Astrology: Feisty Aries Moon Weekend 4/29/11

An extra oomph, an extra buzz are just some of the possibilities as a result of the Aries Moon transit beginning on Friday April 29, 1:33PM Eastern/ 10:33AM Pacific.  Got something to do, something to start, something to face???Tap into the Fire sign’s energy. Aggressive planet ruler Mars is still visiting this peppy sign, along with Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mercury – powerful. Hmmmmm.

Hold the combustion unless absolutely necessary. Strive for the hammer in the velvet glove approach. Personally, I think super things can happen as long as feet stay on the ground. Keep cockiness to a minimum. (Is that even possible? Well, try.)

Atmosphere calms as the Lunar orb moves into practical Taurus late Sunday evening revving up for Monday’s New Moon in this Earth sign.

No matter what you do, seize the opportunity and have a fun weekend!

Astrology: Weekend! Moon in Aries,Then Taurus

On Friday 9/24 we feel the effects of the active, aggressive Aries Moon. As always, there are planetary happenings, depending upon the individual chart, that might make this sign’s warrior sentiments more intense – keep a lid on your temper. Leave the flamethrower in the closet. (Kind of hard to walk back that type of conflagration no matter how many times you say “sorry, my bad”.)

On Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday, the pace changes as the Moon moves into security minded, comfort loving Taurus.  Celebrate Fall / Indian Summer.  This new season is a good time to go over finances and watch the leaves change color.  Taurus – find the beauty, while watching your cash. Makes sense to me.

Have a great weekend!

Astrology: Aries Moon for the Weekend 8/27

Moon vibrates in energetic Fire sign Aries for Friday and Saturday.  The mood will change on Sunday morning as the Moon shifts into the steady Earth sign Taurus.

As always with Aries, make sure you have something physical to do. Reign in any aggressive urges, think before you act (rash impulses can lead to embarrassment?). But, all that energy can make it a fun time had by all.

Sunday morning Taurus moon – have a lovely, romantic day if you can. Be obstinate only when it really matters. (Being stubborn, just because you know you can, may be a bit limiting for opportunities. Think about it.)

Astrology: The Moon This Weekend 6/4/10

On Friday June 4th, the Moon is in the emotional water sign of Pisces until Saturday evening.  Dreamy, fuzzy, sensitive – focus may be difficult. Don’t take on the troubles of the world. (Good news for artists – great time for creativity and imagination.)

The Moon slips into fiery “let’s get physical” Aries late on the evening of June 5 and remains until Monday.  There will probably be lots of activity, lots of energy – make no rash moves, be nice and have fun!