Astrology: Full Moon In Cancer 1/19/11

Wednesday Januarty19th, finds us with a Full Moon in the nurturing, sensitive Water sign of Cancer at 4:21PM Eastern/ 1:21 PM Pacific. About an hour later, the Moon shifts into regal, Fiery Leo, however, the “Full” energy remains for approximately  10 days.

So, as a “New” Moon is best for beginning projects- starting something new, implementation of ideas – the “Full” phase (Moon opposes the Sun in the sky, as it  “wanes”) is optimum for finalization.

Clearing out the old, gives space for the new. Gather and tie up any loose ends of projects begun during the New and first quarters, finishing touches and crystallization are best done during the 3rd and 4th quarters.  The cycle begins again at the next New Moon phase – February 2nd.

BTW: Cancer traits are highlighted –  taking care of people,  feelings and emotions are on the surface, moods can run you.

Astrology: Thanksgiving and Weekend Moon – Food, Glorious Food!

This is a short work week for most, so I’m starting the weekend a little early.  On Thursday November 25th, the Happy Thanksgiving Day Moon is in its own food, family, nurture Water sign of Cancer – perfect.  Be full, comfy and share.  Don’t forget to be “thankful”.

Later that evening, the Moon shifts to generous, fun loving, attention getting Leo.  Friday and Saturday will give you time to smile, savor leftovers, show off a little, have fun.

Early morning on Sunday, the Virgo Moon brings us back to basics with health and work focus – conscious eating habits, duty, getting things done. We are ready for the work week.

Have a wonderful Holiday!

Astrology: The Weekend Moon – Variety of Moods!

As you know, the Moon changes Astrology signs every 2 to 2 1/2 days. If you don’t like the Lunar energy one day, wait a few days for a possible change.  This weekend is no different.

All day Friday October 1st, (actually it moves in early on Thursday), the Moon is in its own homey, nurturing sign of Cancer. Expect “feelings” – sensitivity, vulnerability.

Saturday afternoon thru Sunday, the Moon will be in the upbeat, “Me” sign of Leo.  This Fire sign generates confidence, generosity of spirit – that whole regal thing. Enjoy it. Friends and family can just bask in the golden glow of each other – fun.

As always, have a super weekend. Cherish the time.

Astrology: Cancer Moon Weekend- Get Comfy!

Call home – Friday afternoon, 8/6, has the Moon moving into its own sign of Cancer. This water sign gets us all in the mood for family, food and anywhere we are hanging our hats this weekend. This can be a loving, nurturing time.

The Moon = emotions, with sensitivity and vulnerability heightened. Don’t go looking for hurt feelings – yours or anyone else’s.  (This will pass, so there is no need to over eat.)

Domesticity has its merits – make family, friends, yourself comfortable and happy if you can. You’ll enjoy it.

BTW: Energy change on Sunday afternoon when the Moon struts into the regal sign of Leo and goes “New” on Monday 8/9.