Virgo Sun – Down to Earth Living!

astrology_chartwheel 2The Virgo Sun spreads its influence over us on Sunday 8/23/15. Regardless of whether it’s your Astrological sign or not, the effects of this practical, efficient, Mercury ruled 6th sign of the Zodiac will be noticed until 9/23. Adding to the mix is Jupiter, transiting from 8/11 thru 9/9/16, planet of luck, opportunity and abundance. It can add a boost to the Earth sign’s love of productivity – we can accomplish a lot!

Virgo, sign of health, hard work and service also lets us know that it really is all about the details, details, details. If you want to work better/ want better work, put together the little building blocks needed to create something substantial, step by step. We all deserve achievement so why not go after it now (whatever “it” is). Also, implement a good diet / exercise regimen. Feeling better helps you work better.

Beware of over analyzing, getting wrapped up in too many details (traits ascribed to the typical Virgoan). Being over critical and picky, not “seeing the forest for the trees”, suffering bouts of “paralysis analysis” will just get in the way and slow you down from making improvements, organizing messes, both large and small, and just experiencing a general grounding.

Lovely Virgo things – be useful, do what it takes to make a difference, have worthwhile results. (My version of “Be/ Do/ Have”)

*Gemstone: Carnelian * Power color: Deep green * Body Part: Bowels (Cleansing the system for good health)

**Virgo Sun: August 23, 2015 – 6:38 AM EDT / 3:38 AM PDT



Sun Sashays Into Leo 7/22/15

astrology_chartwheel 2Good day Sunshine as we all experience the generous, attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride Leo energy for the next few weeks. The Sun will be in the Fire sign that it rules until 8/23/15. Upbeat, dramatic and drawn to the spotlight, when the Sun struts into this regal Fire sign, regardless of your actual birth date, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay. (Don’t be surprised if there are sudden, unexplained cravings for sparklers, sequins and confetti. Just go with it.)

Relationship interactions may become livelier and more colorful due to communication planet Mercury’s transit of the the 5th sign of the Zodiac beginning 7/22/15 until 8/8/15. Remember to share the conversation, let someone else get a word in it’s not all about you.

Planet Jupiter, big in size and attitude, will remain in Leo until August 11, 2015. Feelings of confidence, good fortune and largess are all traits associated with this planet and when it visits Leo, about every 12 years, the possibilities for optimism and creativity are endless. Wherever it appears in your chart, focus will be on Jupiter’s themes of expansion, bigger is better, etc. Money will be very easy to throw around, so rein in the urge to show off. People will be drawn to you regardless.

This can be a joyful, full of yourself time!

Sun into Leo: July 22, 2015 * 11:31PM EDT / 8:31PM PDT

*Gemstone – Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

**BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year – from the 19th to the 23rd. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).


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Optimistic, Energetic, Sagacious Sag Sun, 11/22/14

That lucky old Sun bounces into Sagittarius on Saturday November 22, 2014. Ruled by “more is always best” planet Jupiter, this time of year is about livin’ large, taking chances, everything is great, the million dollar deal is done, “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes. All of this can can be full of adventure and great fun, but aim for “controlled” excess if things seem to be going over the top.

astrology_chartwheel 2Adding to festivities are transiting planets Mercury and Venus:

Venus (11/16 – 12/10/14) = the planet of love, beauty and grace. The effects of Venus’s pleasure principle can be enhanced and intensified while in Sagittarius. Social networking, flirting, charming encounters are all possible now.

Mercury (11/28 – 12/17/14) = Communication focused, clever, curious and often razor sharp, this planet visit can be great for creativity, sharing knowledge. Teach class, take a class, finally write something that you’ve been thinking about forever. However, watch language as you share YOUR views, no need for the snark or the snippy. Long bouts of verbal testiness is not attractive and can really smother a party.

A Sagittarius Sun wants us to be happy, to be with people, to revel in the abundance of the season. Be an “of course” for abundance, reach for the good things, learn something new, pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also wise and can see truth that others don’t) but, just be aware of the edges.

Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Ascendant and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, always try to take advantage and benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag fun.

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the Centaur – half man/ half horse, usually with a wine pouch. Perfect – just in time for a holiday gathering. Spread cheer!

*Sagittarius – November 22, 2014 4:38 AM EST / 1:38AM PST

*Gem stone: sodalite, * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

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A Leo Sun Brightens & Warms Us – 7/22/14

The Sun rules the 5th sign of the Zodiac and you can tell. With the influence of the “Sun King”, we all should feel upbeat, magnanimous, a bit more dramatic and drawn to the spotlight regardless of our actual Astrology sign. Leo urges us to be generous, attention seeking, creative and full of a lion’s pride. When the Sun struts into this regal Fire sign, expect to have some fun for the duration of its stay.

astrology_chartwheel 2Planet Jupiter, big in size and attitude, bounced into Leo on July 16, 2014 and will remain until August 11, 2015. Feelings of confidence, good fortune and largess are all traits associated with this planet and when it visits Leo, about every 12 years, the possibilities for optimism and creativity are endless. Where ever it appears in your chart, focus will be on Jupiter’s themes of expansion, “bigger is better” , etc. Money will be very easy to throw around, so rein in the urge to show off. People will be drawn to you regardless.

Another plus, interaction, written and verbal, with others will become livelier, more colorful due to communication planet Mercury’s 15 day transit of Leo beginning August 1, 2014.

However, a note of cautionary, even while being tempted with “sunny” excess, if an idea, proposition, or scheme seems just too good to be true – it just might be. Moderation and common sense works – you can still have a good time!

Sun into Leo: July 22, 2014, 5:41PM EDT / 2:41PM PDT

*Gemstone- Tiger’s Eye *Power colors- Gold, orange (Sun colors) * Body Part – Heart (…of a lion!)

**BTW: The date when the Sun transits into a sign can fluctuate year to year -19, 20, 21, 22. If born on one of these days, you are considered a cusp baby – close to two signs- but regardless, there is only one Sun sign in an Astrology chart  (however, the individual will often exhibit a combo of characteristics from both signs).


Weekend: Moon in Fun Sag, Then Ambitious Cap

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lDue to the Moon position in the 9th sign of the Zodiac, Friday and Saturday presents us with cheerful and adventurous possibilities. Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, which is a Fire sign, gives the ok to be upbeat, enthusiastic with expectations of good things.  (The champagne glass is ½ full, not ½ empty sort of attitude.) Take a short trip, spread some cheer, learn something new. Smile.

Early on Sunday morning, March 23, 2014, an atmospheric change comes along as the Moon moves into Earth sign Capricorn. Lasting until Tuesday morning, our thoughts become more deliberate and concerned with ambition, status, financial stability, etc. Be responsible, take charge and accomplish your goals. (But, continue to smile.)

A weekend with variety – enjoy it!


Saturday, Sunday Sag Moon = Adventure!

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lA Sagittarius Moon from early Saturday, February 22, 2014, until early Monday morning will have us getting out and about, seeing people, being optimistic. An enthusiastic “We can-do-anything” frame of mind is a definite trait of this good natured, Jupiter ruled Fire sign. There may be sudden urges to travel and seek adventure, which can add up to a fun weekend.  

With a  Sag Moon, taking chances, taking risks can seem very attractive and stimulating. But, no matter how great the scheme sounds, you still must stay grounded enough to get all the facts (an exact measurement for the Bungee drop rope is a good idea). But, it’s nice to know that the universe and lunar energy are on your side.  (Mercury is still retrograde, so pay attention to the details.)

Have an upbeat, up tempo weekend!


Great Weekend – Moon in Passionate Scorpio, Then Peppy Sagittarius

Astro moon-waning-crescent-lBeginning Friday December 27, 2013, until Sunday, the Moon is solidly in the middle of Scorpio drama, intensity and determination. Anything you want to find out? Search for anyone, uncover a mystery? The Scorpio Moon provides the determination and energy to discover and handle truths. Secrets are not safe from this Pluto ruled Water sign. No hiding allowed. It translates to an unwillingness to coast, “go along to get along”, etc. Some feathers may be ruffled, but the impulse to drill deep and get to the bottom of whatever will be hard to deny.

Early Sunday morning, it’s all about Sagittarius. When the Moon bounces into this Jupiter ruled Fire sign, we tend to be upbeat, friendly risk takers. It’s all good, everything is possible, a “yes” attitude. Fun Sagittarian energy – great time to do something, be something, learn something – and enjoy it!

Have a marvelous weekend!


Optimistic Sagittarius New Moon 12/2/13

A New Moon in Sagittarius, Monday December 2, 2013, gets the month off to an upbeat start. Abundance, fun, bigger is best, far reaching ideas, etc. are all part of this Jupiter ruled Zodiac Fire sign.

Astro New Moon CrescentLaunch, create, kick-off, manifest – the New Moon is a great time to start something, especially with the positive, good luck Sag vibe. Of course success isn’t guaranteed, you still gotta do the work, but the universe and lunar energy will support you – which is nothing to sneeze at. Take advantage, work it – but, don’t get too cocky, pay attention to the details.

FYI = The Moon is “New” when it’s in the same sign as the Sun (Sun entered Sagittarius on 11/21/13). Even though the Moon will go on to another sign (Capricorn on Wednesday), the supportive “New” energy lasts for approximately 10 days. 

 *New Moon 12/2/13:  4:22 PM Pacific /  7:22 PM Eastern

Spontaneous, Sage Sag Sun: 11/21/13

The Sagittarius Sun hits us on Thursday, November 21, 2013. Be ready to think lucky, think large. Let’s all enjoy this 9th sign of the Zodiac’s feelings of confidence, optimism and adventure. Always coming to mind is my favorite line from “Jaws” – “we’re going to need a bigger boat.” We just don’t have enough space for all the super happenings anticipated when there is a Sag Sun. Prepare to give and receive graciously – it has lots to do with attitude.

astrology_chartwheel 2With this Fire sign, ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune and “BIG”- ideas, actions, themes- we need to aim for controlled excess. There is this underlying sense of “can’t miss”, more is best, everything is wonderful!  Just remember to pause occasionally and look over the landscape – not only to enjoy the view, but also to realize that some of those “sure things” are not and might cost ya. Be happy, be an “of course” for abundance and excellence, reach for the good things, share your largesse, learn something new and pay attention to your intuition (Sags love a good laugh but they are also sharp, deep and can see what others don’t) but, be aware of the edges – over confidence might send you over. 

*Sagittarius – November 21, 2013   10:48 PM EST / 7:48 PM PST

*Gem stone: Citrine, Sodalite * Power color: Lilac, Mauve * Body Part: liver, Hips

BTW: The symbol for Sagittarius is the half man/ half horse Centaur – usually with a wine pouch. Perfect, just in time for a holiday gathering. Spread cheer!

(Of course, most affected will be those with a Sagittarius Sun, Rising and/or Moon sign. But, regardless of your actual birthday, ride the coattails and take advantage to benefit from the best vibrations of whichever sign the Sun is transiting. For the next 30 days, we can all share in some Sag upbeatness and fun.)

Gemini Sun May 20 * Be busy, Have Fun!

astrology_chartwheel 2The Sun moves into Gemini later this afternoon and it will give us the urge to chat up all who pass our way. Mercury, our communications, education, transportation planet, rules the 3rd sign of the Zodiac and it wants us to add variety to life and just generally perk things up.

While the Sun is in the sign of the twins (Castor/Pollux), writing, reading, conversation, quick weekend getaways, a “lets do something/lets learn something” type of energy can influence everyone regardless of where they are on the astrology calendar.  Be quick, clever, entertaining and full of news (sometimes gossip) to share. Regardless of whether you tweet, face book, mobile or have an old fashioned face-to-face, communication rules. Enjoy the flexibility, embrace your versatility.

Adding to the fun is Jupiter, planet of luck and more, more, more is always better, transiting until June 26, 2013. It can lift spirits, add to the joy of life and also make us reckless, taking Gemini’s legendary multi-tasking skills to new levels. Just be careful of scattering your energies. Do complete important projects and / or when something has been promised. Half done is half accomplished.

Gemini:  5:10PM EST / 2:10PM PST May 20, 2013 * Duality rocks, variety rocks

Gemstone: Pearl or Agate * Power Color: Yellow * Body Part: Hands