Astrology: New Moon in Creative Pisces for the Weekend 3/4/11

Pisces intuition and creativity are powerful with the New Moon in this emotional Water sign on Friday afternoon March 4th. Make use of this highly imaginative time and as always, “new” Lunar energy is good for “beginnings” of any kind. With both the Sun and the Moon in the same sign, focus and take advantage.

You can take action on any genius scenarios that come to you in your dreams when the Moon pops into aggressive Aries on Saturday evening and remains until Tuesday morning.  Activity, impulse, passion, all traits of this Fire sign, might compel you to manifest some ideas that came to you  during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

Have a great, creative weekend!

Astrology: Leo Full Moon,Then Weekend Moon in Virgo & Libra

Friday February 18, 2011 provides early morning mood changes. (Just in case I haven’t been clear in my weekend update Astrology posts, my premise is that as the Moon changes signs, so do our moods, our energy and often how we act/react in the day to day.) The Moon will be in “Full” power at 3:36AM Eastern/12:26AM Pacific in generous, ”let’s have fun” Fire sign Leo. A Full Moon phase is good for wrapping things up, finishing what began at the time of the New Moon. The effects will last for a few days even as the Lunar orb changes to the next sign.

About an hour later the same day, the Moon moves into service oriented, practical Virgo – from upbeat Leo to the conscientious, discriminating Earth sign – we can handle it. Take advantage of the Full phase’s continued influence by using this Mercury ruled sign’s cleverness and penchant for detail. You can get stuff done.

And finally, early on Sunday 4:39AM Eastern/1:39AM Pacific, way before Brunch time, a Libra Moon makes us social, agreeable and decorous. Have people over or meet someplace nice, make both yourself and your home attractive. There is a lot to be said for beautiful things to lift spirits and ease the settling of any disputes.

Be flexible, go with the flow, have a varied Weekend!

(BTW- the Sun doesn’t move into Pisces, the 12th sign of the Zodiac, until Friday evening 2/18 – which is why the Moon is Full in Leo while the Sun is exactly opposite in Aquarius in the morning. When the luminaries are opposite each other – the Moon is “Full”)

Astrology: A New Moon in Aquarius 2/2/11

Wednesday February 2, gives us a friendly, unconventional Aquarius New Moon (9:31PM East / 6:31PM Pacific). For a Moon to be considered “New”, both Sun and Moon are in the same sign, adding power and possibilities to this lunar phase along with intensifying the sign’s traits.

Power and possibilities for this Uranus ruled Air sign usually involves something to do with groups, something revolutionary- or both. Regardless, it will speak to Aquarian independence and love of the different.

A walk on the wild side (with lots of friends?) Remember, moderation works.

Astrology: Full Moon In Cancer 1/19/11

Wednesday Januarty19th, finds us with a Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer at 4:21PM Eastern/ 1:21 PM Pacific. About an hour later, the Moon shifts into regal, Fiery Leo, however, the “Full” energy remains for approximately  10 days.

So, as a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it  “wanes”) is optimum for finalization.

Clearing out the old, gives space for the new. Gather and tie up any loose ends of projects begun during the New and first quarters, finishing touches and crystallization are best done during the 3rd and 4th quarters.  The cycle begins again at the next New Moon phase – February 2nd.

BTW: Cancer traits are highlighted –  taking care of people,  feelings and emotions are on the surface, moods can run you.

Astrology: New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn 1/4/11

The first New Moon of 2011 happens on Tuesday January 4th. If that isn’t exciting enough, there will be a Solar Eclipse occurring on the same day in the same ambitious, career minded Earth Sign of Capricorn.

As I’ve said before, New Moons are always full of “beginning” possibilities, and with a Solar Eclipse happening also, the power to create amazing things is huge-er than usual (Yeah, I know, I’m really starting to take too many liberties with spelling and word construction).  However, Saturn, Capricorn’s planet ruler, can supply the pragmatism and discipline to go with this sign’s natural tendency to go forward and pursue a path to success.

Even though the Moon will change signs on Wednesday (Aquarius), “New” energy lasts for about 10 days giving us a chance to make some plans, formulate some strategies, start something good. Yes, Happy New Year!

BTW- Solar Eclipse: As seen from the Earth, a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, and the Moon fully or partially covers the Sun as viewed from some location on Earth. This can only happen during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from Earth. (per Wikipedia)

Astrology: New Moon in Social Libra 10/7/10

Okay – start your engines, another New Moon phase occurs on Thursday October 7th. “New” happens each month when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign. It is a great time for beginnings.

Our 2 Luminaries will be together in the Air sign Libra.  Libra traits are intensified and “New” in this social sign can mean new friends, relationships, partners, contracts, etc. (Blind date? Speed networking/business card exchange party?) Regardless of what, there will be charm and cooperation.

Saturn is currently spending a 2 year visit in Libra. This planet brings boundaries, discipline and structure.  It may constrict some of the natural Libra relaxed ease with people, but it can also give strength and focus – not  to give in to an opposing  point of view just to be agreeable.

For about the next 2 weeks, take advantage of the energy and meet someone, create something “New”.

Astrology: About That Gemini Moon This Weekend…

On Friday June11, the Moon will be in Gemini – it becomes “New” on Saturday the 12th.  The Moon is considered new when the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign and this time is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.

Air sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is considered the communication sign, and that is the area of life that will be enhanced – lots a talk, lots a writing (tweeting?), etc. BTW: Mercury will also be in Gemini at this time until 6/25/10 –  the themes of this “twinner” Sun sign are reinforced!  What can you create out of this?

On Saturday night, the Moon glides into nurturing, family oriented Cancer – remember that even though the Sun sign has changed, the effects of the “new” energy will still show up for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.  Perhaps Cancer things, like home/family, will get a boost. (Pick something from your old DIY list to start? New cupcake recipe? Set up new behavior protocol for the kids?)

Regardless of the sign – this weekend is a good time to make plans concrete. All “new” things are highlighted and begging for action to be taken. Start something!

Astrology: Spring Equinox- Sun into Aries

Reminder! March 20th is the beginning of the Vernal Equinox – Spring is here. At  10:32am  PDT -1:32pm EDT, the Sun moves into the dynamic first sign of the Tropical Zodiac – Aries.

This is a great time for beginnings, start ups, what to plant, etc – all that  Aries impulsive, physical, high energy can be used to snow board off that cliff of ideas and projects you’ve been contemplating all winter. The universe will support you.

Mars went direct on 3/10, there was a New Moon on 3/15 and Mercury moves out of  fuzzy Pisces into volatile Aries today,  3/17, (communication should be sharper, but watch for arguments – be nice). We should keep our eyes open for opportunities. Pay attention to our urges to “act” – especially, action with purpose, not just because we’re bored. Even with excellent timing, we still need to remember to “focus”.  Aries is also the father of rushing, risk taking and scattered energies.  Think a project through and complete it. At the end of the day, as you sit exhausted, you’ll have a feel good moment and be able to check – “done”. What’s next?

FYI – March 20th is also the designated as “International  Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration around the world of the ancient art of Astrology.  (I will be serving ice cream and cake)

Astrology: New Moon on 3/15/10

On 3/15/10, the Moon is new in the dreamy, imaginative sign of Pisces- create something!

Both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign therefore, the time of a new Moon is great for new ideas and implementing new projects.  The moon will change signs, but the effects of this “new” energy can last for approximately 10 days until the end of the 1st quarter.

BTW: The Moon changes signs every 2 – 2/12 days.  It moves next, on Tues 3/16, into the sign of snap/crackle/pop Aries. Initiate change and take care of any high energy, physical projects that need to get done.