Creative New Moon in Pisces 3/8/16

Astro New Moon CrescentPisces intuition and creativity powers up, in a gentle way, with the New Moon on Tuesday March 8, 2016. The Sun moved into this sensitive Water sign on February 20 and when both luminaries are together, the Moon phase is labeled “New”. This type of Lunar energy is good for start ups and beginnings, so, take the time to plug into your inner conversations. Listen, take notes and make use of this dreamy, imaginative period. Be original, be inspired – invent, create!

The moon will change signs, into snap/crackle/pop Fire sign Aries the next morning, but the “New” effects last approximately 10 days. Activity, impulse, and passion might compel you to manifest those ideas that came to you during one of those Piscean dream sequences – whether sleeping or awake.

*New Moon in Pisces: 3/8/16, 8:54PM Eastern / 5:56 PM Pacific



Pisces Sun – Sensitivity, Creativity, Feelings!

astrology_chartwheel 2On 2/18, West Coast, and 2/19, East Coast, the Sun’s energy enters this compassionate, intuitive, emotional Water sign making the next few weeks a good time for our imagination to shine. Piscean characteristics are heightened, meaning the subconscious is very important. It can be great for anyone associated with the arts – new ideas for music, dance, writing might push to the surface faster than usual. Pay attention to your dreams (take notes) but remember to stay grounded and connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift away from reality. Be productive, be creative and still be centered.

The 12th sign of the Zodiac’s planet ruler, mystical Neptune, transits the sign until 2025. We will probably notice the influences of this outer planet somewhere in our chart. Neptune has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, the things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Use the best of it.

World peace has to start somewhere, so tap into the sympathy / empathy that Pisces is known for and spread kindness among family and friends. Use clear judgment while offering assistance where it is genuinely needed.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in the specified sign.

Sun into Pisces – Feb. 18, 2016  9:34 PM PST / Feb. 19, 2016 12:34 AM EST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet

Pisces Sun 2/18/15 – Imagine!

astrology_chartwheel 2Solar energy enters this compassionate, intuitive, emotional Water sign making the next few weeks a good time for our imagination to shine. Piscean characteristics are heightened, meaning the subconscious is very important. It can be great for anyone associated with the arts – new ideas for music, dance, writing might push to the surface faster than usual. Pay attention to your dreams (take notes) but remember to stay grounded and connected. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift away from reality. Be productive, be creative.

The 12th sign of the Zodiac’s planet ruler, mystical Neptune, transits the sign until 2025. We will probably notice the influences of this outer planet somewhere in our chart. Neptune has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, the things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Use the best of it.

World peace has to start somewhere, so tap into the sympathy / empathy that Pisces is known for and spread kindness among family and friends. Use clear judgment while offering assistance where it is genuinely needed.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in the specified sign.

Sun into Pisces – February 18, 2015:  6:50 PM EST / 3:50 PM PST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet



Dream! Create! – Pisces Moon Weekend

Astro New Moon CrescentAs you know, the Moon changes signs about every 2 ½ days. A good thing, since we react to the Lunar orb’s energy as it is colored by the Zodiac sign of the day – keeps life interesting. And a Pisces Moon can certainly do that.

After the Moon glides into the 12th sign of the Zodiac on Saturday, November 1, 2014, its sensitive, emotional vibrations will be felt the rest of the weekend. Because this vulnerable Water sign can give us vibrant dreams and imaginings, keep paper and pen handy to jot down any genius moments that may result. This can be great for creativity – paint something, draw something, write something.

Pisces planet ruler Neptune can also relax our boundaries, blur edges and fog over what is genuine. Do remain grounded and sober. If there is something important to be done, get a grip, focus and handle it, but if it can wait, hold off until things are clearer, less vague. (A sharp Aries Moon is next up on Monday morning.)

Happy Halloween Friday!         pumpkin halloween



Harvest Full Moon in Pisces 9/8/14!

Astro Moon red-moon-eclipseGet a grip. Monday’s Full Moon in sensitive, emotional Water sign Pisces is wonderful for creativity and connecting with others, but sometimes not so much for staying grounded in what is actually happening. Be as imaginative, caring and compassionate as you wish, just don’t be taken in by any “too good to be true” promises or “poor me” scenarios. Be present, stay in the moment – dismiss any escapist urges. Reality may often bite, but it can be handled without mind altering options. Take care of your inner self. You matter.

When the Moon is “Full”, the Sun is directly opposite and lights it up. Rather than the more familiar crescent shape, we see it round and beautiful. The Lunar orb is “waning” on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, making it a good time to finish up old projects, clean up messes that you have been staring at for the past few weeks.

BTW – “Harvest” is any Full Moon that occurs closest to the Vernal or Autumnal Equinox. (Which will happen when the Sun moves into Air sign Libra on 9/22/14).

Full Moon Pisces: 9/8/14 9:38PM EDT / 6:38PM PDT

Sun into Dreamy Pisces 2/18/14

The Sun moves into the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac– imaginative, impressionable, intuitive Pisces on Tuesday, February 18, 2014.  It’s a compassionate Water sign ruled by Neptune. If too much “feeling” sends you off course, focus on the task at hand to stay grounded and plugged  into reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Stay steady, stay productive, stay connected.

astrology_chartwheel 2As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in Pisces. Note that planets transiting a sign add to the mix. With its ruler Neptune visiting until 2026, Piscean traits are intensified and we will probably all feel influences of the mystical outer planet at some time. This planet has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination. Innovations regarding music, dance, theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual. The subconscious can be a treasure trove of ideas now. Listen to the inner voice – the positive one.

Mercury, the planet of Communication began its retrograde motion in indecisive Pisces and is now in the Air sign Aquarius until March 1. It reverses Direct and reaches Pisces again on March 17, remaining until April 8, 2014, This may influence our writing and speaking in different ways. “Say what you mean, mean what you say”. Being vague will result in confusion. Think, be clear.

Spread that innate Pisces kindness among family and strangers alike. Offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.  Contribution is always worthy.

Sun into Pisces February 18, 2014: 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST

Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet


Back Up Your Stuff! – Mercury Retrograde 2.6.14

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Yep, it’s here again. Mercury Retrograde on February 6, 2014 until the 28th – the first retrograde of this communication, transportation, tech influencing planet for 2014. Confusion may ensue.  What to do? What does it all mean? In a nutshell: pay attention as you speak, write, listen, read and don’t forget to back up your stuff.

Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny. Pisces and its planet ruler Neptune can push us far away from the real. Great for creativity, not so much for focusing on details. Situations are not always clear. The resulting haziness can lead to misinterpretation. However, life doesn’t stop because a planet goes backward. If you can’t wait until it’s over and you have to make plans, complete projects, submit reports, etc. Keep track, keep copies, jot down details, just in case work has to be repeated, or something gets lost. Mitigate the severity of any possible messes that may occur. Repeat the mantra – “Sloppiness and carelessness not allowed”.

Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. The retrograde period can give us time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes. Mercury Retrograde will begin in Pisces, continue its backward movement as it reaches Airy Aquarius on February 13th until it stops and moves Direct again on March 1, 2014. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is more comfortable in Aquarius than in sensitive Pisces. Clarity should return in a few days. (Mercury will move forward into Pisces again on March 17th.)

Thursday February 6, 2014 – Mercury Retrograde: 4:43 PM EST  / 1:43 PM PST


Creative, Hazy Pisces Weekend Moon

Astro New Moon CrescentOn Saturday morning, January 4, 2014, the Moon floats into Water sign Pisces for the weekend. Sensitive and impressionable, we may experience vibrant dreams, imaginings, relaxing of boundaries and cravings to escape. Generally, this can all be fine – great for creativity, but not so much if reality loses anchor.

Neptune, planet ruler of this 12th Zodiac sign, can infuse us with feelings of vulnerability and compassion, blur life’s edges and fog what is genuine.  Do remain grounded and sober. If there is something important to be done, get a grip, focus and handle it, but if it can wait, hold off until things are clearer, less vague.

 (Monday brings a total shift – an energetic, forceful, impulsive Aries Moon.)


Weekend Aquarius Moon 11/8/13

Astro New Moon CrescentUse Friday and Saturday’s Aquarius Moon and take advantage of the rebellious, independent urges that this Uranus ruled, unpredictable Air sign creates to explore new places, new things, new people, new ways of thinking. The aloof and intellectual 11th sign of the Zodiac is naturally group focused and concerned with contributing to the community. Get involved.

On Sunday night, the Moon moves into sensitive, impressionable, Water sign Pisces. Don’t let “feelings” overwhelm you or lose your grip on the real. Neptune ruled Pisces is often dreamy and imaginative. Keep grounded.

Have a great weekend!

Pisces Sun – Sensitivity, Imagination!

astrology_chartwheel 2Monday February 18, 2013 – Sun into compassionate, dreamy, Pisces, the 12th and final sign of the Zodiac. Its a Water sign ruled by imaginative, mystical  Neptune, therefore, remember to pay attention to your dreams (jot them down). The subconscious is a treasure trove of ideas. However, if too much “feeling” leaves you unsettled and fuzzy thinking, focus to stay grounded and connected to reality. Over sensitivity to adverse energy or vibrations is no excuse to drift or evade life. Be steady, be productive, be creative – which can be great for anyone associated with the arts. Innovations regarding music, dance, theater will probably bubble to the surface faster than usual.

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Ascendant in the specified sign. Note that those planets transiting Pisces will add to the mix. With its ruler Neptune visiting until 2026, traits are intensified and we will probably all have our encounters with the intuitive outer planet somewhere in your chart. Neptune has a reputation for clouding the water, fading boundaries, and fostering escapism, but, all these things that make life unsettled can also enhance creativity and imagination.

Mercury, the planet of Communication, entered Pisces on February 5th and remains until April 14th. The influence on our writing and speaking can show up in different ways. “Say what you mean, mean what you say”. Being sloppy, careless or vague with interactions can cause misunderstandings. Strive for clarity.

Spread that natural Pisces kindness among family and friends. Don’t be surprised if sympathy/empathy colors your relationships – offer assistance where it is genuinely needed.

Sun in Pisces – February 18, 2013:  7:02AM EST / 4:02 AM PST

* Gemstone: Amethyst * Power color: Purple * Body Part: Feet

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