neighborhood groups, etc. , at  a rally, an organized march and / or form a protest for any issues deemed to be righteous.

Regardless of Sun Sign, we may all feel the need to join our rebellion of choice. Just remember that the “Revolution” will be televised, tweeted and instagramed.

~ Aquarius Sun ~ Jan. 20, 2023 * 3:30 AM EST / 12:30 AM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Legs

BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol for Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is an Air sign!

~ Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Sane ~

They’re Here! The Winter Solstice & The Capricorn Sun, 12/21/22

On Wednesday December 21, 2022, Winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere – the “Winter Solstice”, the shortest day of the year. Always in tandem is the ambitious, careful, & capable Capricorn Sun. Although Earth sign Capricorn is very different from the previous sign, upbeat Sagittarius, spirits don’t have to deflate after all of the joyous seasonal happenings you created.

The 10th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by stern Saturn. It can keep us busy networking, organizing, tuning up career and financial situations and being in charge. Directing traffic is fun. Being “Top Dog” is not a trial or burden. Just don’t get so bogged down in responsibilities that you become rigid and cautious. Fun can still be had!

And to add to all that fun are Capricorn planet transits:

~Mercury, planet of Communications – moved into Capricorn on 12/7 and remains until 2/12/23. Speech, writing etc. could be more serious and tight. Maintain sense of humor. Authority with honey, not vinegar. (Long transit due to Retrograde period, 12/29/22 to 1/17/23)

~Venus, Planet of Love, beauty, & relationships, arrived on 12/11 until 1/4/23 – pay attention to romantic expectations, feelings of restriction, less flexibility.

~Pluto, planet of power & transformation – has been in Capricorn since 2008 (until 2023) – fosters deep feelings, possible changes in career direction, upheaval, regeneration.

*How you experience transiting planet power depends on where Capricorn appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2022 – 4:48  PM EST / 1:48 PM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)

Wishing the very best of the season to all of us

Happy New Year!

The Winter Solstice & The Capricorn Sun ~ They’re Here! 12/21/21




The serious Capricorn Sun arrived on December 21, 2021 along with the celebrated Winter Solstice. Ambitious, efficient, grounded, practical, this Earth sign is ruled by the strict planet Saturn. But, there’s no need to feel too much of a letdown after experiencing the upbeat Sagittarius holiday revelry.

The 10th sign of the Zodiac can keep us busy networking, tuning up career moves, telling people what to do and where to go as we reach for an upgrade in status. Being the “top dog” is not a burden. Directing traffic is fun. Just don’t get so bogged down in responsibilities and being “in charge” that you become rigid and cautious. Fun can still be had!

Adding power and energy are 3 planet transits in Capricorn:

~Mercury, plant of Communication – will move into Capricorn on 12/14/21 until 1/3/22. Speech, writing etc. could be more serious and tight. Maintain sense of humor. Authority with honey, not vinegar

~Venus– Love, beauty, relationships 11/6/21 until 3/7/22 (Retrograde 12/19/21 – Direct 1/29/22) – pay attention to romantic expectations, feeling restricted.

~Pluto, planet of power & transformation – has been in Capricorn since 2008 (until 2023) – fosters deep feelings, possible changes in career direction, upheaval, regeneration.

*How you experience transiting planet power depends on where Capricorn appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2020 – 10:59 AM EST / 7:59 AM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)

Wishing the very best of the season to all of us

Happy New Year!

Capricorn Moon This Weekend– Wild Ambition!

Saturday and Sunday, April 3 & 4, 2021, will find us in the serious embrace of a Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be grounding), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has upwardly mobile aspirations.

Earth sign Capricorn can bring out the administrator side – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge and move with purpose. See this as an opportunity to show your stuff. Are your strategies & actions producing the results you want? Being an ambitious over achiever is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a super, productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” while telling everyone what to do.

Stay Safe. Stay Sane



Aquarius Sun 1/19/21 – The Unexpected, The Unpredictable, The Unanticipated!

The Sun enters independent, intellectual, Air sign Aquarius on Tuesday January 19, 2021. Ruled by Uranus, the planet of unexpected events, this 11th sign of the Zodiac is also about originality and inventiveness. Not necessarily wild and crazy but definitely sudden change and out of the box thinking.

Community focused Aquarius has a stubborn streak (it is one of 4 “Fixed” signs of the Zodiac, along with Taurus, Scorpio and Leo). This determination often shows up when it involves tackling group issues. Concern for others is authentic – caring, involvement and perseverance to find resolutions to problems that touch others. Contributing to the universe is a given.

Take advantage of this energy regardless of your own Astrology sign. Fill in some of those blank calendar spaces with purposeful action  – find a cause, volunteer, organize a neighborhood, leave a place better than you how found it. Enjoy people, support them, inspire and whip them into shape! Make a difference.

 And just to make it all the more interesting, there are planet Transits:

Saturn ~ 12/18/20 until March 2023 – Contraction. Responsibility, restraint and discipline.  

Jupiter ~ 12/ 20/20 – Dec 2021. Expansion. Bigger is better with Jupiter. Any group efforts, interests and or involvements could be intensified. Striving for independence and freedom may push boundaries.

*If Jupiter pushes towards the cliff, Saturn may prevent going over the edge.

Mercury ~ 1/9 until 3/15/21 (includes Retrograde period – 1/30 thru 2/21/21) The Communication planet ~ adds cleverness and networking expertise. Temper any tendencies towards sarcasm and sharpness. (Sugar better than vinegar) Be clear in speech and written word as you interact with others.


~ Aquarius Sun* Jan. 19, 2021 = 3:40 PM EST / 12:40 PM PST

*Gemstone: Blue Tiger’s Eye *Power color: Ultramarine blue * Body Part: Legs

BTW: don’t get confused – even though the Astrology symbol for Aquarius is the “Water Bearer”, it is an Air sign!

~ *** ~

Together Again! Winter Solstice & Capricorn Sun 12/21/20

On Monday December 21, 2020, Winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, (some places more dramatically than others) but it’s the official start of Winter, “Winter Solstice”, the shortest day of the year. Always in tandem is the careful, capable Capricorn Sun.

This ambitious, efficient, and grounded Earth sign, ruled by stern Saturn, believes in duty, responsibility and loves being in charge. Regardless of our actual birth date, we may all feel the influences and get a thrill directing traffic and telling people what to do. (Fun for the boss, but maybe not so much for the employee?) Use honey instead of vinegar.

Although Capricorn is very different from Sagittarius, spirits don’t have to deflate after all of the seasonal happenings you were able to create the past few weeks – despite these precarious times. The 10th sign of the Zodiac can keep us busy, accomplished and sensible. Make a goals list, tune up job or financial situations and organize whatever needs to be shaped up. Be ready for whatever opportunities show up in 2021. “A change is gonna come.” What’s next? Make something happen.

There is one major planet transit for Capricorn:

~ Pluto, planet of power & transformation – has been in Capricorn since 2008 (until 2023) – fosters deep feelings, possible changes in career direction, upheaval, regeneration.

*How you experience this powerful planet placement depends on where it appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2020 – 5:02 AM EST / 2:02 AM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)




Capable, Careful, Capricorn Sun ~ 2020

The ambitious Capricorn Sun arrived on Saturday, December 21, 2019 along with the celebrated Winter Solstice. It is a new decade – 2020!  Take the time to look at what was accomplished and make plans for the future. I love that “what’s next?” question – a New Year, a blank calendar to fill in. Possibilities!

Capricorn, an Earth sign ruled by serious planet Saturn, likes structure, boundaries and is comfortable with the trappings of authority. Being a “boss” is not a burden. Being in charge is welcome. The 10th sign of the Zodiac can keep us busy, accomplished and sensible. Re-goal yourself (I made this word up), tune up career moves, network, organize whatever needs to be shaped up. Make something happen. Just don’t get bogged down that you become too rigid and/or too cautious.  Relax, remember that you have a sense of humor – use it.

The Sun will be in Capricorn until 1/20/20. 4 planets will also transit during this time adding to the power & energy:

~Saturn, planet of boundaries & discipline – rules Capricorn so its influences will be tweaked. The 2 year visit started 12/19/17, will end 12/20/2020. Mature decisions, duty, responsibility are all highlighted for hopefully good results down the line.

~Pluto, planet of power & transformation – has been in Capricorn since 2008 (until 2023) – fosters deep feelings, possible changes in career direction, upheaval, regeneration.

~Mercury, planet of Communication, travel – will move into Capricorn on 12/29/19 until 1/16/20. Speech, writing etc. could be more serious and tight. Maintain sense of humor. Reign in sharp, hurtful personal interactions. 

~Jupiter, planet of big ideas & expansion – its sign visits last approximately 1 year, 12/2/19 until 12/19/20. Some of the risk taking tendencies can be curtailed & action more grounded.

*Of course, how you experience all of this planet power depends on where Capricorn appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2019 – 11:20 PM EST / 8:20 PM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)




Capricorn Moon Weekend – Set Goals, Accomplish, Take Charge!

Saturday and Sunday, September 7 & 8, 2019, will find us in the serious embrace of a Capricorn Moon. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing), the 10th sign of the Zodiac has upwardly mobile yearnings. It can bring out the “administrator” in us – a perfect time to organize, assign tasks, take charge and move with purpose. See this as an opportunity to sharpen your business acumen. Are your strategies, actions producing the results you want? Being an ambitious over achiever is not a negative. Like everything else, it depends on how it’s handled.

Have a successfully productive weekend, but don’t forget to smile and say “thank you” while telling everyone what to do.