Great Weekend = Gemini Moon, Cancer Moon

Start the weekend on Friday September 7th and experience 2 days of a variety loving Gemini Moon. Ruled by the planet Mercury, we will be compelled to communicate – some way, somehow. This versatile Air sign may mean leisurely networking, or active socializing, it can be fun for us and/or just busy – or both. With dual faceted Gemini, the need for flexibility rules. 

In time for Sunday brunch, the Lunar orb moves into it’s sign ruler – watery Cancer. Be prepared to dial it back a bit. The 4th sign of the Zodiac, sensitive, often moody and emotional,  is about protecting and nurturing. (It might be calming after all the Gemini twitting, emailing, voice mailing and FBing of the previous few days 🙂 )



Full Moon in Zodiac Activist Aquarius 8/1/12

A Full Moon glows in the 11th sign of the Zodiac on Wednesday August 1, 2012. We will feel the influences of friendly, unconventional Aquarius more intensely than a usual 2½ day Moon transit. A stubborn, group oriented, caring sign, it is about the “We/Us” rather than the “I/Me”. 

This Air sign is ruled by unpredictable, freedom loving, change craving Uranus.  Intellectual rather emotional, the concern for others that is part of the Aquarian personality is authentic and matter of fact. Volunteer, organize a community, find a cause, leave a place better than you found it.

Full Moon: 11:27PM EDT/ 8:27PM PDT. (The Leo Sun is opposite the Aquarius Moon = Full )

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, at “Full” phase, the Moon is “waning”, on its way to the 3rd and 4th quarters, therefore, it is a good time to clean up and finish old projects. (The best time to create, start new things is from the beginning of a “New Moon” phase thru the 2nd quarter – “waxing”.)