Astrology: Weekend Moon – Mixed Energy, But It’s All Good

Moon in Capricorn on Friday, 8/20 – Moon in Aquarius on Saturday evening 8/21 thru Sunday,  8/22 – hmmmm.

Work hard, be in charge on Friday and attend a community fund raiser, coral volunteers for a neighborhood project on Saturday/Sunday?

Whichever you decide to do, use the energy of the particular sign the Moon is visiting on that day.

Earthy Capricorn: Authority, ambition, organized

Airy Aquarius: Friendly, innovative, comfortable in groups with a cause

In any case, use your best stuff as always, have fun.

Astrology: Capricorn Moon Weekend – Boss Somebody!

Early Friday morning, July 23rd, until Saturday, we will be under the influence of the Earthly Capricorn Moon.

Ruled by Saturn, the planet of boundaries and life lessons (not always fun, but can be maturing) use the serious, authoritarian and focused Capricorn energy to accomplish, complete and be in charge.

Get ready for the arrival of the unpredictable Aquarius Full Moon on Sunday 7/25!

Astrology: Sagittarius Full Moon 5/27

During a Full Moon, the luminaries are exactly opposite each other. The Moon is fully lit by the Sun. Dramatic, but nothing to fear (however, there is a new “Wolfman” film with Benicio Del Toro as the blood thirsty werewolf- but it’s just a movie 🙂

The Moon is in upbeat, bigger is better,” let’s have an adventure” Sagittarius. This is a good thing – we can have fun as we prepare for the holiday weekend.

A “Full” phase, 3rd quarter Moon, is a time to look for results– we start to see the end product of what ideas/efforts were begun at the time of the New Moon.  With Sag, we have energy, a sense that “of course good things can happen” and a willingness to go for miracles – which can come in handy when edging a project toward fruition. (The Moon will continue to wane, decrease in size, until we see the Moon in its “crescent” view.)

On Saturday 5/29, the Moon will march into the next sign, Capricorn, and remain there until Monday.  You might notice a definite attitude/ atmosphere change. The 10th sign of the Zodiac has a duty, responsibility, authoritarian focus.  Maybe not many laughs, but things will get done!  (BTW: Earth sign Capricorn Moon is a good time to plant.)

Enjoy your Holiday!