New Moon in Loquacious Gemini 6/19/12

Yes, I could have just used the word “Chatty”, however, Tuesday’s New Moon, with start up, initiating energy, will be in Communication focused Gemini. Since expansive Jupiter is also transiting, it will certainly spur us on to share thoughts, feelings, stories at length regardless of who might want to listen. Short and sweet works best sometimes. And remember, silence is a form of communication too 😉



Astrology: Awesome Sun & Moon Power in Gemini June 1, 2011

Not only is there a New Moon, but a Solar Eclipse also happens in Gemini on Wednesday June 1 (Sun entered Gemini on May 20).  With the 2 potent luminaries in this sign of the twins, its duality makes this the best time to do 2 things at once- scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and analyze. The versatility and quickness of this Mercury ruled Air Sign is enhanced. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Communication can be powerful, so watch yours and everyone else’s. Is there something that needs to be said, or something that you need to hear? Pay attention – information can have muscle. Messages given and received can be truly helpful. Don’t miss out by being too wrapped up in the chatter.


a) Solar Eclipse/New Moon – 5:03PM Eastern/ 2:03 PM Pacific – Wednesday June 1.

b) The Moon is considered “new” when both the Sun and Moon are in the same Zodiac sign  – generally a great time for new ideas and implementing new projects.