Mood Changes? “Feelings”? (What Sign Is The Moon In Today?)


The Moon affects our subconscious (the Sun = conscious). As the Lunar orb  moves thru the 12 signs of the Zodiac, about 2 ½ days in each sign, our moods and feelings can change according to the characteristics of each sign. It can make us sensitive to emotions, undercurrents, vibrations that surround us and influence how we act/react during a day. (Whenever I write something like this, I hope no one gets visions of those Full Moon Werewolf movies from the 30’s and 40’s.)

Not everyone is affected by Moon transits all the time and in the same way. Sometimes the mood won’t be picked up on. There is always additional planet activity in a chart creating other energy. Often, there is so much going on in a life, time isn’t taken to notice that when the Moon is in Gemini, people get way too chatty, or if the Moon is in Capricorn, too many folks want to take charge of a work project and boss everyone around.

If you don’t “feel” the difference, don’t worry about it – your subconscious is still doing something 🙂

The Moon in Astrology Signs:

Aries: Volatile, “me first” attitude, high energy

Taurus: Solid, sensual, stubborn, money focus

Gemini: All about communication, loves juggling 2 conversations/ ideas at once (Master Multi-tasker)

Cancer: Nurturer, emotional, family concerns (Moon ruler)

Leo: Fun with the drama, looking for the spotlight, generous

Virgo: Health, work, details, responsibility

Libra: Social, good time to re decorate (home or self), relationships rule

Scorpio: Passion, sensitivity, intensity and focused

Sagittarius: Looking for adventure, laughter, more is more, bigger is better

Capricorn: Authority, organization, in charge

Aquarius: Sudden, extreme actions, rebellion, independent

Pisces: Intuitive, impressionable, creative, unclear

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Summertime! Sun In Cancer

“The livin’ is easy…” We greeted the Summer Solstice, on Wednesday June 21, 2023, with a frozen, delicious treat while wearing large sun glasses and a wide brimmed floppy hat. Besides being the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac.

This Water sign can make us more emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but, with family (real or created) & friends, “taking care” is the comfort place.

Regardless of Astrology sign, take advantage of Cancer’s kind, protective and nurturing influences. Its “homey” energy reigns, so use it – enjoy the love along with the ice cream or frozen yogurt. Make your Summer as great as you can!

(The year is half over – what are you going to do with what’s left?)

~ Cancer Sun / Summer Solstice (Sun in 1st degree of Cancer): June 21, 2023 ~  10:58 AM EDT / 7:58 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts 



Go Passionate, Go Deep ~ Scorpio Moon Weekend!

On Saturday & Sunday, 8/14 & 8/15/21, the Moon is on fire in sensitive, sensual Scorpio. When in the 8th sign of the Zodiac, the Lunar Orb wants us focused and INTENSE.

Going after what or whom you want is just the way it has to be. No obstacle too high, no stone buried too deep. Use Scorpio’s passionate, seductive energy wisely.

Is there anything you want to find out? Search for anyone? Uncover a mystery? A Scorpio Moon provides the determination and willfulness to discover and handle truths. Secrets are not safe from this Mars (traditional) / Pluto (modern) ruled Water sign. No hiding or skimming the surface allowed. Some feathers may be ruffled, but the impulse to drill down and get to the bottom of whatever will be hard to deny.

Feel the power this weekend!



Together Again: Summer Solstice / Sun into Cancer. And, Happy Dad’s Day to All Our Father Figures, We Appreciate You!

We can greet the Summer Solstice, on Sunday June 20, 2021, with a frozen, delicious treat under a large Sun hat.

Besides being the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign can make us more emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but, family, friends, “taking care” is the comfort place. Regardless of Sun sign, we can still take advantage of Cancer’s kind, protective and nurturing influences.

Don’t let your sensitive antennae wilt in the summer heat. Heightened awareness can provide useful information about people, places, and things. Feel what you feel and pay attention to your instincts. However, if taking in too much unsettling information from the universe, don’t over indulge in the hope that an extra scoop of Ben & Jerry’s or another spoonful of hot fudge on that banana split will make things better. Change the scenery. Change the mood. Know what is best for you – food, people, situations, etc. Don’t be afraid to let go of what doesn’t work.

~ Cancer Sun / Summer Solstice (Sun in 1st degree of Cancer): June 20, 2021 –  11:32 AM EDT / 8:32 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

~Summer Is Here ~ I Scream, U Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!


Cancer Moon This Weekend ~ Comfort & Nurture

The Moon sits comfortably in the sign it rules from Friday afternoon,  8/14, until Sunday evening, 8/16. Cancer domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to Zoom by comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone even while distancing.

The 4th sign of the Zodiac is sensitive and emotional. It can mean a few days of mood swings and feeling vulnerable. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat).

Use Cancer’s natural creativity instead and have a warm, loving weekend!

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Weekend Moon in Family & Friends Focused Cancer!

Saturday & Sunday, 10/19 & 10/20/19, the Moon is content as it sits in the Zodiac sign it rules. Even though moody, Water sign Cancer gets us ready for family, food and home. Domesticity has its merits, make yourself, and anyone who happens to stop by, comfortable. Kindness and grace can be so soothing for everyone.

A Cancer Moon is also about vulnerability, sensitivity and emotions. Rather than looking for hurt feelings – your own or anyone else’s – be proactive. Unleash the inner artist. You can always cook, set a pretty table. It’s the perfect outlet for all that “nurture” driven energy. Avoid cultivating and harvesting dark thoughts. They will pass, so there’s no need to self medicate (over eat).

Create a warm, loving weekend!



Summertime and the “Livin’ is Easy” * Cancer Sun!

The Sun moving into 4th sign of the Zodiac Cancer, on 6/20 PDT and 6/21 EDT,  also means the arrival of the Northern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. The sensitive, emotional, Moon ruled Water sign may evoke moodiness, but regardless, friends and family will always be an important focus. Your own personal Sun sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of some of Cancer’s influences.

Don’t let your antennae wilt in the summer heat. Heightened awareness can provide useful information about people, places, things. Feel what you feel, pay attention to your instincts and if feeling a little blue, don’t over indulge hoping that extra scoop of hot fudge or butterscotch on the banana split will make things better. Change the scenery and change the mood. Know what is best for you – with both food and people.

Mars will be visiting Cancer from 6/5 to 7/21/17. Needless to say, the aggressive, straight ahead “Warrior” planet, is not comfortable in non confrontational, side stepping Cancer, but the nurturing impulse could get fierce! Watch grouchiness. If questioned or asked to explain, don’t assume that it’s an attack – people may just want to know more.

Communication planet Mercury transits Cancer from 6/21 until 7/05/17 – don’t be surprised if interactions are more emotionally revealing than usual. That can show up in what you write or speak, especially with family & friends.

As Cancer’s protective and sympathetic “homey” energy reigns, use it – enjoy the love along with the frozen yogurt. Whatever you do, make your Summer as great as you can!

Sun in 1st degree of Cancer = 2017 Summer Solstice:

June 20, 2017, Tues. – 9:24 PM PDT / June 21, Weds. 12.24 AM EDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

Hey! The year is already half over – what are you going to do during the rest of 2017? Still plenty of time to create some great stuff!

Moon in High Octane Aries This Weekend!

Astro New Moon CrescentFrom Saturday morning, January 24, 2015, until early Monday, the Moon will be in feisty Fire sign Aries. When the Lunar orb transits the 1st sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by warrior planet Mars, we feel braver and more physical, more “up for anything”. Depending upon what the “anything” is, it could be the best of times or the most precarious of times.

Aries is great for energy and adventure. You won’t want to sit around for too long in one place. Take advantage of the urge for action and movement – do something exciting, do something different. However, make no rash moves, curb any “in your face”, “won’t back down” reactions. Power down occasionally so that loved ones don’t feel that they’re in the presence of a bulldozer. Have fun and be nice.

Have a dynamic weekend!

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A Taurus Weekend * Love & Money!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lIt’s a Taurus Moon beginning early Saturday morning July 19, 2014 lasting until early Monday. Feeling beautiful, stubborn and material? It might be the vibrations of this fixed, finance focused Earth sign guided by the elegant, luxury loving planet Venus. There are choices to be made about weekend plans. Either tackle those finances (how will you use your money the last 6 months of the year?) or indulge yourself, along with a significant other, with one of those delicious and decadent chocolate cakes with red raspberry filling. Money vs Romance – just remember that not all things are either/or. “AND” can often work very well too.

The determined, solid Taurus influence enables us to get things done and finish whatever was started during the impetuous Aries Moon of the previous few days. You can manage your cash and still be good to yourself and loved ones.

Make the weekend great!


Weekend: Moon in Fun Sag, Then Ambitious Cap

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lDue to the Moon position in the 9th sign of the Zodiac, Friday and Saturday presents us with cheerful and adventurous possibilities. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, which is a Fire sign, gives the ok to be upbeat, enthusiastic with expectations of good things.  (The champagne glass is ½ full, not ½ empty sort of attitude.) Take a short trip, spread some cheer, learn something new. Smile.

Early on Sunday morning, March 23, 2014, an atmospheric change comes along as the Moon moves into Earth sign Capricorn. Lasting until Tuesday morning, our thoughts become more deliberate and concerned with ambition, status, financial stability, etc. Be responsible, take charge and accomplish your goals. (But, continue to smile.)

A weekend with variety – enjoy it!