Sparkling, Sassy Sagittarius New Moon 11/26/19

The Sagittarius New Moon, on Tuesday November 26, will have us getting out and about, seeing people and just being optimistic. With this good natured, Jupiter ruled Fire sign, there may be sudden urges to travel and seek out fun escapades, which can add up to fun experiences.  

As always with a New Moon, it’s a great time to launch, create, and / or start something. Sagittarius’ enthusiasm, love of adventure and taking risks are amped as both luminaries, the Sun arrived on 11/22, are together. Think of the possibilities! But, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea).

~ Sagittarius New Moon * Nov. 26, 2019 – 10:06 AM  PM EST / 7:08 AM PST ~

(FYI = “New Moon” energy lasts approximately 2 weeks until Full Moon 12/11/19) 




Hey, Final Mercury Retrograde of 2018!

On Friday, November 16, 2018, Mercury will go Retrograde for the final time this year in the adventure loving, optimistic Fire sign of Sagittarius. The planet of communications, transportation, education, health, medical treatments, business negotiations and of course technical gadgets, will appear to reverse motion in the sky – often corresponding to things seeming to go a little backward on earth. Hold on, we can do this.

Anticipate, anticipate, anticipate – snafus, avoidable travel delays, wrong destinations, tempermental tech situations, and Email, Twitter & FB miscommunications. Back up your stuff, pause before hitting “send”, read that contract again before signing. Pay attention to the details. It just takes a little extra time. (Beats the embarrassment of your “reply all” shade fest flying out into the universe)

My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: Take time to review, reconsider, re-think, revisit. See it as an opportunity to make adjustments and corrections where needed.

*Mercury Retrograde: 11/16   8:33 PM PST – 5:33 PM EST (‘til 12/6/18)

**BTW: The planet ruler of Gemini & Virgo will be Retrograde 3 times in 2019:

~March 16th 2019 – March 26th 2019

~July 9th 2019 – July 30th 2019

~November 1st 2019 – November 18th 2019

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, but due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.



Sag Moon All Weekend & Its “New”!

The Moon is in sparkling, sassy Sagittarius from Friday evening until Monday morning and on 12/17, the Lunar orb begins a “New” phase. We will feel the urge to get out and about and see people. We feel lucky, optimistic and of course will find the greatest bargain, the perfect gift, the bestest tree. Or, you can hang out with family and friends – socializing works too.

As always with a New Moon, it’s a great time to launch, create, and / or start something. Sagittarius’ good nature, love of adventure and taking risks are tweaked while both luminaries, (the Sun arrived on 11/21) are in this upbeat Fire sign ruled by big Jupiter. But, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). Mercury is still retrograde until 12/22/17, so pay attention to the details.

*New Moon = Dec 17– 10:30 PM PST / Dec 18 – 1:30 AM EST

FYI = New Moon energy lasts approximately 10 days. 

The Final Mercury Retrograde Of 2017!

It is over for 2017, Saturday, 12/2 in the West and Sunday, 12/3 in the East. The last Mercury Retrograde of the year may affect, as always, those particular things in this fleet footed planet’s domain – communication (written, spoken), education, transportation, business, technical gadgets and small appliances. Can we stave off any potential mischief and mayhem that a back pedaling Mercury portends? Maybe not completely, but we can certainly take precautions so that anxiety packed snafus can be avoided (or at least lessened).

With the sluggishness of the Retrograde in Sagittarius, energy may be blunted or optimism scattered. There may be slips of the tongue or pen, Freudian or otherwise. (Read tweets before sending!) Project initiation / creation would be best delayed if possible – if not, be meticulous, be careful. Make sure you’re standing at the correct Bus Stop. We can overcome, we can handle, we can deal – as long as we jump all over the details and “back up” stuff. Stay grounded and pay attention to contract negotiations, deadlines, etc. This planet’s often confusion generating reversal continues until 12/22/17, when it stops motion and goes Direct, still in Sagittarius.

Remember my usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde – see it as an opportunity to review, reconsider, re-think, revise, re visit discarded ideas. However, note that as we do this, we are not going backwards into the past, we are pro actively making any needed changes, re evaluations for the future – a good thing.

*Mercury Retrograde: Dec 3, 2017 – 2:34 AM EST / Dec 2, 2017 – 11:34 PM PST

** Mercury Retrogrades for 2018:  3/22, 7/25, 11/16

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.



Sagittarius Sun 11/21/16 * Think Lucky! Think Large!

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This has been a rocky month so far. We can use a “pick-me-up”. The Sun prances into the adventurous, optimistic Fire sign Sagittarius on Monday November 21, 2016. Ruled by exuberant Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, everything is “huge”- ideas, actions, themes. Remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not. The “go BIG or go home” routine will not always work to your advantage. Certainly be an “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sagittarians love a good laugh but they are also deep and love to ponder the universe.) but, just be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. Aim for controlled excess.

Just to make it more interesting, Saturn, planet of discipline and limits, which is quite different to Jupiter‘s goal (expansion on steroids), has been transiting the 9th sign of the Zodiac since last December. Depending on where it appears in your chart, the desire for adventure may be muted, wings may feel clipped, the pace of life seems to slow down. We can still fly, but maybe not so high. Saturn remains in Sagittarius until December 2017.

*Sagittarius Sun – November 21, 2016 – 4:23 PM EST / 1:23 PM PST

*Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for a holiday gathering.



Full Moon in Upbeat Sagittarius This Weekend


Astro Full Moon 6On Saturday May 21, 2016, the Sagittarius Moon is fully lit by the Sun in its opposite sign of Gemini – very dramatic, but nothing to fear. (No fangs or hairy knuckles.) The entire weekend will be under the benevolent influence of the wise, but perky and energetic 9th sign of the Zodiac. Ruled by lucky, expansive Jupiter, expect a lean towards adventure, an “of course good things can happen” outlook and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. A “Full” phase is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of plans started at the time of the New Moon back on 5/6/16.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, at “Full” phase the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, we could feel its effects for about another2 weeks.

*Sagittarius Full Moon: May 21, 2016 – 5:14 PM EDT / 2:14 PM PDT


Sparkling, Sassy Sagittarius New Moon 12/11/15

Astro New Moon CrescentA New Moon on Friday December 11, 2015 could set us up to enjoy more days of retail therapy. Festive spirits and holiday energy are there to be tapped into. Actually, when the Lunar orb is “New” it’s a great time to launch, create, kick-off, and / or start something regardless of the season. Sagittarius’ good nature and love of adventure are tweaked while both luminaries are in this upbeat Fire sign. We feel lucky, optimistic and of course will find the greatest bargain, the perfect gift, the bestest tree. Or, you can hang out with family and friends – socializing works.

With a Sagittarius Moon, taking chances, taking risks can seem very attractive and stimulating. An enthusiastic “we can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this Jupiter, the lucky planet, ruled Fire sign. However, no matter how great the scheme sounds, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side.

*New Moon December 11, 2015 – 5:29 AM EST / 2:29 AM PST

FYI = “New Moon” energy lasts for approximately 10 days.



Positive, Peppy Sagittarius Full Moon 6/2/15!

Astro Moon FullOn Tuesday June 2, 2015, the Sagittarius Moon is fully lit by the Sun in its opposite sign of Gemini – very dramatic, but nothing to fear. (No fangs or hairy knuckles.) A “Full” phase is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon back on 5/18/15.

With adventurous, upbeat Sagittarius, we have activity, an  “of course good things can happen” outlook and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. However, since mercurial Mercury (communication, tech stuff, transportation) is still Retrograde until 6/11/15, do sweat the details, research big plans and ideas to be sure they are on track and feasible. If it seems, “too good to be true…”

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, at “Full” phase the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, we could feel its effects for about another 2 weeks.

*Sagittarius Full Moon: June 2nd – 12:19 PM EDT / 9:19 AM PDT




Full Moon AND Friday the 13th – Uh Oh!

Just kidding 😎   Regardless of the stories about full Moons and what they do to us, we won’t necessarily grow fangs or act out. The Sagittarius Moon will be fully lit by the Sun in the opposite sign Gemini – very dramatic, but nothing to fear. And “Triskaidekaphobia” is just that, a “phobia”. The exact time the “Full” Lunar orb occurs in Fire sign Sag on “Friday the 13th” will depend on Time Zones – East Coast, Europe, etc. (It will happen on the Thursday June 12, 2014 Pacific Time).

Astro Moon FullA “Full” phase is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon. With adventurous, upbeat Sagittarius, we have energy, a sense that “of course good things can happen” outlook and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. Of course, since nebulous Neptune and mercurial Mercury are Retrograde, do sweat the details, research big plans and ideas to be sure they are feasible. If it seems “too good to be true…”

The weekend is split between:

*Earthy Capricorn Moon, Saturday – authority prone, ambitious, organized

*Airy Aquarius Moon, Sunday – friendly, innovative, rebellious with a cause

Whichever way you lean, use your best stuff and as always, enjoy!


*Full Moon in Sagittarius: June 12th,  9:11PM PDT / June 13th, 12:11AM EDT

* “Triskaidekaphobia” – fear of Friday the 13th


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Scorpio & Sag – What a Combo!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lOn Friday January 24, 2014, the Lunar orb is solidly in the middle of the sensitive, sensual, sizzling 8th sign of the Zodiac. A Scorpio Moon can render us focused, fierce and fearless. You may want to ratchet down some of the accompanying emotion and intensity to save room for tapping into the natural seductive energy of this Water sign. Use it to get what or who you want.

Then beginning Saturday evening, it’s all about Sagittarius influences, with planet ruler lucky Jupiter, a Fiery Sag Moon is time for big thoughts, big plans and big dreams. It can lift our spirits, thereby making us good natured and charming companions.

Have a super weekend!