Leo New Moon 8/8/21 – This Could Be Exciting!


This weekend, 8/7 & 8/8, the Leo Moon entertains us. It will reach its New phase on Sunday. (Both luminaries in the same sign = “New Moon”. The Sun moved into generous, enthusiastic Fire sign Leo on July 22, 2021) The time is great to use the flirty, creative vibrations natural to the 5th sign off the Zodiac to start a project, enroll a special someone in your life, and / or do an awesome performance. Take all the Solar driven joy and confidence and have fun with any melodrama that might ensue. (Drama doesn’t always have to be a hissy fit.)

This active, initiating New Moon energy lasts for approx 10 days until the Aquarius Full Moon on 8/22/21 (“Full”-  Lunar Orb is illuminated by the Sun ~ best to finalize & complete projects).

~ Leo New Moon:  8/8/21 – 9:50AM EDT / 6:50AM PDT
