Mercury Retrograde (Ooops?) in Detail Loving Virgo, 8/30/16

Astrology Mercury Retrograde 2

*Alert!  Communication planet Mercury, which rules both Air Gemini and Earth Virgo, will go reverse on Tuesday August 30, 2016. It went backwards in the other Earth signs earlier this year, (Taurus in April and Capricorn in January). What does that mean to us? General Earth sign attributes, stability, responsibility, practicality may be impacted, especially interactions with others – writing, speaking, teaching, etc. Stay grounded and pay attention to contracts negotiations, deadlines, missed and mixed messages. Gadgets, computers, phones may become uncooperative but “fixes” could be unreliable too. If it can wait, repair, replace after Mercury goes Direct, 9/21 PDT & 9/22 EDT still in Virgo.

Of course, we still gotta show up, life will go on, there are chores and plans that must be dealt with regardless of what Mercury is doing. Retrograde chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings by “sweating to the small stuff”, checking things twice, details, details, details. My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: see it as an opportunity to review, reconsider, re-think, revisit. As we do this, we’re not going backwards into the past, we are pro actively making any needed changes, re evaluations for the future – a good thing.

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 8/30/16 – 9:04 AM EDT / 6:04 AM PDT



Crazed & Confused? It’s Just Mercury Retrograde, Again – Until 5/22/16

Astro Mercury Retrograde 3 

Yes, we will experience Mercury Retrograde, the 2nd of 4 occurrences in 2016, beginning Thursday, April 28 in Earth sign Taurus. No need to go “cray – cray” just because the communication planet reverses motion. Mercury is concerned with information, travel, education, technical gadgets and small appliances – things that help our lives go. We can overcome, we can handle, we can deal – as long as we pay attention to details and “back up” our stuff. This planet’s often confusion generating backward sky motion continues until 5/22/16, when it stops motion and goes Direct.

Tech toys, plans, budgets, especially since Mercury is transiting the security minded (financial and physical), 2nd sign of the Zodiac, should all be looked over, confirmed, checked twice. Prepare for any missteps or snafus that lurk out there. Take this time to reconnect, rethink, reassess, revisit, review, rewrite, refresh. If something does go downhill, at least you’ll be prepared to shore up the landslide and hopefully prevent total disaster.

Things will gradually become clearer as Mercury picks up forward speed. You’ll be able to go ahead with anything you may have discovered during the pause and refresh time out. Clarify career and money goals. Network and share your workplace goals with those you trust. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury goes Direct before firming up new business and signing contracts or agreements.

Of course, life goes on, there are chores and plans that must be dealt with regardless of what Mercury is doing. Retrograde chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings by paying attention to the “small stuff”.

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 4/28/16 * 1:20 PM EDT / 10:20 AM PDT

Let Us Prepare – Mercury Retrograde Again, 9/17/15

Astro planets 2“People get ready…” Communication planet Mercury will appear to go backwards in the sky on Thursday, September 17, 2015 in relationship focused Libra. The harmony seeking 7th sign of the Zodiac is about partnerships, collaborations, socializing. Don’t be surprised if people from the past – co-workers, lovers, business partners – suddenly pop up to haunt, bite or even please us. Pay attention to what you write, what you say in order to lessen the possibility of any negative impact as you interact with others. (Slips of the tongue and pen, Freudian or otherwise, can easily occur.) Mercury Retrograde is not automatically an event of huge, messy snafus. Back up all the tech stuff, check batteries, verify travel plans, be meticulous and be careful. (Jump all over the details.)

“Retrograde” is the perfect time for “re” actions, such as, re invent, re write, re reread, revisit, renew. Use the next 3 weeks to take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does a conversation, idea or negotiation deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? When Mercury goes Direct on October 9th, things will gradually become clearer as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able to go forward with anything you may have discovered. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury’s forward motion before firming up new partnerships and signing contracts or agreements.

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 9/17/15 * 2:10 PM EDT / 11:10 AM PDT



Mercury Retrograde, 5/18/15 – YAY! !

Astro Planet Glyphs 2No, I haven’t lost my grip. Instead of bemoaning Monday’s arrival of Mercury Retrograde in Gemini, the Air sign it rules, as the potential snafu of all time, I’m changing my approach. I will look on the good side. Rather than rushing, yelling and screaming, to my computer to “back it up” before the sky falls, I will make good use of whatever positive energy the universe will provide during the communication planet’s backward sojourn thru the heavens.

This Mercury Retrograde can offer us the opportunity to re visit any abandoned conversations – “let’s discuss this at a better time”, (never happened) or writings (any “Thank You” notes pending?). Re evaluate those unfinished brainstorming lists, middle of the night “great” ideas, etc. Re think the language of any future speeches or pitches – is it clear, to the point, got substance?

However, with combative Mars transiting the clever, chatty 3rd sign 0f the Zodiac until 6/25/15, we still need to be alert. No need to foster confusion and mischief just because of not paying attention. Watch what you say, watch what you write. Double check directions, be prepared for transportation delays. Don’t sign any contracts unless absolutely necessary and not until its read very carefully. And finally, YES – back up your tech stuff! ASAP!

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 5/18/15 – 6/11/15 * 9:50 PM EDT / 5:50 PM PDT



1st Mercury Retrograde Of 2015 (Until 2/11)

Just a reminder: Mercury Retrograde, which began on 1/21/15, lasts until 2/11/15. The Communication planet stopped motion and appeared to go backwards in the sky in the unpredictable, revolutionary, group oriented, Air sign of Aquarius. The areas of life affected are the usual Mercury influenced things – speaking / writing, travel, transportation, education, manual dexterity, small electrical gadgets, etc. With Aquarius, ruled by erratic, eccentric Uranus, in the mix, personal interaction misunderstandings and technical snafus are even more prone to happen. As mentioned in a previous post, some preparation can help. Back up, double check, confirm. Try to avoid disasters and mayhem with diligence and care until the winged planet goes Direct again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Organization is key. Copy your files now, locate the  chargers (make sure they still work for the gadgets your have), set aside extra ink for the printer, check the batteries in the pacemaker, make sure the bills are paid, etc. Don’t create problems because of carelessness.

As always, Mercury Retrograde is a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, re write, re assess, re acquaint, re fresh. Take the time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes, new contracts, etc.

However, life happens regardless of what planets are doing. Be present, be aware and we will get through to the other side, again.

*1/21/15 Mercury Retrograde 10:54 AM EST / 7:54 AM PST

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Final Mercury Retrograde of 2014!

Astro Planet Glyphs 2No need for us to be crazed and confused. We will get through it, again.

On Saturday, October 4, 2014, Mercury Retrograde begins in emotional, intense, “dig deeper” Scorpio. It may affect any investigations, secrets, mysteries you’ve been working on or cause communication gadget interruptions, etc. Make sure any data, information, details researched and uncovered are correct. Double check your sources while you back up the devices that you use to search and / or store. Being cautious can avoid any confusion, miscommunication, misunderstandings. Mercury’s backward motion begins in the passionate 8th sign of the Zodiac, but will back up into relationship focused Libra on 10/10/14 until it stops and goes Direct again on 10/25/14. Don’t be surprised if people, places, events of the past return to haunt, bite or even please us. Watch what you write, be careful of what you say in order to lessen the possibility of negative impact as you interact with others.

“Retrograde” is the perfect time for “re” actions, such as, re invent, re write, re reread, revisit, renew. Use the next 3 weeks to take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? Are there any monetary, financial accounting mishaps? When Mercury goes Direct on October 25, things will gradually become clearer as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able to go forward with anything you may have discovered. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury’s forward motion before signing contracts or agreements.

Good news! This is the 3rd and final Retrograde Mercury of 2014! (next 1/21/15 – 2/11/15)

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 10/4/14 – 1:02PM EDT / 10:02AM PDT

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Mercury Retrograde 6/7/14 – Here We Go Again!

Retrograde Mercury strikes again on June 7, 2014, the 2nd of the year. It begins in Water sign Cancer – emotions, family, friends, the past. Then on 6/17, the planet backs into the Air sign it rules, Gemini, until 7/1 when Mercury, planet of communication, short trips, siblings, goes Direct. We can deal, we can handle, we will survive it! Again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Can you imagine any communication snafus occurring between you and family members during the 3 weeks of the retrograde? Of course you can – so, the cautions are the same as always during a backward Mercury. Watch what you say or write. Be clear and precise, try not to leave room for mis interpretation. Hurt feelings, confusion can really be done without, especially with those closest to you. Keep things simple and uncomplicated as you live your life (it never stops regardless of whether a planet goes backward or forward). Complications and “hot messes” can arise all by themselves.

However, life is still great. We can get thru just as we’ve done in the past – prepare and pay attention. Back up your stuff. Get your facts, along with your ducks, in a row – verify, verify, verify. Use Retrograde time to do “re” things – review, reread, re evaluate, regroup, re charge.

*Mercury Retrograde: June 7, 2014: 7:57AM EDT / 4:57AM PDT


Back Up Your Stuff! – Mercury Retrograde 2.6.14

Astro Planet Glyphs 2Yep, it’s here again. Mercury Retrograde on February 6, 2014 until the 28th – the first retrograde of this communication, transportation, tech influencing planet for 2014. Confusion may ensue.  What to do? What does it all mean? In a nutshell: pay attention as you speak, write, listen, read and don’t forget to back up your stuff.

Contract signings, innovations, new investments should be delayed if possible and certainly not attempted until after close scrutiny. Pisces and its planet ruler Neptune can push us far away from the real. Great for creativity, not so much for focusing on details. Situations are not always clear. The resulting haziness can lead to misinterpretation. However, life doesn’t stop because a planet goes backward. If you can’t wait until it’s over and you have to make plans, complete projects, submit reports, etc. Keep track, keep copies, jot down details, just in case work has to be repeated, or something gets lost. Mitigate the severity of any possible messes that may occur. Repeat the mantra – “Sloppiness and carelessness not allowed”.

Mercury Retrograde is always a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions: re evaluate, rewrite, re assess, re acquaint, re address. The retrograde period can give us time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes. Mercury Retrograde will begin in Pisces, continue its backward movement as it reaches Airy Aquarius on February 13th until it stops and moves Direct again on March 1, 2014. Mercury, ruler of Gemini and Virgo, is more comfortable in Aquarius than in sensitive Pisces. Clarity should return in a few days. (Mercury will move forward into Pisces again on March 17th.)

Thursday February 6, 2014 – Mercury Retrograde: 4:43 PM EST  / 1:43 PM PST


3rd & *Final* Mercury Retrograde Of 2013!

Mercury Retrograde in the emotional, water sign of Scorpio begins on October 21, 2013. Yes, it’s the last one of the year. Back up your stuff! Don’t let carelessness or lack of focus bite you in the nether regions. Mercury, (planet of communications, transportation, education, manual dexterity) stopping and then moving backwards in the sky is not a tragedy, but it can get in the way of things running smoothly. So, just in case – pay attention. Make sure loose ends are tied. We will get thru these potentially dicey 3 weeks once again.

Astro Planet Glyphs 2As always, use this time to review or revisit projects. Don’t go overboard, especially with the Retrograde occurring in “dig deeper” Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Zodiac. Its natural intensity is a great opportunity to research, re calculate, re think. Does the plan make sense? Was anything missed? Are there any monetary, financial recounts necessary? When Mercury goes Direct on November 10, things will gradually become unstuck as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able go forward with anything you may have discovered.

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s orbit around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde – Monday 10/21/13, 6:29 AM Eastern / 3:29 AM Pacific (Until November 10, 2013)


It’s Baaaaack! Mercury Retrograde 6/26/13

Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation, manual dexterity, stops motion and begins its travel backward in the sky (“Retrograde”) beginning Wednesday June 26, 2013. It happens in the nurturing, sensitive, Water sign of Cancer, however, regardless of the Sun sign, my cautions are always the same. With the sluggishness of Retrograde, energy may be blunted and snafus can occur. Project initiation/creation would be best delayed if possible – if not, be meticulous, be careful. (Jump all over the details.)

Astro planet 3Emotional, moody Cancer is concerned with family and friends and enjoys taking care. Be careful about what is said at the annual picnic or gathering to avoid hurt feelings or misunderstood intentions.

As always, use this time to review, rethink, rework, revise, revisit, so that when Mercury stops and reverses to Direct on July 20, 2013, it’s forward motion can be taken advantage of and projects that appeared to be stalled can be rejuvenated and re launched with the benefit of any retooling that was done.

Mercury Retrograde – 9:08AM EDT / 6:08 AM PDT, 6/26/13

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