Mercury Retrograde, 8/23/23 – “Chaos” Is Not Inevitable!

The 3rd Mercury Retrograde period of 2023 begins on 8/23 and ends 9/15/23. The planet Mercury is concerned with all types of information, travel, education, tech stuff and small appliances. Labeled “the Communication planet”, it’s often confusion generating “backward” period gets blamed for the unexpected snafus that occur in life. (Some may have already been experiencing the effects. Mercury starts the slow down about 2 weeks before the actual day of Retrograde. It’s called the “storm period” and electronics,gadgets,  personal contacts, can start to go sideways all of a sudden.)

The possibility of communication issues are intensified because Mercury is currently in one of the signs it rules, Virgo (the other is Gemini). When going direct, all the Virgo/Mercury traits are pumped – analyze, write, speak, teach, work, service. With the sluggishness of Retrograde, energy may be blunted and slips of the tongue or pen, Freudian or otherwise, can occur.

Project initiation/creation would be best delayed if possible. Take this time to use those “re” words– revitalize old projects, re invent an approach, review, rethink, rework, revisit ideas, etc.

However, life goes on and things have to get done. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings and snafus by paying attention & being prepared. Be meticulous. Be careful. “Back up”your stuff. Stay grounded & alert to what you say, write & sign. Verify deadlines, read directions carefully, etc. (Jump all over the details.)

Regardless of reputation, Mercury Retrograde doesn’t have to be tragic. We can manage.

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.



Crazed and Confused? It’s Just Mercury Retrograde, Again ~ 4/21/23

The Communication planet has been slowing down for the last few days, you may have noticed some snafu like occurrences lately. It stops and reverses direction on April 21, and continues Retrograde until May 14, 2023. It will then go Direct.

No need to go “cray – cray”. Mercury is concerned with information, travel, education, technical gadgets and small appliances – things that help our lives go. We can overcome, we can handle, we can deal – as long as we pay attention to details and “back up” our stuff. This planet’s often confusion generating Retrograde period continues until 5/14/23, when it stops motion and goes Direct.

Tech toys, plans, budgets, especially since Mercury is transiting the security minded (financial and physical), luxury and good food loving 2nd sign of the Zodiac – Taurus. Prepare for any missteps that lurk out there. Take this time to reconnect, rethink, reassess, revisit, review, rewrite, refresh. If something does go downhill, at least you’ll be prepared to shore the landslide and hopefully prevent total disaster.

Things will gradually become clearer as Mercury picks up forward speed. You’ll be able to go ahead with anything you may have discovered during the pause and refresh time out. Clarify career and money goals. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury goes Direct before firming up new partnerships and signing contracts or agreements.

Of course, life goes on, there are chores and plans that must be dealt with regardless of what Mercury is doing. Retrograde chaos is not inevitable. We can mitigate potential misunderstandings by paying attention to the “small stuff”.

FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 4/21/23 * 4:35 AM EDT / 1:35 AM PDT



1st Mercury Retrograde Of The Year, 1/14/22!

Mercury, in Air sign Aquarius, appears to stop and go backward in the sky on Fri, Jan. 14, 2022. It will be “Retrograde” until Feb. 3, 2022. Communication planet Mercury is not just associated with reading and writing, but also with travel and transportation, education, manual dexterity and small electrical gadgets. While in reverse, technical snafus, confusion and unclear personal interactions may occur.

We can try to avoid disasters and mayhem with diligence and care until the winged planet goes Direct – verify, back up, double check, confirm.

As always, Mercury Retrograde is a good time to make future plans, complete projects and of course to exercise all those “re” actions:  re evaluate, re write, re assess, re acquaint, re fresh. Take the time to pause and reflect, rather than jump into new schemes, new contracts, etc. (Don’t forget finance / business details – catch an error and “save face”, save money.)

*1/14/22 Mercury Retrograde – 6:41 AM EST / 3:41 AM PST

FYI – when Mercury stops and goes forward, it takes time for it to pick up full speed. Give it a few days for things to clear up.



Let Us Prepare ~ Mercury Retrograde 9/26/21

“People get ready…” Communication planet Mercury will appear to go backwards in the sky (Retrograde) in relationship focused Libra on Sunday 9/26 in the West / on Monday 9/27 in the East. The harmony seeking 7th sign of the Zodiac is about partnerships, collaborations, socializing. Don’t be surprised if people from the past – co-workers, lovers, business partners – suddenly pop up to haunt, bite or even please us. Pay attention to what you write, what you say in order to lessen the possibility of any negative impact as you interact with others. (Slips of the tongue and pen, Freudian or otherwise, can easily occur.) Mercury Retrograde is not automatically an event of huge, messy snafus. Back up all the tech stuff, check batteries, verify travel plans, be meticulous and be careful. (Jump all over the details.)

“Retrograde” is the perfect time for “re” actions, such as, re invent, re write, re read, re visit, re new. Use the next few weeks to take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? When Mercury goes Direct on October 18th, things will gradually become clearer as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able to go forward with anything you may have discovered. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury’s forward motion before firming up new partnerships and signing contracts or agreements.

No need for us to be crazed and confused. We will get through it, again.

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

*Mercury Retrograde: 9/26/21 * 10:10 PM EDT ~ 9/27/21 * 1:10 AM PDT



Reminder! Mercury Retrograde until 6/22/21

Mercury (the planet of communications, transportation, education, gadgets, manual dexterity, etc.) has been Retrograde in Gemini, the Air sign it rules, since 5/29. The planet will stop motion and go Direct again on 6/22. It won’t get up to speed for about 7 days, so continue to be careful when dealing with anything Mercury handles. Back up your stuff! Read carefully if you must sign something and pay attention.

My usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde time are:  review, re invent, re write, re read, revisit, renew, re think. Take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? Don’t be surprised if someone shows up unexpectedly out of the past.

BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it can look like a reverse motion from earth.


Weekend Horoscope: Moon in Virgo and Mercury Retrograde 1/30/21

~ On Saturday and Sunday, 30 & 31 January 2021, the Moon will be in Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac. There is a mood shift from the playful, sunny, “I” oriented “look at me” Leo Moon of the last few days into this health and service oriented Earth sign. Virgo can make us analyze everything and focus on the small stuff. It may not be spotlights and sequins, but, we can have fun while being practical and organized. Make the most of it.


~ As mentioned in a previous post, Communication planet Mercury will appear Retrograde in the sky on Jan 30th (begins in Aquarius) until February 19th, 2021 (going backwards it stops in Pisces) There is the potential to have to repeat or correct actions done during these times – annoying.

If possible, use Retrograde time to do “re” things – review, reread, re evaluate, regroup, re charge. Project creation would be best delayed if possible – if not, be meticulous, be careful. (Jump all over the details.)

Have a super, productive weekend!


*** ~~~ ***


Sizzling, Secretive, Seductive, Sensual, Scorpio Sun! (Yeah, I’m showing off)

On Thursday October 22, 2020 the Sun slipped into Scorpio – the heat is on! Potent, powerful, persistent, and passionate (still showing off 😉 ), the mysterious 8th sign of the Zodiac can infuse us with determination and focus to get projects done, snare that love interest or drill down through any mysteries that need to be solved. Sensitive and emotional – there will be drama and there will be depth.

With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us regardless of birth date,

Clever Mercury has a long Scorpio transit which began on 9/28/20. It will go Retrograde on 10/13, (interactions can turn out differently than expected and may be more demanding than usual) and backup into Libra, where it will stop and move forward on 11/3 into Scorpio again on 11/10. It will reach the next sign, Sagittarius on 12/2/20.

We can accomplish a lot during this time using Scorpio’s power. But, also remember that laughter can be used as a balm to stabilize, bring things into perspective and lighten the atmosphere.  

As always, the impact depends on where (which House) Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

~*~ Scorpio Sun 10/22/20 ~ 7 PM EDT– 4 PM PDT ~*~



It’s Baaaaack! Mercury Retrograde 6/17/20

Mercury will be Retrograde for the 2nd time this year beginning June 17 PDT (9:59PM) / June 18 EDT (12:59AM) thru July 12, 2020. The often perplexing effect of Mercury, while it appears to go backwards in the sky, may be noticed a few days before it stops and reverses. So, I think it is best that we prepare early – back up all that stuff. Check those balances! Before hitting “send”, read over that tweet or email! Pay attention to travel directions!

This time Mercury is in the 4th sign of the Zodiac, Water sign Cancer, ruled by the Moon. Mercury is not only the planet of Communication (reading, writing, chatting) but also, short trips, siblings, education, and information. Emotional, moody Cancer is concerned with family, friends and enjoys taking care. Watch what you say or write to those close to you. Be clear and precise, try not to leave room for misinterpretation. We can do without hurt feelings and confusion around the dinner table. Keep things simple and uncomplicated as you live your life (it never stops regardless of whether a planet goes backward or forward). It will cut down on any snafus or “hot messes” that may arise.

Regardless of your Sun sign, my cautions are always the same:

Get your facts, along with your ducks, in a row – verify, verify, verify. Use Retrograde time to do “re” things – review, reread, re evaluate, regroup, re charge. Project creation would be best delayed if possible – if not, be meticulous, be careful. (Jump all over the details.)

We will survive Mercury Retrograde. Again!

~ * ~ FYI: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

(Next up *Oct 13 – Nov 3)



Mercury Retrograde Begins On Halloween!

On Thursday, October 31, 2019, Communication planet Mercury begins a backward motion in emotional, intense, “dig deeper” Water sign Scorpio (until it stops and goes Direct again on 11/20/19 in the same sign). It may affect any investigations, secrets, mysteries you’ve been involved in. Make sure any data, information, details researched and uncovered are correct. Double check your sources while you back up the devices that you use to search and / or store. Being cautious can avoid any confusion, miscommunication, or misunderstandings. Watch what you write and say in order to lessen the possibility of negative impact as you interact with others. Pay Attention.

In the mean time, my usual suggestions for Mercury Retrograde: re invent, re write, re read, revisit, renew, re think. Use the next 3 weeks to take another look at past decisions or old projects that may have been dropped and forgotten. Does an idea deserve another chance, another go round? Was anything missed? Are there any monetary, financial accounting mishaps?

When Mercury goes Direct on November 20, things will gradually become clearer as the planet picks up speed. You’ll be able to go forward with anything you may have discovered. If you can, wait a few days after Mercury’s forward motion before signing contracts or agreements.

Good news – this is the 3rd and FINAL Retrograde Mercury of 2019! (next up 2/16/20)

*Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 10/31/19 – 11:42 AM EDT / 8:42 AM PDT

~ BTW: Mercury just “appears” to go backwards. Planets only move forward, however, due to the earth’s changing speed as it orbits around the Sun, the positions are such that it looks like a reverse motion from earth.

~ * ~ Happy Halloween! ~ * ~


Summer Sun into Cancer, 6/21/19 ~ I Scream, U Scream, We All Scream For Ice Cream!

“Summer’s here and the time is right for dancin’ in the streets”.

On Friday, June 21, 2019, the Sun brought beach umbrellas, flip flops and frozen delicious treats as it moved into the Moon ruled, 4th sign of the Zodiac – Cancer.

Along with the Cancer Sun, came the Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) – our longest day of the year.

This nurturing, caring Water sign tends to be emotional, moody, restless and sensitive, but regardless, friends and family (real or created), will be an important focus. Your own personal Astrological sign might be different, but, you can still take advantage of Cancer’s warm & comfy influences.

Communication planet Mercury will be Retrograde in Cancer from 7/19 until 8/1/19 and remains until it continues Direct into Leo on 8/12. (The complete Backward transit lasts 7/7/19 to 7/31/19.) People may be testy and super sensitive, due to misunderstandings, missed cues, etc. so be careful with what you write or speak. Seemingly innocent interactions can start out great and then escalate into a hot mess – everyone winds up feeling “wounded”.

~ Cancer Sun / Summer Solstice (Sun in 1st degree of Cancer): June 21, 2019 ~  11:54 AM EDT / 38:54 AM PDT

*Gemstone – Emerald * Power colors- silver, pale gray (Moon colors) *Body Part – Breasts

Hey! The year is already half over – what are you going to create during the rest of 2019?