Wow, 2012 Went By So Fast!

After a night of revelry, (how many choruses of Auld Lang Syne did you sing -making up the words along the way ?), a January 1st  analytical, responsible, down to earth Virgo Moon gives us the push to start 2013 in a mood to put things in order, pay attention to the details, make some plans to fill in that blank 2013 calendar, that blank slate –  to create, to contribute, to cram full of the good things in life. Make it fun, no pressure.

Health, Peace, Joy

happy new year

Astrology: Sagittarius Moon for a Happy New Year Weekend!

On Friday, New Years Eve, the Moon will move into Sagittarius, 5:21PM West/ 8:27PM East, just in time for the 2011 ball drop, fireworks, happy smooches. This fire sign shouldn’t disappoint. Upbeat, uptempo, optimistic vibes will be out there to elevate our mood.

2011 – a blank slate, an empty canvas, can be exciting. We can fill our empty calendars with fresh events and big plans. Acknowledge our accomplishments and triumphs from 2010 and those that supported us thru them.  Say “thank you”. Celebrate. Choose joy.

On Sunday evening as the Moon moves into Earthly Capricorn, we can use this sign’s ambition and structure to start the year with focus and purpose.