Optimism & Adventure * It’s Sag Season! 11/22/23

That lucky old Sun prances into Fire sign Sagittarius on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. Ruled by exuberant Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, being “hopeful” doesn’t seem quite so far out there. “Bigger is better”, everything is “huge”- ideas, actions, themes, etc. We just don’t have enough space for all the goodies anticipated when there is Sag Sun.

However. the “go BIG or go home” routine will not always work to your advantage. Certainly be an “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sagittarians love a good laugh but they are also deep and love to ponder the universe) but, be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. Pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to admire the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” you want to jump on are not so sure.

And, just to add to the energy, there are also planets transiting Sagittarius:

Mercury, Communication planet ~ Nov 11 – Dec 1

Clever, curious and often razor sharp, this can be good for creativity. Teach a class/ take a class, write/paint/cook something that you’ve been thinking about forever.

Mars, Warrior planet  ~  Nov 25 – Jan 5, 2024

Energy is heightened, quick to action, may jump from one thing to the other. Pay attention to tasks, follow up on ideas. Watch mischief quotient if boredom hits.

A Sagittarius Sun wants us to be hopeful & upbeat, to be with people & to revel in the abundance of the season. May we all be able to take advantage and enjoy it whenever, wherever, and/or however possible.

~ Sagittarius Sun – November 22, 2023 * 9:03 AM EST / 6:03 AM PST ~

*Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

** One of the symbols for Sagittarius is the Centaur with the bow and arrow and wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for the holidays.

~*~* Happy Thanksgiving! And yes, be thankful ~*~*

Sun In Competent, Down to Earth Virgo 8/23/23!

The Virgo Sun spread its influence over us on Wednesday 8/23/23. (Yes, the same day Mercury went Retrograde.) Regardless of whether it’s your Astrological sign or not, the effects of this service oriented, practical, hardworking & efficient Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac will be noticed.Things get done!

Quick witted, Communication planet Mercury, has been transiting Virgo since 7/29 (thru 10/6/23). Spoken, written or tweeted, language is sharper & snappier. The transit is longer than usual due to the planet’s Retrograde period, 8/23/ – 9/15. This would be a good time to be careful of your interactions of all types.

Earth sign Virgo insists that attention be paid to the details, “the nitty, gritty” (is that term still being used?). However, being overly critical and picky, “sweating the small stuff”, “not seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “analysis paralysis” will often get in the way and slow any improvements and / or  organizing messes. Friends, family & co-workers may resent relentless corrections no matter how “helpful” or how good the intention. Don’t get on their nerves  😉

Instead, do evolved Virgo things – be useful, bring calm & order, create a plan for better diet & fitness, be a contribution, take care.

Virgo Sun ~ 8/23/232:   5:01 AM EDT /2:01 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)


~ Gemini Season ~ 5/21/23!


On Friday May 21, 2023, the Sun enters the 3rd sign of the Zodiac – Gemini, sign of the twins (think Castor and Pollux). Ruled by the communications planet Mercury, this Air sign has a reputation for cleverness, flexibility, adaptability and love of change. There may be sudden urges to learn something new, meet and greet, read and write, chat too much/gossip too much. Trying to be in 2 places at once and / or wanting to do 2 things at the same time will be an “of course” – duality rules. Let the multi – tasking begin!

Light hearted, “younger than springtime”, the characteristic youthfulness of Gemini means they usually look younger than their age and it has nothing to do with immaturity. Curiosity for new places and things and the willingness to adapt keeps the wrinkles, mental and physical, at bay.

*Mercury is comfortable while visiting Gemini. Its transit lasts from June 12 – June 25, 2023 and during this time, Gemini cleverness, along with its critical and sarcastic talents rise to the surface. Its verbal cleverness is legendary, just don’t be verbally careless – no need for unprovoked take downs or careless gossip.

The season can be such a good time, regardless of your Astrology sign, but “Twinning” an also be exhausting. Just be careful of scattering your energies. Complete important projects and deliver what’s been promised. Half done is half accomplished.

Deepak Chopra said:

“Language creates reality. Words are magical power. Speak always to create joy”.

Perfect for Gemini

~ Gemini Sun:  5/21/23 – 3:09 AM EDT / 12:09 AM PDT

*Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands

~*~ June 7th – Prince’s Birthday (Also my niece, Cybel) ~*~

*** ~~~ ***


Taurus Season! Tenacious, Talented, Tasteful & Terrific

On Thursday April 20, 2023, the Sun moved into stubborn and determined Taurus. Even though the Bull is its Astrology symbol, it is ruled by the lovely, pleasure seeking planet Venus – Taurus, the 2nd sign of the Zodiac, has many dimensions. It can be practical and earthy, but it’s also a lover of beauty, good food and security/money. Loved ones are treated to poetry, music and gourmet restaurants, while getting a lecture on avoiding financial pot holes – nice mix.

For the next 4 weeks, we can tap into the strength and versatility of Earthy Taurus so that we solidify and complete the projects started during the high energy of the Aries Sun. Watch out for a tendency to be overcautious – don’t miss an opportunity out of fear. Take a second look to see any advantages.

There are transits adding to the fun:

Mercury ~ the clever, quick communication planet transits Taurus from 4/4 until 6/12/23. Written / verbal interactions are grounded and may be uncompromising sometimes. Discussions about security and safety are brought forward. (The transit is longer than usual because there is a Retrograde period from 4/21 – 5/14).

Jupiter ~ a year long stay,  5/17/23 until 5/25/24. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and fortune, while Taurus is the sign of wealth and money. This is a good time to look into the financial sector of life.

Uranus ~ planet of unexpected change and rejection of the status quo has been in Taurus since March 2019 and will remain until 2026. Don’t be surprised if there are sudden shifts in how finances are handled, how sensuality is expressed, how food is considered, and how “luxury” is interpreted. “Change” is the operative word.

Taurus *Gemstone: Rose Quartz * Power color: Soft rose-pink* Body Part: Neck

~ Sun into Taurus ~ 4/20/23 ~ 4:14 AM EDT / 1:14 AM PDT

Next up, Gemini!

**As always, those most affected have the Sun and/or Rising sign in Taurus, but the rest of us will still feel the stabilizing influences somewhere in our lives depending upon where this Earth sign appears in the birth chart.




They’re Here! The Winter Solstice & The Capricorn Sun, 12/21/22

On Wednesday December 21, 2022, Winter arrives in the Northern Hemisphere – the “Winter Solstice”, the shortest day of the year. Always in tandem is the ambitious, careful, & capable Capricorn Sun. Although Earth sign Capricorn is very different from the previous sign, upbeat Sagittarius, spirits don’t have to deflate after all of the joyous seasonal happenings you created.

The 10th sign of the Zodiac is ruled by stern Saturn. It can keep us busy networking, organizing, tuning up career and financial situations and being in charge. Directing traffic is fun. Being “Top Dog” is not a trial or burden. Just don’t get so bogged down in responsibilities that you become rigid and cautious. Fun can still be had!

And to add to all that fun are Capricorn planet transits:

~Mercury, planet of Communications – moved into Capricorn on 12/7 and remains until 2/12/23. Speech, writing etc. could be more serious and tight. Maintain sense of humor. Authority with honey, not vinegar. (Long transit due to Retrograde period, 12/29/22 to 1/17/23)

~Venus, Planet of Love, beauty, & relationships, arrived on 12/11 until 1/4/23 – pay attention to romantic expectations, feelings of restriction, less flexibility.

~Pluto, planet of power & transformation – has been in Capricorn since 2008 (until 2023) – fosters deep feelings, possible changes in career direction, upheaval, regeneration.

*How you experience transiting planet power depends on where Capricorn appears in your birth chart, – its traits will be intensified in that section of life. (And of course, a Capricorn Sun or Rising sign is especially energized.)

~ Capricorn Sun ~ December 21, 2022 – 4:48  PM EST / 1:48 PM PST ~

*Gemstone: Obsidian, Onyx *Power color: Black, Gray * Body Part: Bones

FYI:  “The Winter Solstice occurs exactly when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26′. Though the winter solstice lasts only a moment in time, the term is also a turning point to midwinter or the first day of winter…The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening of days.” (per Wikipedia)

Wishing the very best of the season to all of us

Happy New Year!

Optimistic, Energetic, Enthusiastic Sagittarius Sun, 11/22/22 !


When the Sun prances into Sagittarius, we are treated to a cheery couple of weeks beginning on Tuesday, November 22, 2022. Ruled by exuberant Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, we are more upbeat and everything seems possible, everything is “huge”- ideas, actions, themes.

Let’s all enjoy this sign’s feelings of luck, optimism and adventure. It makes me think of my favorite line from “Jaws” – “we’re going to need a bigger boat.” We just don’t have enough space for all the goodies anticipated with a Sag Sun.

With this Fire sign, we need to aim for controlled excess – there is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, everything is great!- this can lead to an arrogance that can cost ya.

Be an “of course” for abundance, reach for the good things, learn something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sagittarianss love a good laugh but they are also deep and can see what others don’t) but, just be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. It can be expensive and/or embarrassing.

And, to add to the energy, there are planets transiting Sagittarius:

*Mercury, Communication planet ~ 11/18 – 12/7/22 *  

Clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing Sag’s knowledge and wisdom

*Venus, planet of Beauty ~ 11/17 – 12/11/22*

The Love planet can add tact, sweetness and charm to the holiday season. (We can use it all after the past year.) Caring relationships, elegance and self value. Revel in the warmth and spread it around.

*Sagittarius Sun ~ November 22, 2022 – 3:20 AM EST / 12:20 AM PST

*Gem stone: Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

**Re: “prances” – One of the symbols for Sagittarius is the Centaur – ½ man (with the bow, arrow, wine pouch) and ½ horse. Perfect, libations for a holiday gathering.

~*Happy Thanksgiving! And yes, be thankful *~


Scorpio Season – Go Deep, Or Go Home!


On Sunday, October 23, 2022, the Sun sashayed into powerful, and often fierce, Scorpio. Wind down and focus to get projects accomplished, snare that love interest and reveal any mysteries that need to be solved. (Think “determination”.) With Scorpio’s traditional planet ruler Mars (energy and aggression) and its modern ruler Pluto (power and transformation), being cool, being superficial – skimming the surface, in conversation or action, just won’t do. The next couple of weeks can ramp up intensity and dig deep into feelings for all of us regardless of birth date. Save any overflowing angst and/or grudges for another day – they may dissipate as the mood changes.

Due to the characteristic sensitivity of this Water sign, the 8th sign of the Zodiac’s power will not be served distant and cold – there will be drama, there will be depth, the time is ripe for full out emotions. Stubborn, secretive, serious, sensual – these adjectives all fit Scorpio to a T (or in this case, to an “S”). The Sun will heat and be heated.

There are Transits! (Planets visit signs over the year which I think adds spice)

Venus, 10/24 to 11/17/22 – Love Planet Venus, always associated with beauty, love, charm, etc. may soften Scorpio’s approach while searching for deep connections and passion. As always, the impact depends on where Scorpio falls in your particular chart.

Mercury, 10/30 to 11/18/22– the Communication planet can easily turn interactions up a notch. Pay attention and be as clear as possible regardless of how deep the vat of emotion.

*Gemstone: Topaz *Power color: Deep shades of red *Body Part: Reproductive system (surprise!)

** Scorpio Sun 10/23/22 ~ 6:36 AM EDT– 3:36 AM PDT

*** Wondering why the Scorpio Sun is the 23rd of the month this year and not the 19th, 20th, 21st or 22nd like most other signs?

The Earth’s rotation actually determines the start dates of a sign – not the Sun. The dates can vary by as much as 2 days depending on when a leap year occurs.

As the world turns, the Sun appears to flow from one Zodiac sign to another. Since the Earth wobbles, it takes slightly more than 365 days — actually 365 + 1/4 days. Because of this, our calendars must be adjusted to compensate for this difference.

Next up – Upbeat Sagittarius 11/22/22 !


Lovely, Lively, Lush Libra Sun On 9/22/22 ~ With Mercury Retrograde Thrown In And The Autumn Equinox Too!

The Sun glides into Libra on Thursday, September 22, 2022.  Fall is officially here in the Northern Hemisphere. Even if it isn’t your Sun or Rising sign, Libra will still cast a glow. It’s all about socializing, networking, getting along. Hopefully, there will be cooperation, genial negotiations and the urge to seek balance in both business and personal relationships. Good things in life are highlighted due to the influences of the love and beauty planet ruler Venus – romance, music, delicious food, graciousness and hospitality. This can be a fun time.

Seeking harmony, the Libra way is to see both sides of an issue before making decisions.  However, using the Pros/Cons list method can just string the selection process out. Be aware that important action can be stalled by over think. Paying attention to instinct and being honest will give a more direct line to a choice.

Also, Mercury is in Libra from 9/11 until 10/30/22. In the middle of its transit, there will be a Retrograde period (9/17 to 10/1). The Communication planet went backwards in the 7th sign of the Zodiac on 9/17. It will continue in reverse and back into the 6th sign, Virgo, on 9/24, until 10/1.  Mercury will then stop, go Direct, forward, until it reaches Libra again on 10/11 and remain until 10/30/22. (Scorpio)

* May seem confusing, but the Mercury Retrograde story remains the same: back up your devices. Pay attention to details. Read contracts carefully.  Avoid snafus, hurt feelings etc – read it over before hitting “send”.

Libra is all about relationships, so any Retrograde missteps may involve the people in your life. Things might get messy. Someone from your past might pop up and want to continue whatever went on before (whatever that might’ve been?).

As always, your experience of the Sun in a particular sign depends most upon where it appears in your chart, but a Libra Sun does set a mood to benefit us all. Edges can be smoothed and softened of potentially contentious interactions. My suggestion for anything Libran is always: meet fun folks somewhere beautiful for brunch and or cocktails. Enjoy!

*~* Libra Sun * Autumn Equinox 9/22/22 ~ 9:04 PM EDT / 6:04 PM PDT

Gemstone: Aventurine * Power Colors: Blues & Violets * Body Part: Kidneys

FYI:  The Scale (signifying balance) is Libra’s Astrology symbol. All other Zodiac signs are either people or animals.


Virgo Season!

The Sun is in Virgo as of Monday August 22, 2022. Whether it is your birth sign or not, the effects of this service oriented, practical, and hardworking Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac will be felt. However, being conscientious doesn’t necessarily mean “dull”. Virgo’s cleverness can liven up situations when you least expect it.

Put the Leo drama and sequins aside. Organize, make plans, plot progress, unravel confusion. Implement a good health/exercise regimen. Feeling better helps you work better. It’s all in the details! However, “sweating the small stuff”, can also lead to being over critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees” and/or that saying about paralyzing analysis, etc. Friends,  family and co workers  eventually resent correction, the pointing out of faults, no matter how “helpful” or how good the intention. Giving “assistance” doesn’t have to mean getting on everyone’s nerves and causing bruised feelings. 

Quick witted, Communication planet Mercury has been transiting Virgo since 8/6 (thru 8/27/22). Spoken, written or tweeted, language is sharper, snappier and sassier. Look forward to lovely Venus, planet of love & beauty, which will visit Virgo from 9/6 to 9/30/22 and can soften some of those critical, over analytical edges.

Do those lovely Virgo things instead – be useful, bring calm & order, create a plan for better diet & fitness, be a contribution, be a solution.

If you want to work better/ want better work, put together the little building blocks needed to create something substantial. Now is a great time to get it done (whatever “it” is).

Virgo Sun ~ 8/22/22:   11:16 PM EDT / 8:16 PM PDT

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system)

(Next up – Libra Sun, 9/22/22)


Sparkle Plenty – Sun Sashays Into Leo 7/22/22

The Sun moves into Leo, the sign it rules, on Friday July 22, 2022. With the influence of the “Sun King”, we are upbeat, magnanimous, colorfully creative and drawn to the spotlight regardless of your actual Astrology sign. The 5th sign doesn’t get shyness, it loves attention. The potential for having fun and getting wrapped up in drama ramps up, just go with it.

Mercury, the Communication planet, transits Leo 7/19 – 8/4/22. Verbal and written interactions become livelier and snappier. Go ahead and be brilliant but share the space. Let someone else get a word in – it’s not all about you (for real!).

Venus visits from 8/11 – 9/5/22.  The planet of love brings even more warmth, beauty and love of “luxe”. Beautify self and surroundings. Money will be very easy to throw around, ignore the urge to show off. People will be drawn to you regardless of a big bank roll and big tips.

Glow and be warmed as the solar presence heats the talent, self confidence and love segments of life. Graciously ooze that Leo charm and you will be looked at, admired, loved. Time to step up and step out – just watch the imperiousness.

~ Sun into Leo: July 22, 2022 * 4:07 PM EDT / 1:07 PM PDT ~

*Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

(Next up – Virgo Sun 8/22/22)

BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year – from the 19th to the 23rd. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart  (however, the individual may often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).