That Lucky, Old Sag Sun!

Are you ready for a busy, bouncy, upbeat good time? Well, that’s what we get when the Sun prances into Fire sign Sagittarius on Wednesday November 21, 2012. (The symbol for the optimistic 9th Astrology sign is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch.) Perfect, just in time for a holiday gathering. Share laughs, share food, share Sag philosophical wisdom. Spread cheer!

Fire sign Sagittarius is ruled by good luck Jupiter, planet of “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. Aim for “controlled” excess if things lean toward going over the top. Be with people, have a travel adventure, revel in the abundance of the season. Say “YES” and expect excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new. However, even though there may be an underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, everything is great – be aware of the edges. Over confidence can send you too far. Don’t embarrass yourself or loved ones due to over indulgence (in anything). Have a good time, but, establish and adhere to limits.

Currently, Communication planet Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio. It stops on 11/26 and will forward into Sagittarius by 12/11 and remains until 12/31. Clever, curious and often razor sharp, this can be good for creativity. Sag influences us to love a good laugh but also loving to go deep and ponder the universe. Teach a class, take a class, finally write something that you’ve been thinking about forever. Watch language as you share YOUR truth, no need for the snark or the snippy. Long bouts of verbal testiness is not attractive and can really smother a party 😀

*Sagittarius – November 21, 2012 4:50PM EST / 1:50PM PST

*Gem stone: Citrine, Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver , Hips

Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Rising and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage and benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag fun.

Happy Thanksgiving! Remember your blessings.



Saturday, Sunday Sag Moon = Good Times!

A Sagittarius Moon from early Saturday until Sunday afternoon will have us getting out and about, seeing people, being optimistic. An enthusiastic “We can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this good natured, Jupiter ruled Fire sign. Pay attention to any urges for travel and adventure – they can add up to a fun weekend.  

However, no matter how great the scheme sounds, awesomeness isn’t guaranteed, you still must stay grounded enough to do the research, get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side. Take advantage, take a chance – just don’t get too cocky. Pay attention to the details.

Have an upbeat, up tempo weekend!


Weekend Moon Moods – Scorpio & Sagittarius

All day Friday June 29, 2012: anything you want to find out? Search for anyone, uncover a mystery? The Scorpio Moon provides the determination and energy to discover and handle truths. Secrets are not safe from this Pluto ruled Water sign. No hiding allowed. It translates to an unwillingness to coast, “go along to get along”, etc. Some feathers may be ruffled, but the impulse to drill deep and get to the bottom of whatever will be hard to deny.

Then, it’s all about Sagittarius influences for Saturday, Sunday and Monday. With planet ruler Lucky Jupiter, a Fiery Sag Moon is time for big thoughts, big plans and big dreams. It can lift our spirits, thereby making us good natured and charming companions. Perfect for any holiday parties going on.  

Have a joyous Weekend and a sparkly/ firecrackly 4th of July!



Full Moon Sagittarius – Bigger is Better!

There is nothing to fear when the Moon saunters into Sagittarius early on Monday, June 4, 2012.  It will be at the “Full” phase, dramatically lit by the Gemini Sun, but rather than conjuring up any of those werewolf-like scenarios, it’s a time to look for results. We start to see the end product of any ideas/efforts we began at the time of the last New Moon. 

Optimistic, jovial, ”let’s have an adventure” Fire sign Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the “Lucky” planet. We should feel energetic, enjoy a sense that “of course good things can happen” and have a willingness to believe in miracles – which can come in handy when edging a difficult project toward fruition. (We can really have fun with this 😆 )


It Ain’t Over Til That Lady Sings!

We still have a few more weeks until Retrograde Mercury, fleet footed planet of communication, travel, etc., goes forward again on December 13, 2011. We can get thru this people! When the planet started its final backward movement of the year on November 25 in Sagittarius, you may have noticed little breakdowns, little snafus, little misunderstandings. Often the severity of the mishap just had to do with how much attention was being paid to what was being said or done. My suggestion is to focus and continue to check all lists, plans and directions a few times, just in case.  

Remember, the Sun moved into the 9th sign of the Zodiac on 11/22, so the Sagittarian traits of learning, travel, education, adventure and risk taking are pushed to the forefront. As mentioned in a previous post, this season can be terrific fun and Mercury is appropriately in the sign ruled by big Jupiter, the planet of “more”.  Everything sparkles, spirits are high – the abundance of festivities can be outrageous (in a good way). But, with all the excitement, all the busyness, it will be easy to overlook some details.

As always, where Mercury appears in the individual chart determines what part of life is most affected by the planet’s Retrograde motion, but regardless, being careful and mindful of pitfalls is a good thing for all of us.

Try to delay major plans if you can for about 2 more weeks. Yes, life doesn’t stop. If you have something pressing to take care of, handle it – but don’t rush. Examine it before your sign it.

FYI: Mercury Retrograde started November 23, 2011 (11:21 PM Pacific) / November 24, 2011 (2:21 AM Eastern) = Ends the evening of December 13, 2011 .

Next Mercury Retrograde, March 12, 2012


Final Mercury Retrograde of 2011 – Yay!

This Wednesday, the last Mercury Retrograde of the year occurs in the jolly Fire sign of Sagittarius. The Sun already bounced into this 9th sign of the Zodiac on 11/22, so all its traits of learning, travel, education, adventure and risk taking are pushed to the forefront. Mercury is all about communication, transportation, movement, how we deal with variety and since this planet’s “backward” motion can often cause confusion, misunderstandings, snafus – my suggestion is check all lists, big plans and directions twice.  

T’is the season for all kinds of festivities and Mercury is appropriately in the sign ruled by big Jupiter, the planet of “more”.  Everything sparkles, spirits are high – this can be great fun. But, with all the excitement, all the busyness, have you overlooked any details? Be organized. Make sure those toys have the batteries needed. If you make promises to be with people, write them down and show up. Travel plans?  – don’t book a flight to Paris, Texas when you actually made plans to meet friends at the Eiffel Tower. (This is my favorite and often used example of  an “oops” vacation). Misreading a bank balance can fog the reality into not realizing that 10 bottles of champagne is more financially manageable than a case.

As always, where Mercury appears in the individual chart determines what part of life is most affected by the planet’s Retrograde motion, but regardless, being careful and mindful of pitfalls is a good thing for all of us.

Try to delay major plans for a few weeks. Yes, life doesn’t stop. If you have something pressing to take care of, handle it – but don’t rush. Examine it before your sign it.

FYI: Mercury Retrograde starts November 23, 2011 (11:21 PM Pacific) / November 24, 2011 (2:21 AM Eastern) = Ends the evening of December 13, 2011 . The veil should lift, the confusion abates and we can go forward with purpose on all that we have been rethinking , renegotiating and re evaluating.

Next Mercury Retrograde,  March 12, 2012



Glorious Sun into Joyous Sagittarius 11/22/11

Okay, let the fun times begin!  When the Sun is in fiery Sagittarius, we can all enjoy this sign’s feelings of luck, optimism and adventure. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, the king of positive thinking, we just don’t have enough space for all the goodies anticipated when there is a Sag Sun. That’s just the way it is. Everything is “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. There is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, the million dollar deal is done, it’s all great! Remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not and will cost ya.  Aim for controlled excess.

So, put yourself among people, have a travel adventure, teach or take a class, revel in the abundance of the season. Be happy, be an “of course” for excellent results, reach for the good things, discover something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sagittarians love a good laugh but they are also deep and love to ponder the universe) but, just be aware of the edges – over confidence can send you too far. It can be expensive and/or embarrassing. Have a good time – but, don’t overdo.

Sun moves into Sagittarius, the 9th sign of the Zodiac, on Tuesday November 22, 2011 at 8:08AM Pacific / 11:08AM Eastern.

*Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21): Gem = Citrine, Sodalite / Power color: Lilac, Mauve


Astrology: Moon in Upbeat Sag for the Weekend, 9/30/11

A Sagittarius Moon from Friday night until late Sunday evening gives us the urge to get out and about, see people. Feelings of optimism, abundance and “can-do-anything” are all traits of this Jupiter ruled, good natured Zodiac sign. Thoughts turn to travel and adventure – it can add up to a fun weekend!

This Fire sign always has big thoughts, big plans and big dreams. However, no matter how great the get rich quick scheme sounds, success isn’t guaranteed, you still must stay grounded enough to do the research, get all the facts. But, it is nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, take a chance – just don’t get too cocky. Pay attention to the details.

Have an upbeat, entertaining weekend!



Astrology: Emotional, Intense Scorpio Moon Rules the Weekend

Early Friday morning, 8/5/11, a Scorpio Moon sends us into determined, sensitive, moody territory. Always passionate, always powerful, this Water sign is ruled by Pluto, planet of extremes. Secrets, long hidden truths can be uncovered leading to deeper connections with others. This can be great or not. Remain aware of emotional temperatures, if heading toward the “Red Zone” – brake, if you want to.

A Sagittarius Moon is up next on Sunday in time for a bountiful, breezy, brunch. For the next few days, until Tuesday afternoon, there may be this unexplained, underlying need for adventure, taking risks due to the impulses generated by the Jupiter ruled Fire sign. Have fun, but don’t go too extreme-if you need a net, use it. (Nobody becomes a”Flying Wallenda” overnight.)

Have a great weekend!

BTW: The Flying Wallendas is the name of a circus family known for performing highwire acts without a safety net.  Per WiKiPedia



Astrology: Adventurous Sagittarius Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse, 6/15/11

Good time to finish projects, wrap up/tie up details of any outstanding issues while there is a Full Moon phase.  However, a Lunar Eclipse also occurs at the same time and in the same upbeat Fire sign of Sagittarius on Wednesday June 15th, 4:14PM Eastern/ 1:14PM Pacific. The Sun and Moon are opposite each other, reflecting their lights, and the Eclipse just adds to the power surge for the next few days. You may feel the urge to careen around, checking items off the to-do- list.

Yes, the possibilities of completing or changing things are amped, such as suddenly ending or finishing something that you may have been dithering about for awhile. But, don’t rush – think about it, ruminate and then press “go”. Decision made. Done. Whew.

Expansive, spontaneous Jupiter rules 9th sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius.  We may feel its influences thru spontaneous travel plans, the desire to break free of restrictions (real or imaginary), to share ideas. To be big in everything – optimism works.  Make the most of it, laugh, be adventurous, finish up – get ready for what’s next.