Astrology: Weekend Moon in Scorpio 10/8/10

The Friday October 8th Scorpio Moon follows the New Moon that occurred  in Libra on the 7th.  The Moon will take residence in this emotional Water sign for 2 days. You will probably notice the difference. Rather than Libra-like easy social networking, there will be the need to connect on deeper levels with people– superficial pleasantries will not be acceptable or satisfying.

If feeling more exposed and sensitive, don’t allow any slights, real/imaginary, to cut too deeply. (Is it possible to spend too much time feeling wounded? You could be doing something else a bit more constructive?)

However, as always, a Sagittarius Moon, the next sign in the Zodiac, is waiting to follow a Scorpio one. Life perks up with the Moon bouncing into Fire sign Sag on Sunday afternoon.  There may be this unexplained, underlying need for adventure. Don’t get too extreme or go toward excess -if you need a net, use it. (Nobody becomes a”Flying Wallenda” overnight.)

BTW: The Flying Wallendas is the name of a circus act and daredevil stunt performers, most known for performing highwire acts without a safety net.  (Per WiKiPedia)

Astrology: Scorpio Full Moon April 28

Things might get a little intense. Scorpio, a passionate water sign, can be emotional and sensitive and the force of a Full Moon can distill all that power into a cauldron of “feelings”.  Don’t take everything personally. You don’t have to go into automatic revenge mode – wait a few days.  The comment or action that brought you to either anger or tears may not have been as evil as imagined. Regardless, it is not anything that can’t be handled. As Oprah says, “this too shall pass”.

BTW: A Sagittarius Moon begins Thursday evening – a definite change of pace. Take advantage of the optimistic atmosphere. Life is good – enjoy it!

So, have fun Friday and Saturday because Sunday morning will be Capricorn Moon’s turn to influence our subconscious: thoughts turn to business, responsibility, career. (Needless to say, they too are important parts of our multi-layered lives.)

Astrology: Moon into Business-Like Capricorn

The Moon changes signs about every 2 1/2 days . Out of the peppy Fire sign Sagittarius – next stop the serious, organized Earth sign Capricorn.  You can use the new energy to focus, accomplish, complete and be in charge!

Next, the Moon will move into the innovative, free spirit Air sign of Aquarius in the early morning of Wednesday 4/7/10. Expect the unexpected.