Busy Weekend Gemini Moon 11/11/11

Friday afternoon, November 11, 2011 gives us a weekend of this Mercury ruled Air sign’s communication focused energy. As an example of its dual nature,  a set of twins is the usual symbol for Gemini.  So, we can interpret that as a chance to manage two things at once successfully – scrabble and crossword, chat and charm, read and write. Just remember to breathe – everything doesn’t have to happen at warp speed.

Try to hold off on the gossip, it can come back to bite you. If the temptation for verbal mischief is too great, see a movie, take a class. Instead of snark, be clever, be smart, be entertaining – with a Gemini Moon, the options are endless !

11/11/11 is Veterans Day. Remember to thank them all.


Astrology: Sun into Social Libra 9/23/11 – Fall is Here!

The Fall / Autumnal Equinox arrives the same day as the Sun saunters into Libra on Friday September 23, 2011. Relationships of all types are now in the forefront – family, friends, marriages, business partners. It’s fun to be with people, to chat, flirt, laugh. The 7th sign of the Zodiac, ruled by Venus, loves beautiful things, wants to be in the midst of music, art and charm filled situations  – wants all the good stuff to warm and lift the spirits. My suggestion for anything Libran is always: meet some fun folks for brunch!

Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, Libra will still cast a glow of congeniality. It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. There will be cooperation – great time to ask for a raise? build a group of volunteers?

If you have any plans for Tuesday 9/27 – it  should be a stellar day. By the time the Libra New Moon occurs early in the morning, there will be 5 planets residing in this Air sign – Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Sun and Moon (The Lunar orb in its “New” phase makes it even more potent). Libra’s traits should be powered up and enhanced. Not necessarily a “Kumbiyah” moment – but certainly one in which the joy and solidarity of partnership can be embraced by all of us.

Saturn, the task master, the teacher of life lessons (I still refer to it as the Castor Oil of planets), will be in Libra until October 2012. Is there work to be done with those that are held close or at a distance? Are we going to pretend to be “surprised” if a hitch in a relationship shows up, or will we admit that we saw “it” coming? Saturn can reveal, make us look. Tough scrutiny will give an opportunity to get back on track – a good thing. A situation may get healthier, after taking the medicine, regardless of how awful the taste.

The Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions. Seeking harmony by trying to be “fair” can sometimes lead to appearing wishy-washy. Using the “Pros/Cons” list method for making decisions can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice. Don’t hesitate to show your spine when needed (some may be surprised when Libra’s inner tensile strength is revealed), you’ll still be loved!

Libra – Gemstone: Adventurine * Power colors: Blues and violets

FYI : Sun into Libra 9/23 at 5:05AM Eastern / 2:05 AM Pacific. (Next up – Scorpio, 10/23)

The Scale is Libra’s Zodiac symbol. (All other signs are either people or animals)


Astrology: Taurus & Gemini Moon – Variety Filled Weekend!

Beginning Friday September 16, a sensual Taurus Moon will work its magic until the multi tasking Gemini Lunar orb brings a different kind of terrific early in the morning on Sunday September 18.  Earthy, Venus ruled Taurus and Airy, Mercury ruled Gemini should make for a social weekend – tender romance, delicious food, entertaining conversation, high or low brow literary pursuits – not bad! 

For the next few days, take advantage of whatever diverse moods and energy are available in the universe due to the changing Zodiac Moon signs. However, note that although Taurus can be loving and full of charm, it can also be stubborn and determined. While Gemini’s duality (the Twins?) can make us clever and versatile, we can also be a little flighty and distracted – so think before you speak or push “send” on that email or text. Choose to use whichever traits work the best for you.

Regardless of what you get into – have a terrific weekend!


Astrology: Vibrant Leo Moon Flows into Calm Virgo New Moon

This weekend will be one of mixed energies – a theatrical Fire Sign Leo Moon on Friday and Saturday transits into grounded, practical Virgo territory on Sunday.  Don’t be overwhelmed with the drama, largesse, some showing off and lots of regal generosity of spirit while in the throes of a Leo Moon. It will settle down. 

As of the 23rd, the Sun is in Virgo and this Sunday’s New Moon, 8/28, will be in the same Earth sign. Like all “New” Moon phases, the next 2 weeks that follow will be a great time for initiating, beginning, creating, etc. With this Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac, most of the “starting something” will do with work, health and service.

BTW – Mercury is Retrograde, in Leo, until Friday afternoon 8/26 – The planet’s motion will stop and go Direct.  As it goes forward, it will reach Virgo on 9/9. If you can wait until then for all your new adventures, the universe will be in full throttle support. Virgo’s organization, pragmatism, work ethic will pop with all the oomph of the usual New Moon energy.  Don’t spend too much time being critical and you can really get something done! (Focus on what matters to you.)

Have the awesome weekend you deserve!


Astrology: Sun in Earthy, Hard Working Virgo! August 23, 2011

The Virgo Sun spreads its influence on Tuesday 8/23 regardless of whether it’s your Astrological sign or not. We will all be a little more grounded, practical, efficient and responsible. This Mercury ruled Earth sign (of health, hard work and service) also lets us know that it really is all about the details, details, details.  Make plans and aim for better diet and fitness. If you want to work better or want better work, put together the little building blocks needed to create something substantial. We all deserve that and while the Sun heats up this 6th sign of the Zodiac, now is the perfect time to get it done (whatever “it” is). 

However, being enraptured with details, or what some may call “sweating the small stuff”, can also lead to being overly critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees” and that saying about paralyzing analysis… Friends, family and co workers  eventually resent correction, the pointing out of faults, no matter how “helpful”, how good the intention.  Giving assistance doesn’t have to mean getting on everyone’s nerves. 

Do those lovely Virgo things instead – be clever, be useful, organize, make a difference, be a contribution.

BTW:  Sun moves into Virgo on Tuesday at 7:21 AM Eastern / 4:21 AM Pacific. (The Sun remains in Virgo until 9/23/11.)

FYI: Virgo’s planet ruler Mercury went Retrograde on 8/2/11, moving backward into Leo on 8/8.  It continues the reversal until movement finally stops on 8/26 (still in Fire sign Leo). Mercury then goes Direct, forward, but it will not reach Virgo again until 9/9. When the communication planet is in one of the signs it rules, Gemini is the other, their traits are pronounced.

Virgo – Gemstone:  Carnelian / Power color: Deep green


Astrology: Here Comes the Sun! Attention Loving Leo

The Sun rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and you can tell. With the influence of the “Sun King”, we all should feel upbeat and magnanimous – it’s all that regal, “all about me” stuff. Leo’s are generous, dramatic  (great performers), attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride. When the Sun struts into this Fire sign on Friday July 22nd 9:12PM Pacific / Saturday July 23rd 12:12AM Eastern, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay.

Glow and be warmed as the Solar presence heats the talent, self confidence and love segments of life. Graciously ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved. Time to step up and step out – just watch the imperiousness. (Speed dating could be really exciting, or off the hook – as the kids say)

While the communication planet Mercury is in Leo, until July 28, self expression is clever, entertaining, and confident. Perhaps more ego driven than usual, share the conversation, let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you.

FYI – Just to add to the attractiveness of it all, Venus the Goddess planet of love floats into Leo on July 28th and stays until August 21. Beautify self and surroundings and be royal but in moderation. Money will be very easy to throw around, ignore the urge to show off. People will be drawn to you regardless.

*BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year -19, 20, 21, 23. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign on an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).



Astrology: Dramatic July 4th Weekend – New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Busy holiday weekend starts Friday 7/1. There is New Moon energy, always good for beginnings, launches, etc, in the Water sign of Cancer and at the same time, a Partial Solar Eclipse occurs – 4:54 AM Eastern/ 1:54 AM Pacific. As a result, Moon ruled Cancer’s traits may be amped up, so emotions will be very close to the surface, sensitivity heightened – “Feelings, whoa, whoa feeeeelings…”.  Be careful not to overreact if loved ones are tactless. Try to use any uncovered  vulnerability creatively, imaginatively. Feelings can be upbeat and perky, spread it around to those same impolite loved ones.

Saturday afternoon, 5:43PM Eastern /2:43PM Pacific, the Moon does a royal procession into Fire Sign Leo. The 5th sign of the Zodiac is noted for its enthusiasm, generosity, “look at me!” way of being. Of course it is ruled by the Sun and there will seem to be a general  demand for attention from friends/family and even people you don’t know. Just be kind to those that are willing to revolve around you. Bask in all that light and warmth (I don’t mean the weather) and take everyone along for some “La Dolce Vita” stuff.

Please note that communication planet Mercury will also move into Leo on 7/1, so look out for conversation stopping comments to be made and earth shaking tweets to be sent or read. This weekend could be full of drama, but still fun. Fireworks, YAY!

On Monday evening 7/4 the practical, conscientious Virgo Moon arrives (9:15PM Eastern/ 6:15PM Pacific) just in time to give us a chance to power down and get ready for back to work.

Regardless of whether you have a 1, 2, 3 day weekend, or you’re one of the lucky ones who can stretch it to 4, have a full, fun, fabulous Holiday!

FYI: The Moon is “new” when both luminaries are in the same sign -Sun entered Cancer on June 21

Astrology: Versatile Gemini Sun, 5/21/11* Be busy, Have Fun

The characteristic youthfulness of Gemini has nothing to do with immaturity. It is a curiosity for new places and things, the enjoyment of doing several things at once and the willingness to adapt that keeps the wrinkles, mental and physical, at bay. They almost always look younger than their age. Fun, flirty, festivity loving, focus challenged, flexible, flighty (Full disclosure – I have a Gemini Sun, so I’m really having fun w/this 🙂

Early Saturday morning, May 21, the Sun bounced into this flexible, variety loving Air sign, 5:21AM Eastern / 2:21AM Pacific. Let the multi-tasking begin! Ruled by the communication planet Mercury, we will all feel some of this sign’s influences, regardless of our Zodiac sign. There may be sudden urges to learn something new, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much/gossip too much, wishes to be in two places at once (that “twin” thing). And don’t forget travel, whether it be real or arm chair, the search for greener grass will be enticing.

This can all be such a good time, but also exhausting. Rather than be overwhelmed or scattered, hit the pause button occasionally. Collect your thoughts, watch what you say (Gemini verbal cleverness is legendary, just don’t be verbally careless), re focus, complete tasks that need to be finished, then go on to the next.

Gemini: Gemstone* Pearl or Agate / Color * Yellow

Astrology: Moon in Capricorn & Aquarius – A People Weekend!

The Earthy Capricorn Moon is perfect for wrapping up business projects on Friday and Saturday. You’ll be in a responsible, take charge mode so that tasks get done, work gets delegated. Ruled by serious planet Saturn, use the ambitious, capable energy of this 10th sign of the Zodiac well.

The rhythm changes on Saturday evening, May 21, 10:32Pm Eastern / 7:32Pm Pacific, with the moon’s slide into the caring, group focused, unpredictable, Uranus ruled, Air sign of Aquarius. Volunteer, organize a community, find a cause, share yourself. You can still do some good and have fun.

BTW: On the same day, the Sun bounces into another Air sign, Mercury ruled Gemini. Expect the weekend to be a bit peppier than the previous few days.  Call, tweet, chat up your friends – communication is everything.

Have a marvelous weekend!

Astrology: April 2011 * Aries – So Many Planets, So Little…

Wow, there will be days in April that Aries (Fire Sign, ruled by the Warrior planet Mars, 1st sign of the Zodiac) will be playing host to 5 planets plus the Sun. Potent, powerful, persuasive, passionate, potentially combustible energy can result. (I ran out of “P” words to convey how “in your face” this could be.)

Aries is about aggression, physical energy, impatience, temperament, action – all this can be used to make great things happen– now!  But, in addition to accomplishment, there can also be risk and rush leading to hurt feelings and messy, scattered results. (Arrogance can always come back to bite ya somewhere/somehow?)

Aries and:

Jupiter* 2/23 – 6/5/11, Called the Lucky planet – feelings of good fortune, sure bets, may hide some risks and lull you into taking lots of chances.

Mercury* 3/10 – 5/16/11 (Retrograde period 3/30 – 4/23), Sharp communication, can be snide, angry, remember – a verbal assault is still an “assault”.

Uranus* 3/12/11 – 2018,  Slow moving outer planet will remain for 7 years.  Unpredictable, rebellious, often “change” for change sake,  resenting any restraints, rules-  don’t let desire to be “free” cloud common sense.

Sun* 3/20 – 4/20/11, Enthusiastic, energetic, buoyant, “I”

Mars* 4/2 – 5/11/11, (Planet ruler of Aries) Intensifies combative qualities and self confidence – fiestiness works, but, don’t underestimate a situation or an opponent.

Venus* 4/21 – 5/15/11, Planet of love and beauty in the same neighborhood as the testosterone charged planet Mars = Sparks!

So, short and sweet, it boils down to the following: Use this time of powerful drive and emotion to your advantage without creating grenade like debris.  And, focus. Dial back on ego and think of the contribution you are to others – magnified, energized.

As always, the depth of the affects of all this depends upon where Aries and those transiting planets appear in the birth chart.

Brace yourself. Let the “Tilt-a-Whirl” begin! (Wasn’t it the movie “All About Eve” where Bette Davis says her “Bumpy night” line? ) Well Ok! We’re ready! Could be fun!