Sparkle Plenty – Sun Strides Into Leo 7/22/18

Good day Sunshine! We can all experience a little bit of “Sun King” energy for the next few weeks regardless of actual Astrology sign. The Sun moves into Leo, the Fire sign it rules, on Sunday July 22, 2018.  “Regal” is the key word as it shines and heats the talent, self confidence, fun and love areas of life. Be active, upbeat, and magnanimous. You don’t have to give everyone you meet diamonds or tip $100s to the hot dog vendor, just ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved.

Communication planet Mercury will be transiting dramatic, attention seeking Leo until 9/6/18. Verbal and written interactions may be livelier and sharper. Remember to share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

BTW- Mercury is Retrograde from 7/25 to 8/18/18 – pay attention to details, no sloppy twitter / FB posts and oversee tech gadgets. (Can we still be careful, while experiencing sudden, unexplained cravings for sparklers, sequins and confetti?)

Enjoy the spotlight!

*Sun into Leo: July 22, 2018 * 5:01PM EDT / 2:01 PM PDT

**Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)



Summertime * Sun Into Cancer 6/21/18

Yes, the “livin’ is easy” as we greet the Summer Solstice, on Thursday June 21, 2018 with a frozen delicious treat sitting under a large Sun umbrella.

Besides being the longest day of the year, in the Northern Hemisphere, it also means the Sun has moved into the sign of Cancer, the Moon ruled 4th sign of the Zodiac. This Water sign is emotional, moody, nurturing and concerned with home and family. (I think Cancers make good actors – all those deep, vibrating feelings can be released by playing out their secret selves on stage.) We will all be under this sign’s sensitive and caring influences.

Communication planet Mercury transits Cancer from 6/13 until 6/29/18 – people can be testy and super sensitive, so be careful with what you write or speak. Seemingly innocent interactions can start out great and then escalate into a hot mess – everyone winds up feeling “wounded”.

Let Cancer’s protective, sympathetic and kind “homey” energy take center stage. Use it well and enjoy the love along with the ice cream. Have a super Summer!

*Sun in 1st degree of Cancer = Summer Solstice:

June 21, 2018 – 6:07 AM PDT / 3:07 AM EDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts



Flighty, Flirty, Flexible, Gemini Sun May 20

On Sunday May 20, 2018, the Sun enters the 3rd sign of the Zodiac – Gemini. Ruled by the communications planet Mercury, this Air sign has a reputation for cleverness, flexibility, adaptability and love of change.  Light hearted, “younger than springtime”, a Gemini will not look/act their age for most of their lives. (Not childish, but youthfully engaging.)

BTW * I’m a Gemini – I loved writing the above   😀

With the Zodiac symbol being the twins (Castor/Pollux), “duality” rules. Regardless of actual birth sign, we will want to double the fun by multi tasking to the max. Be careful of scattering your energies. Complete important projects and deliver what has been promised. Half done is half accomplished.

Information maven Mercury transits Gemini from 5/30/18 – 6/13/18 highlighting writing, reading and conversation. Also, there may be urges for quick weekend getaways, and a “lets do something / lets learn something” type of energy.

Do pay attention to personal interactions. Deepak Chopra said: “Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”. Perfect for a Gemini Sun Transit

*Gemini Sun:  May 20, 2018 – 10:15 PM EDT / 7:15 PM PDT

Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands


The Sun Is In Aries! (It Really Is Spring)

Regardless of how endless Winter may seem for some of us, Spring is here! The Vernal Equinox arrived, in the Northern Hemisphere, on Tuesday March 20, 2018 at 1 degree of impulsive, high energy Aries, the 1st sign of the Zodiac. In the past 12 months, the Sun has transited all the Astrology signs and the cycle starts anew. Let’s spring into action! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist it 😆).

Ruled by warrior planet Mars, aggressive Aries can be used to springboard ideas and projects that have been percolating all Winter. Be aware that unpredictable Uranus will be in this sign until 2019. It can make the Aries rush to adventure unfocused and scattered resulting in waste – time, energy, money. Pay attention to those urges to just “act” (act out or act up). Action with purpose and planning, rather than just because we’re bored will work. Risk vs reckless – don’t be careless.

Adding potential snap and crackle to interactions, Communication planet Mercury transits Aries until 5/14/18, (Retrograde 3/22 to 4/15/18). Writing, speaking, etc. may have more quickness, edge and bite – you’ll be great in debates? Create powerful tweets?  (Just watch the snark)

As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Aries, but the rest of us will still feel the feisty vibes somewhere in our lives depending upon where the Fire sign appears in our chart.

Aries Sun* Spring Equinox – 12:16 PM Eastern / 9:16 AM Pacific

*Gemstone: Garnet * Power Color: Fiery Red * Body Part: Face

FYI – March 20th is also designated as “International Astrology Day”. Always observed on the Equinox, it is a celebration of the ancient art of Astrology.



Virgo Full Moon, 3/1/18 *Health, Work, Self-Improvement

On Thursday March 1, 2018, the Moon (Virgo) is opposite and reflecting the Sun (Pisces) = “Full Moon”. The hard working 6th sign of the Zodiac is about health, service, handling the details and getting things done. A “Full” phase is a great time to finalize whatever projects and plans you have been putting off. Just be careful not to do too many things at once. Juggling might be exciting and a personal test of skills, but don’t go overboard. Think “pace”. The universe will support you in being productive, useful, healthy and whole.

The influences of this Lunar phase will last for several days even when the sign changes to Libra on 3/3/18

BTW: Virgo’s planet ruler Mercury will be joining imaginative, nebulous Neptune in Water sign Pisces until 3/5/18. This can be great for creativity, but, not so much for reliability. Be steady and discriminating while being a genius, even if those around you are not.

*Virgo Full Moon: March 1, 2018 – 7:51 PM EST / 4:51 PM PST 

Sag Moon All Weekend & Its “New”!

The Moon is in sparkling, sassy Sagittarius from Friday evening until Monday morning and on 12/17, the Lunar orb begins a “New” phase. We will feel the urge to get out and about and see people. We feel lucky, optimistic and of course will find the greatest bargain, the perfect gift, the bestest tree. Or, you can hang out with family and friends – socializing works too.

As always with a New Moon, it’s a great time to launch, create, and / or start something. Sagittarius’ good nature, love of adventure and taking risks are tweaked while both luminaries, (the Sun arrived on 11/21) are in this upbeat Fire sign ruled by big Jupiter. But, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). Mercury is still retrograde until 12/22/17, so pay attention to the details.

*New Moon = Dec 17– 10:30 PM PST / Dec 18 – 1:30 AM EST

FYI = New Moon energy lasts approximately 10 days. 

Scintillating Scorpio Sun 10/22 & 10/23/17!

Stubborn, secretive, sensitive, sensual – these adjectives all fit Scorpio, the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac. The Sun will heat and be heated by this Water sign beginning on Sunday October 22 (PDT) and Monday October 23, 2017 (EDT). There will be intensity, determination and smoldering feelings. (Romantic entanglements can be taken to sizzling heights.) Powerful days may be ahead for all.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial won’t work. A lot can be accomplished during a Scorpio Sun regardless of where it appears in your personal chart. Remember that even while being deep and authentic, laughter can still be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.

Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Scorpio from 10/17 – 11/5/17.  Interactions can be easily heated and more demanding than usual. Be focused and as clear as possible regardless of how deep the vat of sensitivity. Paint inside the lines to avoid unnecessary confusion and / or hurt.

Lovely, romantic Venus visits Scorpio from 11/7 – 12/1/2017, adding beauty and lushness to this intense sign’s seduction. Again, the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart

Cheerful, “everything is better when it’s bigger”, Good Luck planet Jupiter has a long stay in Scorpio from 10/11/17 – 11/8/18. Could add upbeat, good feelings, (instead of 1/2 empty, the wine glass is 1/2 full) but, don’t let big emotions overwhelm you.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

** Scorpio Sun: 10:27 PM PDT 10/22/17 – 1:27 AM EDT 10/23/17



Sun into Lovely, Lively Libra 9/22/17 * Fall is Here!


Whether you call it “Fall” or “Autumn”, when the Sun moves into Libra, it is the Equinox (equal day / equal night).

Balance – in relationships, both business and personal, cooperation, genial negotiations will be in the forefront for the next few weeks. All that the world needs now, yes we can.

This social and harmony loving Air sign, ruled by Venus, leans toward the lush things in life – romance, music, delicious food, beauty, graciousness and hospitality. When Communication planet Mercury transits Libra, from 9/30 to 10/17/17, it should amp up our interactions with cleverness and charm. Next, sensual Venus glides into the 7th sign of the Zodiac, from 10/14 to 11/7/17, as a welcome extra to warm and lift spirits.

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon where it appears in your chart. But the Solar orb in Libra can set a mood to benefit us all. Edges are smoothed and softened on potentially contentious situations. My suggestion for anything Libran is always: meet fun folks somewhere beautiful for brunch and or cocktails. Enjoy being with others!

Libra Sun * Fall Equinox 9/22/17 – 4:02 PM Eastern / 1:02 PM Pacific

*Gemstone: Aventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets * Body Part: Kidneys

BTW:  The Scale is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals.





Sun In Virgo – Time To Settle Down 8/22/17

After Leo’s seemingly relentless ferment, the Sun moved into reliable, responsible Virgo on Tuesday August 22, 2017.  The 6th sign of the Zodiac is about work, health matters and service. But don’t think being conscientious has to mean “dull”. With quick witted Mercury as its planet ruler, Virgo cleverness can liven up situations unexpectedly.

Don’t drift into over analyzing, getting wrapped up in too many details. Being over critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements, organizing messes, both large and small, and just experiencing a general grounding. Do Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, be a contribution.

Retrograde Mercury is in Virgo until 9/1/17. It backs into Leo where it will reverse motion and go Direct on 9/5/17. Mercury will re enter the sign it rules on 9/10/17 and remains until 9/30/17. Things speed up, communication will get snappier. Also, good time to implement a good diet / exercise regimen. Feeling better helps you work better.

*Gemstones: Carnelian, Blue Sapphire * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

**Virgo Sun: August 22, 2017 – 6:21 PM EDT / 3:21 PM PDT

Sun Is So Bright, We Gotta Wear Shades!

We welcome the Sun King Leo on Saturday, July 22, 2017. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden, unexplained cravings for sparklers, sequins and confetti. Just go with it. The Sun rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and you can tell. We’ll feel strong, upbeat, magnanimous, a bit more dramatic and drawn to the spotlight regardless of our actual Astrology sign. Leo doesn’t get shyness. We are urged to seek attention, to be colorfully creative and to cheerfully accomplish goals. As the Sun settles into this regal Fire sign, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay.

Verbal and written interactions become livelier and sharper due to Communication planet Mercury’s Leo transit from 7/6 to 7/26/17. Remember to share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

Adding to the energy will be aggressive “Warrior” Mars transiting Leo, 7/21 til 9/4/17. Being overly confident and perhaps impatient for attention, might lead to taking risks just to be first in front of the camera – real or imaginary. This could make us sloppy and reckless. Check the parachute before attempting the longest free fall airplane drop in the Guinness Book of Records. (Verify the distance between drop height & ground) Preen for the close up once safely on land.

Basking in a Leo Sun can be a good time. Enjoy!

Sun into Leo: July 22, 2017 * 11:16 AM EDT / 8:16 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

 (Next up – Virgo Sun  8/22/17)