Independent, Unconventional Aquarius Full Moon This Weekend!

Astro Moon FullThis weekend, we will be under the influences of an Aquarius Moon and it will be in its “Full” phase on Sunday August 10, 2014. Be prepared for the unexpected, the (nice?) surprise. This Air sign can be rebellious and unpredictable as it spurs us to become involved with community, special groups and their causes. Relax, go with the flow. Contribute to the universe in some way, make a difference. Be part of a team.

As always, use the Full Moon energy to complete, tie up loose ends on any outstanding projects. In the next 10 days, try to finish anything begun around the time of the New Moon July 26, 2014

Have a purposeful, fun weekend!

New Moon in Loquacious Gemini 5/28/14

Astro New Moon CrescentYes, I could have just used the word “Chatty”, however, Wednesday’s New Moon, with start up, initiating energy, will be in Communication focused, Air sign Gemini. The Moon is considered “New” when the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign and this time is great for new ideas and implementing new projects. Just be sure to verify whatever information comes your way before taking action. We will certainly be spurred on to share thoughts, feelings, stories at length regardless of who wants to listen. So get your facts straight. (Short and sweet works best sometimes. And remember, silence is a form of communication too 🙂 )

*Gemini New Moon: 2:40PM EDT / 11:40AM PDT – May 28, 2014

New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Taurus – Money Honey!

Astro New Moon CrescentTaurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac is about security, finances and what is of value to you. All those things are highlighted with the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse in this grounded Earth sign on April 28 PDT / April 29 EDT. With both luminaries in Venus ruled Taurus, (the Sun since 4/19/14) romance, beauty, creativity are also strong influences. Time for a new love, a new project, a new budget?

A “New Moon” heralds beginnings and is a great time to energize, initiate projects, make changes. Re evaluate how you spend and save your money. You can be loving and creative while managing your cash. Financial stability may allow you to still indulge yourself and your loved ones when you want without causing a budgetary crisis. Bull-like resistance to change, classic Taurus stubbornness, may not work now – look for a new way of thinking if needed.

Solar Eclipse / New Moon: 4/28 11:14PM PDT – 4/29 2:14AM EDT



Aries New Moon On Sunday!

Astro New Moon CrescentWe start off the weekend under the influence of the Pisces Moon. Sensitive, mystical, Neptune ruled, Water sign Pisces highlights our caring and empathetic side while also awakening any escapist tendencies under the surface. Stay grounded, make note of any dreams that can be used in the creative process and be kind and compassionate. (But remember, if a story, a promise, a gift seems too good to be true – it probably is) Stay real. Next up, energetic Aries!

A New Moon is usually a great time to create and initiate things, but as the Lunar orb jumps into Aries on 3/29/14, results may seem slow in coming.. You’ve got things to do and you want to do them FAST. (Which is the usual Aries speed of choice) However, it will sometimes feel like you’re slogging thru molasses or there is a bottleneck at the starting gate– too many people at the front of the line trying to get their things done just as quickly. Mars, the Aries ruler warrior planet, is in Retrograde. This occurs only every 2 years and it can show up as restraints, blocked flows, etc. Be aware, focus, watch the temper and be nice, even when patience is wearing thin. Projects can be successful even when in “slow” mode.

*Aries New Moon 3/30/14: 2:45PM Eastern  / 11:45AM Pacific

** Mars Retrograde: 3/1/14 thru 5/19/14

Regardless of what you do, enjoy the weekend!


New Moon * New Year

Astro New Moon CrescentAn ambitious, financial security focused Capricorn New Moon helps us greet the New Year on Wednesday, January 1, 2014.  After a few choruses of Auld Lang Syne and a couple of glasses of bubbly, whether it be champagne or ginger ale, New Moon energy can give us the push to start the year with plans to accomplish goals, advance a career, create space to achieve.

Fill in that empty 2014 calendar, see that blank slate as an opportunity to contribute and cram it full of the good things in life.

New Moon Wednesday, January 1, 2014 – 6:14AM EST – 3:14AM PST

Joy, Good Luck, Good Health – Happy New Year!

happy new year



Optimistic Sagittarius New Moon 12/2/13

A New Moon in Sagittarius, Monday December 2, 2013, gets the month off to an upbeat start. Abundance, fun, bigger is best, far reaching ideas, etc. are all part of this Jupiter ruled Zodiac Fire sign.

Astro New Moon CrescentLaunch, create, kick-off, manifest – the New Moon is a great time to start something, especially with the positive, good luck Sag vibe. Of course success isn’t guaranteed, you still gotta do the work, but the universe and lunar energy will support you – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, pay attention to the details.

FYI = The Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/21/13). Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Wednesday), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days. 

 *New Moon 12/2/13:  4:22 PM Pacific /  7:22 PM Eastern

Scorpio Moon Saturday & Sunday!

Astro New Moon CrescentThe Lunar orb is in Water sign Scorpio this weekend (along with the Sun). A “New” Moon and a Solar Eclipse, on November 3, 2013, occurring in the same sign, makes the caution “hold on”, excellent advice – power and passion can go off the charts. Moderation works. Going deeper may reveal things that you don’t want to see or hear. However, New Moons are great for beginnings, initiating plans. The 8th sign of the Zodiac gives us the fire power to be focused, persistent and determined. For the next 2 weeks, seize the opportunity and go after what you want. (Just remember that Mercury Retrograde, in Scorpio, doesn’t end until 11/10/13) Have a meaningful weekend!

Accomplishment Central – New Moon in Virgo!

Astro New Moon CrescentOn Thursday September 5, 2013, both the New Moon and the Sun are in efficient Earthy Virgo. We experience a double dose of the responsible, practical, detail oriented 6th sign of the Zodiac.  Like all “New” Lunar phases, the next 2 weeks are a great time for initiating, starting, creating, etc. Use it to organize and de-clutter both mind and surroundings.

Take advantage of Virgo’s natural “I’ll handle it” approach to take a look at health and nutrition. Are there things to be improved – diet, exercise? Don’t spend too much time being critical of yourself. Take care of needed changes now.

A Leo New Moon

Astro New Moon Crescent“New Moon” in Leo on Tuesday August 6, 2013 – both the Sun and the Moon are in the generous, royal sign of Leo. With the Sun as ruler, this Fire sign is all about joyous, confidence. Don’t be surprised if there is a little drama thrown in. Have fun with it if you can.

A New Moon phase is always great for beginnings, take it as a sign of encouragement to start something in the next few days. If you have a project to get off the ground, someone that you need to enroll in your life, a presentation to make – charm and fortune are amped up. The Sun is powerful. Give yourself permission to shine.


New Moon in Aquarius – Marches, Speeches, Barricades!

There is a friendly, unconventional Aquarius New Moon occurring on Saturday February 9, 2013. Power and possibilities for this Uranus ruled Air sign usually involves something to do with gathering with others, belonging / creating movements to defeat the status quo, something revolutionary. Whatever the weekend activities, it will probably speak to Aquarian independence and love of the different.  Astro New Moon Crescent

For a Moon to be considered “New”, both Sun and Moon are in the same sign, thereby intensifying the sign’s traits. A walk on the wild side (with lots of friends) may prove irresistible. Just remember, all revolts are not equal or righteous, especially when participants are required to pay up front. Moderation works.

Have a great weekend. Make it count!