Friday the 13th, A Harvest Moon and The Lunar Orb is “Full” in Pisces. Oh My!

The possibilities are endless. We have “Triskaidekaphobia” Day – scary? bad? troublesome? Get a grip. On Friday, September 13, 2019, the West Coast will have a “Harvest” Full Moon in sensitive, emotional Water sign Pisces. (The Full Moon happens after Midnight September 14 on the East Coast)

The 11th sign of the Zodiac is wonderful for creativity and connecting with others, but sometimes not so much for staying grounded. Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

When the Moon is Full, the Sun is directly opposite and lights it up. The “Full” phase has great energy to finish up old projects. Finalize. Complete.

~ Pisces Full Moon * Sept. 13 – 9:33 PM PDT / Sept. 14 – 12:33 AM EDT

FYI 1: The “Harvest Moon” is whichever Full Moon occurs closest to the Autumn Equinox. (Libra Sun 9/23/19)

FYI 2:  “Triskaidekaphobia” – fear of Friday the 13th. I have found that Friday the 13th is usually a lucky day for me. I don’t think it had anything to do with it being a payday or anything? 🙂  Regardless, I expect good things to happen!



Heads Up * 1st Mercury Retrograde of 2019!

Mercury Retrograde occurs 3 times a year and the 1st one of 2019 will be on Tuesday, March 5 (ends 3/28/19). This time, Mercury the planet of communications, education, travel / transportation and small gadgets goes backward in the imaginative, impressionable Water sign of Pisces.

What to do? What does it all mean? In a nutshell: pay attention as you speak, write, listen and read. Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny. Pisces and its planet ruler Neptune can push us far away from the real. It might be great for creativity, but not so much for focusing on the details. Be precise. Vague, fuzzy thinking could cost you.

Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. We can take time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes.

However, life does NOT stop because a planet goes backward. If you can’t wait until it’s over and you have to make plans, complete projects, submit reports, etc. Keep track, keep copies, jot down details, just in case work has to be repeated, or something gets lost. Double check travel plans, instructions, etc. Get a grip. Mitigate the severity of any possible messes that may occur.

~ Mercury Retrograde:  3/5/19 * 1:19 PM EDT / 10:19 AM PDT

* FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

(Next Mercury Retrograde will be 7/26/19 in Fire sign Leo)



Virgo Full Moon, 3/1/18 *Health, Work, Self-Improvement

On Thursday March 1, 2018, the Moon (Virgo) is opposite and reflecting the Sun (Pisces) = “Full Moon”. The hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, handling the details and getting things done. A “Full” phase is a great time to finalize whatever projects and plans you have been putting off. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”. The universe will support you in being productive, useful, healthy and whole.

The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes to Libra on 3/3/18

BTW: Virgo’s planet ruler Mercury will be joining imaginative, nebulous Neptune in Water sign Pisces until 3/5/18. This can be great for creativity, but, not so much for reliability. Be steady and discriminating while being a genius, even if those around you are not.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 1, 2018 – 7:51 PM EST / 4:51 PM PST 

Sun into Dreamy Pisces 2/18/17!

The Sun moves into the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac– imaginative, impressionable, intuitive Pisces on Saturday, February 18, 2017. It’s a compassionate Water sign ruled by outer planet Neptune. If too much “feeling” sends you off course, focus on the tasks in front of you to stay grounded and connected to reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Stay steady, stay productive, stay connected.

Mystical Neptune, transiting Pisces until 2025, has a reputation for clouding the waters, fading boundaries and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Innovations regarding music, dance and theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual. The subconscious can be a treasure trove of ideas now. Keep paper and pencil handy, jot down your dreams. Listen to your inner voice – the positive one.

Sun into Pisces:  Feb. 18, 2017 – 6:32 PM PST / 3:32 PM EST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet

Harvest Full Moon in Pisces, 9/16/16!

Astro Harvest_moonOn Friday, not only do we have a Harvest Full Moon in sensitive Water sign Pisces, there is also a Lunar Eclipse in this last sign of the Zodiac. Emotions, creativity, intuition may be intense. Let’s stay grounded and in the moment as much as possible. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without escapist, mind altering options. Take care of your inner self.

A “Full” phase is a time to complete projects, look for results, etc. We start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon in Virgo back on 9/1/16.

BTW – “Harvest” refers to a Full Moon that occurs closest to the Fall / Autumnal Equinox. (Which will happen when the Sun moves into Air sign Libra on 9/22/16.)

* Pisces Full Moon: 9/16/16 –  3:05 PM EDT / 12:05 PM PDT



Weekend Full Moon in Sensitive, Sentimental Pisces 8/29/15

The “Full” stage of the Moon intensifies the characteristics / energy of the Astrology sign it’s in. So, while the Moon is in Water sign Pisces this weekend, think: emotion, creativity, hazy reality, imagination. If you have something important to do, stay focused. Be discerning. If things seem a little vague, you may want to delay any decisions.  Astro Moon Full

Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any promises or sad stories. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

Full Moon, August 29, 2015 – 2:35PM EDT / 11:35AM PDT

Have a great weekend!


Harvest Full Moon in Pisces 9/8/14!

Astro Moon red-moon-eclipseGet a grip. Monday’s Full Moon in sensitive, emotional Water sign Pisces is wonderful for creativity and connecting with others, but sometimes not so much for staying grounded in what is actually happening. Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any “too good to be true” promises or “poor me” scenarios. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

When the Moon is “Full”, the Sun is directly opposite and lights it up. Rather than the more familiar crescent shape, we see it round and beautiful. The Lunar orb is “waning” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, making it a good time to finish up old projects, clean up messes that you have been staring at for the past few weeks.

BTW – “Harvest” is any Full Moon that occurs closest to the Vernal or Autumnal Equinox. (Which will happen when the Sun moves into Air sign Libra on 9/22/14).

Full Moon Pisces: 9/8/14 9:38PM EDT / 6:38PM PDT

Air & Water – Surprising Aquarius / Imaginative Pisces!

Friday afternoon, September 5, 2014, finds us with the Moon in Air sign Aquarius. Ruled by the innovative, unpredictable planet Uranus, we should think in terms of – “anything can happen”. Things can break, things can get fixed, wonderful people can pop up or, people, (who, lets say, can only be called “interesting”) appear out of nowhere. Sudden moves, rapid change, the unexpected – embrace your flexibility. Astro moon-waning-crescent-l

On Sunday afternoon, the energy changes to a more impressionistic and vulnerable vibe. The Moon shifts into Pisces, ruled by imaginative Neptune. Think empathy and compassion – but don’t “feel” so much that you smother yourself with sad stories. With Water signs, sensitivity can be overwhelming and has us looking for some kind of escape. Stay grounded, keep your eye on what’s real, determine what is credible – you can still spread kindness.

Have a terrific weekend!

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Aries New Moon On Sunday!

Astro New Moon CrescentWe start off the weekend under the influence of the Pisces Moon. Sensitive, mystical, Neptune ruled, Water sign Pisces highlights our caring and empathetic side while also awakening any escapist tendencies under the surface. Stay grounded, make note of any dreams that can be used in the creative process and be kind and compassionate. (But remember, if a story, a promise, a gift seems too good to be true – it probably is) Stay real. Next up, energetic Aries!

A New Moon is usually a great time to create and initiate things, but as the Lunar orb jumps into Aries on 3/29/14, results may seem slow in coming.. You’ve got things to do and you want to do them FAST. (Which is the usual Aries speed of choice) However, it will sometimes feel like you’re slogging thru molasses or there is a bottleneck at the starting gate– too many people at the front of the line trying to get their things done just as quickly. Mars, the Aries ruler warrior planet, is in Retrograde. This occurs only every 2 years and it can show up as restraints, blocked flows, etc. Be aware, focus, watch the temper and be nice, even when patience is wearing thin. Projects can be successful even when in “slow” mode.

*Aries New Moon 3/30/14: 2:45PM Eastern  / 11:45AM Pacific

** Mars Retrograde: 3/1/14 thru 5/19/14

Regardless of what you do, enjoy the weekend!


New Moon in Pisces This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentPisces intuition and creativity powers up, in a gentle way, with the New Moon on Friday evening 2/28/14 EST and Saturday morning 3/1/14 PST. The Sun is also in this sensitive Water sign and when both luminaries are together, the Moon phase is “New”. This type of Lunar energy is good for starts and beginnings of any kind. So, take the time to plug into your spirituality and inner conversations. Listen, take notes and make use of this dreamy, imaginative time. Go deep. Create something new!

The moon will change signs, into snap/crackle/pop Fire sign Aries, early on Sunday, but the “New” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter. Activity, impulse, and passion might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

*New Moon – 11:59PM 2/28 Eastern – 2:59AM 3/1 Pacific