Weekend Horoscope: Moon in Kind, Emotional Pisces!

Early Saturday morning, December 19, 2020, the Moon floats into Water sign Pisces for the weekend – think sensitive, compassionate and imaginative (more than usual). There may be vibrant dreams, a relaxing of boundaries and cravings to escape. Generally, this can all be manageable (great for creativity), but not so much if reality loses anchor. Hold on.

Hazy Neptune, planet ruler of this 12th Zodiac sign, has been transiting Pisces since 2011 and will remain until 2026. Along with feelings of vulnerability and compassion, life’s edges can be blurred and fog over what is genuine. Do remain grounded and sober. If there is something important to be done, get a grip, focus and handle it.

Paint something, draw something, write something, compose something – with Pisces, creativity is supported.

 (Monday afternoon brings the sharp, energetic, impulsive Aries Moon, 12/21/20)


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Dream! Create! – Pisces Moon Weekend

Astro New Moon CrescentAs you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 ½ days. A good thing, since we react to the Lunar orb’s energy as it is colored by the Zodiac sign of the day – keeps life interesting. And a Pisces Moon can certainly do that.

After the Moon glides into the 12th sign of the Zodiac on Saturday, November 1, 2014, its sensitive, emotional vibrations will be felt the rest of the weekend. Because this vulnerable Water sign can give us vibrant dreams and imaginings, keep paper and pen handy to jot down any genius moments that may result. This can be great for creativity – paint something, draw something, write something.

Pisces planet ruler Neptune can also relax our boundaries, blur edges and fog over what is genuine. Do remain grounded and sober. If there is something important to be done, get a grip, focus and handle it, but if it can wait, hold off until things are clearer, less vague. (A sharp Aries Moon is next up on Monday morning.)

Happy Halloween Friday!         pumpkin halloween



Astrology: Pisces Moon This Weekend

On Friday evening April 9th, the moon gentles its way into sensitive, creative Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real.  A Pisces Moon may have you looking for an escape to another world, but stay grounded this weekend.  (You can hold on until the Moon moves into its next sign.) Be as caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories.

Early Monday morning, April 12th, we are thrust into the in your face, high energy, high octane 2 ½ days of an Aries Moon. Stand up for yourself, but be nice.